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 birthday claim

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oliver mclaughlin
oliver mclaughlin

Female Libra Rooster
število prispevkov : 985
cash : 1888
street reputation : 496
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 32 years old
group : ons
kraj rojstva : los angeles, usa

birthday claim _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: birthday claim   birthday claim EmptySre Jul 10, 2013 5:28 pm


3rd of january is a birthday of maxine adler.
13th of january is a birthday of jane hawkins.

13th of february is a birthday of dallas holden.
20th of february is a birthday of kellan von apperson.

1st of march is a birthday of teresa accardi.

14th of april is a birthday of billie winston.
17th of april is a birthday of jake freeman.

15th of may is a birthday of caiden keegan.
22nd of may is a birthday of roxanne kendall.

21st of june is a birthday of ariel newton.

26th of july is a birthday of kenzi washington.

8th of august is a birthday of mason o'reilly.
23rd of august is a birthday of sammy galante.

21th of september is a birthday of nathan kendall.

7th of october is a birthday of matias goldberg.
22nd of october is a birthday of marco de luca.
25th of october is a birthday of addison morgan.

1st of november is a birthday of elle wildrow.
3rd of november is a birthday of beatriz von apperson.
24th of november is a birthday of cay yates.
27th of november is a birthday of wesley pierce.

3rd of december is a birthday of lilly jones.
11th of december is a birthday of polina vassilieva.

ta tema bo spremljala starost oz. staranje vaših likov. ko napišete opis, vanj seveda zapišete starost lika v tistem trenutku.

primer #1: v opisu imate zapisano, da je vaš lik star 24 let. za njegov rojstni dan izberete 4. maj. na forumu se odvija mesec april. ko se bo na forumu menjal mesec iz aprila v maj, bo v tem mesecu vaš lik dopolnil 25 let.

primer #2: v opisu imate zapisano, da je vaš lik star 24 let. za njegov rojstni dan izberete 4. maj. na forumu se odvija mesec junij. vaš lik bo dopolnil 25 let šele čez enajst mesecev, maja prihodnje leto.

[code][b]day and a month[/b] is a birthday of [b]name and surname[/b].[/code]

      31st of january is a birthday of john doe.
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