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 let your true colors shining through.

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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyPon Jul 25, 2011 11:06 am

alrighty, prejšna tema je bila že precej zapolnjena, tako da sem odprla za novo šolsko leto drugo.
delam avatarje velikosti 150×200, slike za opise, facebook, plot page in podobne stvari velikosti
500×300, mix slike oseb katerih ne morete dobiti na skupnih slikah, lahko tudi kaj drugega oziroma
druge velikosti, če rabite za kaj drugega. vi samo povejte kaj želite.^^
ponavadi naredim dokaj hitro (razen pri mix slikah boste morali verjetno počakati malce dlje), ampak
vseeno bodite potrpežljivi če ne dobite v roku treh dni, sploh če bo kakšna vrsta. če bi želeli imeti
avatarje/slike iz kakšne posebne galerije mi dajte link, sicer bom pač naredila iz tistega kar dobim.
pa ponavadi ne uporabljam textur, samo igram se z barvami itd. tako da če želite kaj extra
posebnega nisem pravi naslov. (:

150 × 200

let your true colors shining through.  20 let your true colors shining through.  040 let your true colors shining through.  45

let your true colors shining through.  59 let your true colors shining through.  2008-s06-0007 let your true colors shining through.  13

500 × 300

let your true colors shining through.  26a

let your true colors shining through.  04

let your true colors shining through.  02


let your true colors shining through.  Xavmic

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hunter welsch
hunter welsch

Female Aries Dog
število prispevkov : 352
cash : 712
street reputation : 151
tvoja starost : 30
starost lika : 26
group : police
kraj rojstva : nashville, tennessee

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyPon Jul 25, 2011 11:38 am

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owen foster
owen foster

Female Virgo Pig
število prispevkov : 387
cash : 668
street reputation : 231
tvoja starost : 29
starost lika : 30
group : locals
kraj rojstva : philly, usa

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyTor Jul 26, 2011 12:09 pm

no jaz bi samo naročila slike za opis od kristen bell in max irons (:
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyTor Jul 26, 2011 5:36 pm

Gaspard je napisal/a:

    še jaz, še jaz. Razz lidsay ellingson in andrew garfield pretty please. let your true colors shining through.  889921 pa če bi lahko pri vsakem tudi sliko za opis lepo prosim.

lindsay ellingson;

let your true colors shining through.  30 let your true colors shining through.  21 let your true colors shining through.  24

let your true colors shining through.  02-1

preostanek paketka dobiš na temle linku.

andrew garfield;

let your true colors shining through.  62 let your true colors shining through.  52 let your true colors shining through.  49

let your true colors shining through.  19-1

preostanek paketka dobiš na temle linku.

upam da so ti všeč oziroma da dobiš kaj koristnega zase. let your true colors shining through.  863453
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyPet Jul 29, 2011 9:44 am

Lucas je napisal/a:
luke grimes & hunter parrish pretty please :] pa še kako slikco za opis/facebook od vsakega let your true colors shining through.  889921

se opravičujem za rahlo zamudo. let your true colors shining through.  889921

luke grimes;

let your true colors shining through.  32 let your true colors shining through.  30 let your true colors shining through.  09

let your true colors shining through.  28

preostanek pa lahko pobereš dol TUKAJ. (:

hunter parrish;

let your true colors shining through.  Tumblr_loz912j0rC1qzu8cqo1_500 let your true colors shining through.  Hpd_MMUT_12 let your true colors shining through.  223-1

let your true colors shining through.  Mm2

preostanek pa lahko pobereš dol TUKAJ. (:

upam da ti bodo moji izdelki kaj koristili.^^
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyPet Jul 29, 2011 11:33 am

Sara je napisal/a:

najprej, moram priznat da nisem imela pojma kaj točno hočeš. slikce za opis niso 150×200 ampak 300×500. ne vem, al si hotla in slike za opise in ikone, ampak sem pač nazadnje sklepala da si se zatipkala pri velikosti slik za opis, tako da sem naredila sam to. če pa si hotla še ikone zraven, pa naroči še enkrat. Wink

amber heard;
let your true colors shining through.  DriveAngry3D-Stills_001
let your true colors shining through.  DriveAngry3D-Trailer_029

preostanek slik za opise dobiš TUKAJ.

