število prispevkov : 55 cash : 112 street reputation : 33 tvoja starost : 32 starost lika : 24 group : russian mafia kraj rojstva : moscow, russia
Naslov sporočila: apartment B1 Ned Mar 31, 2013 4:51 pm
tag; BRODY
Čutila se je izgubljeno. V Filadelfiji je sedaj živela že nekaj mesecev, pa je tu in tam na vprašanje po njenem imenu še vedno odgovorila zelo negotovo, evropejskega naglasa pa se tako ali tako ni mogla znebiti takoj ob prihodu. Bilo je težko, prekleto težko, za nameček pa je ob vsaki zabavi, ob vsakem dotiku pomislila na zaročenca. Na tistega, ki so mu pred meseci sporočili žalostno novico o njeni smrti, na tistega, ki – preden 'so jo pokopali' – ni dobil niti priložnosti videti njenega telesa. Ker ga seveda ni bilo, toda vseeno si ni mogla predstavljati bolečine, s katero se je spopadala njena družina ob pogrebu, ob pokopu osebe, ki nenazadnje sploh ni bila njihova kri. Stežka se je privadila na nov način življenja, na delo v velikanskem timu, ki je bil vsaj desetkrat večji od bratislavskega, na presneto popivanje vsak konec tedna, ki je bilo med sodelavci očitno nespremenljiva klasika, na osvajanje in dolge nosove, ko jim je v obraz zabičala, da je zaročena in naj niti ne pomislijo na kaj več. Zakaj je še vedno uporabljala ta izgovor seveda ni vedela niti sama; ni bila več zaročena, človek, ki ga je globoko v sebi še vedno ljubila, je pred meseci pokopal svojo ljubo in sedaj verjetno vsaj že približno pozabil na splet okoliščin, mogoče je celo našel dobro zamenjavo. Mogoče je bil za spremembo celo srečen, zadovoljen, ponovno iskreno zaljubljen. In mogoče si je to zaslužila tudi ona. Verjetno je bil za to razmišljanje kriv tudi Brody, edini, ki mu je dejansko podlegla, edini, ki mu je verjela, edini, katerega dlan je sprejela, čeprav je bilo prekleto jasno kako se bo vse skupaj razpletlo in končalo. Bila sta na poti do njegovega stanovanja in čim so se ji po glavi začeli plesti različni scenariji, jih je z vzhičenim smejanjem hitela odganjati. Bila je pripravljena na nov korak, več kot pripravljena, da ob sebi ponovno začuti drget tujega telesa, in čeprav se je deloma čutila, kot da vara, je predvidevala, da na drugem koncu sveta njen zaročenec počne podobno.
»Oh, nisem vedela, da živiva v isti ulici,« se je zarežala in se še trdneje oklenila njegove desnice – deloma zato, ker je precej globoko pogledala v kozarec, pa tudi zato, ker ga je želela ob sebi. Nekako se je zdel kot edina pametna potrata časa; bil je kavalir, spretno je vrtel jezik, čudovito je izgledal in rad ji je pihal na dušo; seveda si ni predstavljala, da bi to utegnila biti le krinka ali začasna maska, verjela je v človekovo dobro in nasedla. Tako zelo, da je ob vstopu v njegovo privatnost, povsem pozabila, da se pravzaprav nahaja v tujem stanovanju, ter olajšano planila v njegov objem. Verjetno mu je bilo slednje čisto všeč, sploh ko je simpatični (predvsem pa novi) bluzici domala odtrgala gumb, preden jo je uspela potegniti s sebe. Z levico za njegovim vratom si ga je potegnila bliže, poljubila, kot da bi se ji šlo za življenje, potem pa se popolnoma prepustila toku njegovih potegov. Med strastnim in precej zmedenim slačenjem sta se vendarle uspela prebiti do spalnice, kjer ga je lahkotno potisnila v sedeč položaj. Z dlanema je zdrsnila preko prekleto dobro izklesanega telesa do pasu, kjer se je zamudila le toliko, da je odpela gumb njegovih hlač, ki so bile v tistem trenutku povsem odveč. Sedla je v njegovo naročje in občutek ob tem je bil popolnoma drugačen kot tisti, ki ga je doživljala z zaročencem. Tako zelo drugačen. Divja sla po njegovem telesu, neukrotljivo poželenje, kot bi bila v tistem trenutku vse ostalo pripravljena podrediti le njemu.