ian somerhalder;
let your true colors shining through.  01
let your true colors shining through.  040
preostanek slik za opis dobiš TUKAJ.

upam da ti bodo kul in uporabni.^^
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyPet Jul 29, 2011 5:45 pm

Bianca je napisal/a:
gemma arterton za opis slikco in avatarje please and thank you.

here you go. (:

gemma arterton;

let your true colors shining through.  19 let your true colors shining through.  11 let your true colors shining through.  25

let your true colors shining through.  27

preostanek paketka pa si lahko potegneš dol TUKAJ.
upam da dobiš kaj dobrega zase. smitten
Nazaj na vrh Go down
hunter welsch
hunter welsch

Female Aries Dog
število prispevkov : 352
cash : 712
street reputation : 151
tvoja starost : 30
starost lika : 26
group : police
kraj rojstva : nashville, tennessee

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptySob Jul 30, 2011 3:50 pm

    gosh, komej zdej opazla. chuckle
    kakorkol, vse tole skupej je prou amazing in ja, jst sm narobe napisala pr merah, my bad, slikce za opiske sm misnla.^^
    however zakon je tole oboje in thank you very much. smitten2
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyNed Jul 31, 2011 4:51 pm

Carola je napisal/a:
no jaz bi samo naročila slike za opis od kristen bell in max irons (:

kristen bell;

let your true colors shining through.  02
let your true colors shining through.  06

preostanek TUKAJ.

let your true colors shining through.  07
let your true colors shining through.  04

max irons;

preostanek TUKAJ.

hope u like it. Wink
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptySre Avg 03, 2011 7:32 pm

okej, naročil mam ogromno, ampak ker se bliža otvoritev leta sem se odločila da najprej naredim vsem ki so prišli na vrsto do zdaj slike za opis, ko končam s tem se pa vrnem nazaj na ikonce tud. upam da vam je kul. :3 ker vam ne bo dost koristlo če boste dobili slike za opis čez dva tedna. (:

lonell blanc je napisal/a:
RYAN GOSLING in KEMP MUHL let your true colors shining through.  556826

ryan gosling;

let your true colors shining through.  06
let your true colors shining through.  05

the rest are HERE. :3

kemp muhl;

let your true colors shining through.  07
let your true colors shining through.  04

preostanek je pa TU.

sergei ivashkov je napisal/a:
avatars and slikce za opis/fb/phone and smth od chace crawford, por favor? :3

chace crawford;

let your true colors shining through.  01
let your true colors shining through.  06

preostanek bannerjev je TUKAJ. hope u like them. Wink

noah frassberg je napisal/a:
sam claflin ikonce in za opis prosim let your true colors shining through.  889921

sam claflin;

that's some serious crapfest. >.< sorry.

let your true colors shining through.  01
let your true colors shining through.  04

preostanek je pa TULE. upam da bodo vseeno kul.^^
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyČet Avg 04, 2011 11:09 am

seveda da lahko, baha ^^
in me veseli da vam je obema všeč smitten

alice van dorsten je napisal/a:
imogen poots pretty please let your true colors shining through.  889921
bi pa prosila par slik za facebook + opis (:

imogen poots;

let your true colors shining through.  05
let your true colors shining through.  03

preostanek pa je TULE. hope u like it.^^

anthea blanc je napisal/a:

    jest bi pa samo kakšno slikco za facebook/opis/ipd. od blake livelylet your true colors shining through.  889921 merci :3

let your true colors shining through.  04-1
let your true colors shining through.  05-1

ostale pa so še TU. upam da so kul.^^
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyPet Avg 05, 2011 2:40 pm

lonell blanc je napisal/a:
let your true colors shining through.  556826

evo, še ikonce. (:

ryan gosling;

let your true colors shining through.  11 let your true colors shining through.  09 let your true colors shining through.  05-1

the rest are HERE.

kemp muhl;

let your true colors shining through.  35 let your true colors shining through.  20 let your true colors shining through.  25

the rest are HERE.

upam da ti bodo kul. let your true colors shining through.  889921
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oliver mclaughlin
oliver mclaughlin

Female Libra Rooster
število prispevkov : 985
cash : 1888
street reputation : 496
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 32 years old
group : ons
kraj rojstva : los angeles, usa