brody reid
število prispevkov : 60 cash : 153 street reputation : 55 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 24 group : gang kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: apartment B1 Ned Apr 07, 2013 4:12 pm
ne. takšnega poteka dogodkov tega večera ni načrtoval in ko je vstopil v bar, kjer je vedel, da bo za točilnim pultom zagledal rjavolaso policistko obkroženo s sodelavci. sedela bo sredi nasmejane družbe z napol polnim kozarcem v roki in na obrazu ohranjala nespremenljiv nasmešek. čudilo ga je, da nihče od prisotnih ni opazil, kako se kotički njenih ustnic nikoli ne zasukajo višje, se ne premaknejo. samo stojijo na mestu in izdajajo, kako lažen je pravzaprav nasmeh, s katerim skuša prepričati vse prisotne, da je na pravem kraju in da uživa v brezskrbnem popivanju po končanem delovnem dnevu. njuno prvo srečanje je načrtoval, tisto izpred približno dveh tednov, ko se je narisal ob njenem barskem stolčku in strmel vanjo s preiskujočim pogledom, dokler ni tisti lažen nasmeh padel z njenega obraza in je uspešno pridobil njeno pozornost. plačal ji je naslednjo pijačo in ji zašepetal na uho, da ji ne verjame, nato pa odšel. naslednji dan je ponovil zgodbo, le da sta spregovorila nekaj besedic več in tako se je nadaljevalo vse do danes. nocoj je moral za tolpo poskrbeti za nekaj manjših opravkov in je posledično v bar prišel kasneje, napol pričakujoč, da je odšla in skovala drobno zamero, ker se ni prikazal – četudi nikoli nista bila dogovorjena. sam bi ji vsekakor zameril, če je na lepem ne bi bilo. niti približno pametno ni bilo, da se je sukal okrog policistke in to povsej verjetnosti še precej ambiciozne, ki išče priložnosti za napredovanje in ki hoče zadostiti pravici. ko mu je končno uspelo priti do lokala, je imela v sebi že nekaj kozarčkov preveč, kar se je samo še stopnjevalo, ko se ji je pri popivanju pridružil. sam se je držal stran od drog in alkohola, zato je bila ena doza viskija povsem dovolj. in sedaj se je oklepala njegove desnice, ko je odklepal vrata stanovanja in se muzal njenim besedam.
''oh, živiva v isti ulici? fenomenalno. saj veš, kaj to pomeni, kajne?'' je odgovoril s širokim nasmeškom, ko so se vrata vdala pod ključavnico in se odprla v temno stanovanje, v katerega je stopil s korakom nazaj. v trenutku je bila ob njem, na njem, v njem. njene roke so se ovila okrog njegovega trupa, dokler ni izgubila zadnje trohice kontrole in je vihravo odpela gumbe svoje bluze, ki je pristala na tleh sprejemnice. ''večkrat se boš morala oglasiti,'' je prikimal, ko mu je po kratkem premoru brez daha in brez pameti uspelo najti rdečo nit njegovih misli in je pogled odvrnil od čipkastega dekolteja navzgor proti njej. ''pila si,'' je samo izgovoril tisto najbolj očitno, a ni imel nobenega namena ustaviti njenega zapeljevanja. prepustil je svoje telo toku, ki so ga narekovale njene ustnice v obupanem poljubu, ki jo je privedel tesno k njemu in če do zdaj še ni ugotovila, kako prekleto ga spravlja ob pamet, je morala to zdaj nedvomno čutiti. z roko je segel za njen hrbet in s hrbtiščem zdrsel prek vročične kože nad njeno zadnjico, vse do zaponke nedrčka, katero je spretno odpel in jo z naslednjim gibom nemudoma odrešil naramnic in odvečnega kosa spodnjega perila. ''mmm, popolna si,'' je z zasoplim pridušenim glasom zamrmral ob njeno kožo in z ustnicami prekril novo razgaljeno površje njenega telesa. na slepo je našel pot skozi temno stanovanje do majhne minimalistično opremljene spalnice. soba je vsebovala zgolj nizko posteljo in predalnik. spustil se je navzdol na rob postelje in se z dlanmi naslonil nazaj, ko se je namenila raziskovati vsako ped njegovega izklesanega trupa in svojo dlan ustavila nevarno nizko, da je zadržal dih in se namuznil, ko je opazil nezamenljivo poželenje v jakosti njenega pogleda. ''odpni,'' je zaukazal, ko se je prepočasi poigravala z gumbom njegovih kavbojk in jo potegnil navzdol v svoje naročje, a s tem le še prilil goriva na ogenj. roke je sklenil okrog njenega pasu in jo pomaknil na stran, da je s hrbtom padla nazaj na posteljo in je bil v trenutku deloma na kolenih med njenimi razkrečenimi nogami. odpel je gumb in zadrgo ozkih kavbojk potisnil navzdol, nato pa jo rešil še zadnjih dveh kosov oblačil, da je povsem gola obležala pred njim. ''tako prekleto popolna,'' je komaj slišno zamrmral z zamegljenim pogledom in pritisnil prvi poljub tik pod njen popek. naslednjega nižje. njegove ustnice so zdrsnile med njena stegna, ko je sunkovito usločila hrbet in se je moral zadovoljno nasmehniti ob vzdihu, ki je odmeval po temni spalnici.
anastasia volkova
število prispevkov : 55 cash : 112 street reputation : 33 tvoja starost : 32 starost lika : 24 group : russian mafia kraj rojstva : moscow, russia
Naslov sporočila: Re: apartment B1 Ned Apr 07, 2013 11:07 pm
tag; BRODY
Vedela je, da ne bi smela. Vedela je, pa je vendarle hihitavo sledila njegovim korakom in precej očitno koketirala, ko to niti ne bi bilo tako zelo potrebno. Jasno je bilo, da se privlačita, tega se je zavedala že po prvem srečanju v tistem baru, kjer sta se nato čisto ''naključno'' našla vsak večer. Verjela je, da je on tisti, ki mu lahko zaupa svoje življenje in čeprav je izgledal vse prej kot bogat poštenjak je nekako podlegla njegovi pojavi. »Večkrat? Ja? Odvisno kakšen vtis boš naredil.« Ni točno vedela iz kod so prihajale besede toda ni jih pretehtala vsaj desetkrat, preden jih je izpljunila, kot je to počela navadno. Ni bila zadržana kot vsakič, kot je z njim spregovorila stavek ali dva, in prav gotovo je v tistem trenutku zasluge lahko požela le tista vodka, ki jo je še malo poprej tako vztrajno pošiljala po grlu navzdol. Nekako je pustila telesu, da je naredilo svoje in njeni dlani sta avtomatsko končali nekje na njegovem prstnem košu, medtem ko so ustnice radovedno poiskale njegove, in niti trznila ni, ko jo je tako zelo spretno odrešil nedrčka. »O, bog,« je komajda ulovila nekaj zraka preden je obraz znova zatopila v njegov vrat in ni prenehala s poljubljanjem, ko jo je vodil do sobe, kjer se je odločila prevzeti kontrolo. Seveda je bilo težko, zbrati se ob vsej tej energiji, ki jo je prevevala, zbistriti misli, ko si je del nje tako prekleto želel domov, drugi pa je hrepenel po njegovih dotikih, po njegovem telesu in čutnih poljubih. Spustila se je nekoliko niže in niti na pamet ji ni padlo, da bi po njegovem ukazu oklevala še sekundo dlje, toda poigravanje ga je očitno le še podžgalo; na bokih je začutila krepak oprijem in nežno jo je prevrnil na hrbet ter njeno drgetajoče telo prekril s poljubi. Lahko bi rekla, da se že dolgo ni čutila tako ljubljeno, tako ženstveno, kot v tistem trenutku in le zahvalila se je lahko blokadi, ki je popolnoma zavzela njen dar govora, kajti v nasprotnem primeru bi zagotovo bleknila kaj neumnega.