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyNed Avg 07, 2011 10:23 am

    francisco lachowski ikone, please? smitten pa še za mixe bi te prosila, ko sm ravno že tukaj.
    - francisco lachowski & lyndsy fonseca
    - francisco lachowski & blake lively & ryan gosling - če bi se dalo te tri skupi, bi blo actually pretty cool, sicer pa vsakega posebi. ^^

    TYT && thanks in advance. (:
Nazaj na vrh Go down
owen foster
owen foster

Female Virgo Pig
število prispevkov : 387
cash : 668
street reputation : 231
tvoja starost : 29
starost lika : 30
group : locals
kraj rojstva : philly, usa

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyNed Avg 07, 2011 2:04 pm

SKYLAR je napisal/a:
Carola je napisal/a:
no jaz bi samo naročila slike za opis od kristen bell in max irons (:

kristen bell;

let your true colors shining through.  02
let your true colors shining through.  06

preostanek TUKAJ.

let your true colors shining through.  07
let your true colors shining through.  04

max irons;

preostanek TUKAJ.

hope u like it. Wink

prečudovito, kot vedno. (: smitten
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptySob Avg 13, 2011 7:30 pm

julian de assis ferreira je napisal/a:

    francisco lachowski ikone, please? let your true colors shining through.  889921 pa še za mixe bi te prosila, ko sm ravno že tukaj.
    - francisco lachowski & lyndsy fonseca
    - francisco lachowski & blake lively & ryan gosling - če bi se dalo te tri skupi, bi blo actually pretty cool, sicer pa vsakega posebi. ^^

    TYT && thanks in advance. (:

glede mixov. se vidi da jih nism delala že dolgo časa, tako da je tale pravi crapfest. >.<
francisco & lyndsy
drugi mix še dobiš, trenutno ni več navdiha.^^

francisco lachowski icons;

let your true colors shining through.  55 let your true colors shining through.  51 let your true colors shining through.  36

preostanek je pa TUKAJ. hope u like them (:

Nazaj na vrh Go down
oliver mclaughlin
oliver mclaughlin

Female Libra Rooster
število prispevkov : 985
cash : 1888
street reputation : 496
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 32 years old
group : ons
kraj rojstva : los angeles, usa

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptySob Avg 13, 2011 8:23 pm

    woooah, it's just amazing! everything. smitten hvalaaaaaa. <33 glede mixov pa - just take your time. (:
Nazaj na vrh Go down
main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyNed Avg 14, 2011 6:57 pm

okej, še drugi mix za juliana.
hmm, kakršenkoli mix od francisca ni za objavo. ampak dobro, neki sem naredila, totalno bom razumela če ne boš uporabila ker vem da jaz ne bi. XD ampak dejansko boljš kot to dvomim da lahk kaj spackam, ker nima pravih slik za naredit kake fajne mixe.^^

ryan & francisco & blake

eydis arnardottir je napisal/a:
taylor swift icons, pretty please...

pretty taylor swift ;3

let your true colors shining through.  68 let your true colors shining through.  65 let your true colors shining through.  50

preostanek je pa TUKAJ. upam da ti bo všeč. (;
Nazaj na vrh Go down
oliver mclaughlin
oliver mclaughlin

Female Libra Rooster
število prispevkov : 985
cash : 1888
street reputation : 496
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 32 years old
group : ons
kraj rojstva : los angeles, usa

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyNed Avg 14, 2011 9:59 pm

    hvalaaaaaa. smitten it's just awesome. <33 ej, a bi lahk nrdila še en mix pa francisco lachowski + alexis bledel, please? pač, sorry ker ti tok težim s tem in vse, but i really love those two, and yeah.. smitten pač, če se ti bo dal enkrat v bližji prihodnosti. chuckle which means -- tyt, girl, srsly. (:
Nazaj na vrh Go down
owen foster
owen foster

Female Virgo Pig
število prispevkov : 387
cash : 668
street reputation : 231
tvoja starost : 29
starost lika : 30
group : locals
kraj rojstva : philly, usa

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyČet Avg 18, 2011 11:32 am

    no dolgo nisem naročala mixov in tukaj sem :3
    kristen bell & sebastian stan
    max irons & amber heard