Le neumorno je lovila sapo, ko je s prsti spretno potoval preko njene razgrete kože in jo poljubljal tam, kjer je že dolgo ni bila poljubljena, ji prigovarjal besede, ki jih že prekleto dolgo ni slišala in preprosto nemogoče je bilo užitek pokazati na tišji način. »Oh … mislim … da …« je v intervalih šepetala medtem ko je njeno telo zavzel nepopustljiv krč, ki se ga ne bi mogla rešiti, četudi bi si to želela. V pesteh je krčevito stiskala konce rjuhe pod njo, ena izmed dlani pa ji je naposled vendarle ušla do svetlolasca, ki ga je po vsem tem le še močneje želela čutiti ob sebi … na sebi. »My turn,« je poltiho zamrmrala, ko je pod svojim telesom ukleščil njenega in se navihano prekotalila v levo, toliko, da je bil sedaj on tisti pod njenim nadzorom … v njenih drobnih rokah, ki že mesece niso začutile vročične moške kože. »Kako,« mu je na ustnice pritisnila mehak in čuten poljub, potem pa nadaljevala navzdol preko vratu »ti vedno uspe,« in čvrstega prstnega koša, »popolnoma,« do popka, »obnoreti vsako žensko,« in še niže, dokler ni bila končno prisiljena v tisto, kar bi morala storiti še prej. Znebiti se njegovih oblačil, ki so bile edino kar ju je še ločevalo.
brody reid
število prispevkov : 60 cash : 153 street reputation : 55 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 24 group : gang kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa
''babe, don't even dare to question me,'' he flashed a wicked smile before adding a sinister promise: ''and... i'll take that as a first-class challenge.'' oh fuck, she was beyond lovely. her dark brown hair all over his bed, a perfect contrast against the white sheets. he let out a gentle breath on her sex before kissing her core, his tongue doing a teasing swirl around her clit. in a way her eyes seemed to be a thousand years old with a weight of a long hard life, but like this – spread wide naked on his bed – she seemed so uncorrupted and refreshingly pure. he worked her with his mouth and glanced up to see her fingers tightly gripping the edges of sheets, holding on, her mouth slightly open while a quiet moan escaped her. and a louder one. and an intense one when she gasped, yet didn't dare to come. good, he wanted to be inside her when that happened. ''i don't have a fucking clue what you're trying to say but i could stare at you for a whole day,'' he smiled as she started to murmur something and then rolled from underneath him, just to strongly push him onto the bed onto his back. he didn't mind her taking over the control, not at all. he would gladly give her the remote control to his whole life if that would mean he would get to see her come by his hand, mouth or his cock. she was that magnificent. he pushed himself up on his elbows and watched her as she gently kissed his lips, pressed hers onto his neck, down the muscles of his stomach until his jeans stopped her mission. ''i'm not doing anything,'' he softly laughed, his eyes lingering on her fingers when she snapped the button open and started to push his jeans down along with his boxer briefs. he let out a raw groan when her mouth closed around him and the bare image of her like that almost undid him. he raised his hips up, meeting her halfway, refusing to close his eyes or look away. ''f-fuck, holly, you need to stop-p,'' he managed to get out between short breaths and then his hand closed around her armpit, pulling her up, not too gently, and pining her down into the mattress, using his body as a cage around her. ''i need to be inside you and i need you to say my name when you come,'' he whispered into her ear and then traced the line of her jaw and stopped at her lips, kissing her deeply. harshly. not carefully at all. his finger drew a circle on her hip bone and another, each one closer to her core. ''you can say no and stop me, but i don't want you to and i know you won't do it,'' he murmured, slowly teasing her entrance but not sinking in, he opened his eyes just long enough to find a sort of acceptance in her eyes. she might have been drunk but she wanted this. he could see it, feel it. he fucking knew it. without another word or question he pushed himself home with a loud gasp and stilled while trying to comprehend what the hell was going through his head.
anastasia volkova
število prispevkov : 55 cash : 112 street reputation : 33 tvoja starost : 32 starost lika : 24 group : russian mafia kraj rojstva : moscow, russia
She could only smile in awe and hope he’s not one of those guys that only look for easy little sluts to bang, but soon enough her smile wasn’t there for that single reason. Feeling his firm hands on her thighs and his mouth between her legs made her lips automatically turn upwards, her eyes probably rolled back as she grabbed onto the sheets and started shaking uncontrollably from all the pleasure he was giving her. “Oh, fuck,” she let out with a loud moan and not wanting to come too fast she rolled him over and took things into her own hands for a change. She wasn’t used to playing this dirty little girl, but she sure loved it as his skin shivered just a bit with each and every kiss going lower. “You don’t have to,” she muttered, freed him of his boxers and went on with her lips doing what they knew best, getting closer and closer to where she was headed. She tightened them around his shaft, working her way up and down while naughtily looking straight into his eyes - watching the expression on his face change from relaxed, to mesmerized. She had no intention to stop until he begged her to, that’s how much she enjoyed watching him tremble each time she let him deep down her throat. She knew he liked it, fuck it, he loved it, but still he pulled her up underneath him again, pinning her body down against the clean sheets that sure weren’t made to stay that way much longer. “Oh, god, you’re amazing,” she whispered just before he wildly kissed her, leaning his body close to hers, making her feel his hardness right there, so ready to fuck her senseless.