Nazadnje urejal/a elena roemer Ned Avg 21, 2011 9:44 am; skupaj popravljeno 2 krat
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyTor Avg 23, 2011 10:07 am

georgie sorrento je napisal/a:

    mislim, da ni treba dodatno hvaliti kako izjemno mega fantastične ikonce delaš, ker to sama tudi že veš. ampak, pohval ni nikoli dovolj, tako da še z moje strani, mega ikonce! vem, da sem pri rezervaciji dala delati ikonce ampak ker sem sedaj spremenila bi lepo prosila, če mi narediš še nekaj ikonc od astrid berges frisbey 150x200 ter 500x300 in še hayden christensen 150x200, 500x300, por favor!

hayden še pride. (:

astrid berges frisbey;

let your true colors shining through.  015 let your true colors shining through.  010a let your true colors shining through.  001b

let your true colors shining through.  Banner4

preostanek stare avatarje dobiš na TEM linku. Wink hope you like them!

Nazadnje urejal/a SKYLAR Sre Avg 24, 2011 2:14 pm; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptySre Avg 24, 2011 2:16 pm

georgie sorrento je napisal/a:
    mislim, da ni treba dodatno hvaliti kako izjemno mega fantastične ikonce delaš, ker to sama tudi že veš. ampak, pohval ni nikoli dovolj, tako da še z moje strani, mega ikonce! vem, da sem pri rezervaciji dala delati ikonce ampak ker sem sedaj spremenila bi lepo prosila, če mi narediš še nekaj ikonc od astrid berges frisbey 150x200 ter 500x300 in še hayden christensen 150x200, 500x300, por favor!

let your true colors shining through.  Mat_f let your true colors shining through.  8 let your true colors shining through.  002b

let your true colors shining through.  Banner4

preostanek je TUKAJ. upam da ti bodo všeč. Wink
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptySre Avg 24, 2011 10:21 pm

me veseli, da ti je všeč. smitten sem mal bolj naštudirala tale photoshop zadne dni Razz

lonell blanc je napisal/a:
upam, da ti ne bom zagrenila življenja s tem massive naročilom, ampak ti si res kar vzemi čas.

ryan gosling&blake lively
ryan gosling&francisco lachowski

ryan gosling&cintia dicker
kemp muhl&jake gylenhaal
kemp muhl&hunter parrish

thanks a million smitten

oh shit, sploh nism vidla da si dva prečrtala. hmm, hja nč, glede na to da sm naredila že takrat tistega z blake ga prilagam zraven, če ga ne boš uporabla ne bo nč narobe. Razz

ryan & blake
ryan & cintia

tiste s kemp dobiš drugič, sem trenutno obupala nad iskanjem kakih primernih slik za mixe.^^
Nazaj na vrh Go down
main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyČet Avg 25, 2011 2:36 pm

elena roemer je napisal/a:
    no dolgo nisem naročala mixov in tukaj sem :3
    kristen bell & sebastian stan
    max irons & amber heard

upam da sta kul. Wink

kristen & sebastian
max & amber
Nazaj na vrh Go down
owen foster
owen foster

Female Virgo Pig
število prispevkov : 387
cash : 668
street reputation : 231
tvoja starost : 29
starost lika : 30
group : locals
kraj rojstva : philly, usa

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyČet Avg 25, 2011 2:53 pm

SKYLAR je napisal/a:
elena roemer je napisal/a:
    no dolgo nisem naročala mixov in tukaj sem :3
    kristen bell & sebastian stan
    max irons & amber heard

upam da sta kul. Wink

kristen & sebastian
max & amber

    prečudovita sta in jaz sem ostala brez besed smitten3
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main admin
main admin

Female Aries Dragon
število prispevkov : 1181
cash : 2208
street reputation : 65
tvoja starost : 36

let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  EmptyNed Avg 28, 2011 8:45 pm

julian de assis ferreira je napisal/a:

    hvalaaaaaa. smitten it's just awesome. <33 ej, a bi lahk nrdila še en mix pa francisco lachowski alexis bledel, please? pač, sorry ker ti tok težim s tem in vse, but i really love those two, and yeah.. smitten pač, če se ti bo dal enkrat v bližji prihodnosti. chuckle which means -- tyt, girl, srsly. (:

blah, ta je bolj tko-tko ratu no -.-
francisco & alexis
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let your true colors shining through.  _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: let your true colors shining through.    let your true colors shining through.  Empty

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let your true colors shining through.

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