“I need you inside me,” was the only thing she was able to stutter out as she gripped her legs around his body pulling him closer. Feeling his sweaty skin next to hers was the best she’s felt in months and surprise, surprise, she did not feel guilt. She did not regret a single thing she’s done, she longed for him more than anything and she let him know with a weak shout, “I fucking want you.” Taking her wishes seriously he pushed his cock halfway in and her muscles automatically tightened around it, wanting to take more of him for herself. Her nipples hardened as he sunk his face between her breasts and began to move inside her working her into an orgasm, an intense one that made her whole body shake like it would be the end of her. Everything around her seemed like a fucking rollercoaster, he showed her different levels of love making and she could swear she hasn’t freaking lived before that. She’s never felt so much passion and chemistry before, she’s never felt so loved and needed, and she’s never felt so feminine. “Ah, god, Brody,” she yelled out as he kept on going faster and harder, shoving his cock into her, like it was the last thing he’ll ever do. without saying a single thing she wrapped her arms and legs even tighter around him, feeling his hips move against her, rocking ever so slightly. She was high on him, welcoming every single thrust, until the very last when he came inside her. Load after load.
brody reid
število prispevkov : 60 cash : 153 street reputation : 55 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 24 group : gang kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: apartment B1 Ned Apr 14, 2013 8:19 am
note; mature content.
no, she was the amazing one here. he felt as if he conquered all of her barriers, fought down all the walls around her. he had no idea what kind of life she led, yet he knew enough. she was sincere, real and felt so good. every single touch was an euphoria of its own and this surely felt like paradise while she was his eve. he could only listen to her commandment, giving them both what they wanted. after teasing her with the tip of his cock he finally pushed inside and felt her immediately tighten around him. fuck. if she will keep this up he really won't last long and for some reason he needed this to last more than just a few minutes. after carefully stilling inside and letting her give out a weakened shout he started to move. it was a perfect collision of two bodies uniting into one. she met him thrust after thrust and the way her walls tightened around his cock let him know that she was fucking close to coming due to their previous little devious games. he didn't try to be gentle and caress her skin even though this was valuably more than a simple quick fuck with a stranger he met in the bar. she was more. closer to a muse actually even if he weren't an artist and was merely a street punk trying to get by from day to day. he pushed farther in, lifting her hips just slightly, not caring much of the fact she'll be bruising the next day. truth be told he liked the idea of leaving a certain mark inside her. ''shit,'' he groaned when she created the perfect tension and started clenching down on him, her hands keeping him close. he couldn't hold anymore as he wasted himself deep inside her.
the shallow breathing took over the previous moans in his bedroom and he slowly guided himself out of her and collapsed down on the bed beside her. ''give me like ten minutes,'' he softly laughed and raised his arm so that she could lay down her head in the crook. his gaze was settled on the low ceiling while his body tried to cope with the aftermath of... this. whatever it was. he was convinced it wasn't just sex but he was nowhere nearly prepared to head that way with thinking. the dynamics were simple – push and retract. nothing shocking, same as always. but he knew he looked at her differently. ''you're kind of precious,'' he murmured and turned to the side to look at her. a few strands of her hair got stuck to her skin due to the sweating and he pushed them aside. ''i'm not on your side of the law, holly. but i think you already knew that deep inside,'' he found himself saying, not caring much of this confession. she couldn't just go to the police station and drag him behind, telling everyone he first fucked her and then told her he's doing something illegal. ''this is absurd,'' his breath got caught deep in his throat as he inched closer to her and laid a soft kiss on the heated skin of her neck. ''i think this is risky. for me. but i want to keep you coming. back to me. and also just coming,'' he crooked sort of a shy smile and then sighed: ''however, you need to lay all of your cards in the open. i know there's something broken within you and i want to know what it is.''
anastasia volkova
število prispevkov : 55 cash : 112 street reputation : 33 tvoja starost : 32 starost lika : 24 group : russian mafia kraj rojstva : moscow, russia
Naslov sporočila: Re: apartment B1 Ned Apr 14, 2013 6:40 pm
tag; BRODY
If only ten minutes was enough for her to get her stuff together, decide whether this was something she should be excited about or hate her betraying guts. Still catching her breath she snuggled in with him, skin to skin, her face still buried in his neck where she gave him a gentle kiss every so often. She could probably stay like this forever, feeling safe and sound in his arms – the way she hasn’t felt in months – and although he didn’t seem all that innocent, she had no real knowledge of what she was really in for. His words definitely felt genuine and the way he touched her ... well it gave her shivers just thinking about what they’ve done. “I can give you more,” she whispered lightly gliding her right hand across his chest, playfully drawing circles with her fingers and trying to concentrate on her breathing instead of what certain someone could think of her for being so shallow and naive. Her conscience would tell her to check on him and be careful, but being so happy in his arms dragged her thoughts in a complete different direction; where she felt comfortable and all chirpy. Given the fact that they only met a couple weeks ago, she wasn’t moved by his footnote about sides they were obviously taking. She was a police officer and a darn good one, and he – apparently – someone she’d normally handcuff and drag to the station without further ado. “Yeah, I think I did,” she looked up all in awe, surprised he even mentioned it to her without beating around the bush, and that alone convinced her not to dig further, because there’s always been one thing even more important than her job – happiness. Yes, it was dicey and definitely off the deep end, but at least she finally felt alive; far from being completely over Valentin, but maybe that dark haired boy was just what she needed to get some closure. Her eyes closed as his lips landed on her neck, making her feel it all again – butterflies in her belly, spreading lower and then back up to her tingling nipples, and snuggling even deeper into his chest she mumbled: “I wouldn’t worry about that if I were you.” She did, though. A lot. Justifying her having sex with another man with the right to be happy again. Was that really the best she could think of?
With that on her mind she started drifting away, thinking if this was a real deal or just a rebound. She didn’t feel dirty or used, but she certainly felt guilty for being so close to another human being when she obviously still loved someone else. “Let me just hop in the shower real quick, I’ve got work in a couple hours.” Making up stuff wasn’t her way of dealing with mixed emotions, but her story was just too complicated to explain ... especially when you don’t want to scare a person away. She stood up lightly on her tippy toes, leaned closer to him to let her hair brush gently across his chest and then guessed her way to the bathroom. Being alone gave her enough space to really breathe it all in – she felt tension, guilt, terrible confusion ... and all she really wanted was to wash that off. She sat in the shower, pressing her knees closer to her chest and let the cold water brush her bare skin, making it go from hot and sweaty to ice cold, almost shivering.
brody reid
število prispevkov : 60 cash : 153 street reputation : 55 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 24 group : gang kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: apartment B1 Tor Apr 16, 2013 8:03 pm
he could almost see, how suddenly the wheels in her head started to turn, how some unpleasant thoughts ran through her head. he knew it before it even happened – she's going to block him out and he'll probably let her. she, herself, said, that he shouldn't bother. of course she was right. truth be told they were strangers. sure, they've been flirting for a week, they saw each other a few nights in the row. but at the end of the day, he new close to nothing about her. a tiny spark in his head lit up – he wanted to know more. he wanted to slowly unravel her, inch by inch. but he won't. he wasn't good with all the 'touchy-feelly' stuff. the load of his own problems weighted more than enough: a fucked up childhood, injustice, his junkie ex who he still had some feelings left for, one cop whose life he saved, and her. one cop who made him all mushy. holly. why was he even considering adding her to that long enough list of trouble? his ceiling was suddenly the most fascinating thing he's ever seen, but he was still fully aware of her naked sweaty skin close to him and how her gorgeous chocolate-colored hair slightly tingled his shoulder. he opened his mouth, trying to form a reply, when she got up, spoke with a sort of an 'off-voice' and walked to the bathroom. he could then only watch the closing door and it felt as if a fist was clenching around his heart, crushing its fibers and it felt almost as if he were letting something important drift away.
twenty minutes. that's how long he anxiously waited for holly to return. and then he had more than enough. he dragged the boxers back on his ass and searched for a cozy pair of his gray sweats. he walked to the closed bathroom's door and didn't trouble himself with knocking. he bursted through into the room and his eyes instantly locked to the sitting form under the running shower. he could almost feel the freezing water himself. holly's lips were turning purple and her body was shivering all over. she still looked so perfect. like an ice princess. instead of turning the water down he stepped into the shower tub and slipped down the icy wall to sit beside her. ''for some irrational reason i do worry about it. about you,'' he said and tried to quickly adapt to the cold waterfall that dripped down his bare chest. ''fuck... i don't even know you,'' he mumbled incoherently, mostly just to himself. ''you don't have to deal with this shit alone, holly. maybe i can't do much to help, but all the shrinks say that it's better to talk to someone about... you know feelings and stuff,'' he lamely offered, feeling stupid for even asking her questions and prying like that. and it was really ironic that this was coming from him since he never talked to absolutely anyone about the fucked up things that happened in his past, especially in his childhood. the mere thought of even thinking about taking his own medicine felt revolting. he laid a hand over her trembling shoulders and pulled her into him. his palm caressed her back and he lowered his head down to press a kiss on her shoulder and then to whisper in his princess's ear: ''i can see that it's killing you, baby. the secret you're keeping? it seems achingly deadly.''
anastasia volkova
število prispevkov : 55 cash : 112 street reputation : 33 tvoja starost : 32 starost lika : 24 group : russian mafia kraj rojstva : moscow, russia
Guilt was not really an emotion that Holly was very in touch with. She rarely ever did anything she would feel sorry for later, but there sure were times when that nagging little emotion found its way into her stomach and tied it up in knots. So she sat in the shower, her eyes closing under the weight of cold water brushing her now soaked hair and shoulders. Not moving at all her skin got ice cold and the goose bumps showed a couple minutes in, but being completely honest, she needed it. She needed a wakeup call; she needed some time on her own to really think about what she’s done. Brody was the first person she’s given her very self to since she moved here and yet she kept so much of herself inside, away from him – protected and secure from everyone, and although she’d only known him for a short period of time it felt almost wrong. It’s not like she was still in a relationship; yes, she still had her engagement ring hanging on the necklace Valentin gave her for their third year anniversary and yes, she still kept it somewhere safe, but it was all over now. “Gosh, you’re so dumb,” she sighed to herself, not really thinking much of the cold water anymore. It made her limbs feel numb, but it didn’t bother her because the heart ache was much worse. Yet she didn’t break down ... she’d already gotten used to being away from her family and in all seriousness, she loved her new life, her brand new job and even friends, but why the hell did she feel like a betraying whore doing anything she could to feel loved again?
With her teeth chattering like crazy she brought her knees back to her chest and thought of leaving without proper explanation. But before she could even stand up he stormed in and joined her wordless. She couldn’t think of anything good enough to say so she shrugged her shoulders and pressed herself closer to his still warm body that offered her a sound shelter. She hasn’t met anyone as sweet as him in a while and if she really thought carefully about it, he could be a brilliant replacement for ... for her ex. But since when was she looking for one? How could she possibly be so ruthless and stupid to even consider something like that? “Yeah, do you really think so?” she whispered and looked back at him, her eyes wide open and red from all the tears she tried so hard to keep in, and before she could possibly bite her tongue and keep the truth for herself, she stammered out, “I’m engaged. I mean ... no, I was. I’m not even who you think I am” Confused, that’s what she was. She, more than anything, wanted to tell him every bit of the story, but risking her life for a handsome dude she met a week ago would be insane and completely irresponsible. Her long hair fell down her naked body as she lowered her head down in shame and brokenly sobbed. “The fuck is killing me. I just wish I could tell you everything but I can’t.”
brody reid
število prispevkov : 60 cash : 153 street reputation : 55 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 24 group : gang kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: apartment B1 Pet Apr 26, 2013 8:07 am
she wasn't looking good. the usual soft porcelain skin was gone and she was shivering all over the place. that's why he reached up with his hand and turned down the water. at least she pressed closer, looking for a body heat, meaning this wasn't some messed up self-harm mission. ''i can see you're thinking about something and it's bothering you,'' he said as he noticed the slight change in her eyes when she briefly looked at him as if she was measuring him up. comparing him to something in her mind. judging him. ''no... i mean, i don't know. i'm not much of a talker and a sharer, so i feel better if i keep it inside,'' he didn't want to lie in her face and pretend to be some kind of a perfect prince that is able to talk about his feelings and even show them. ''but you don't seem like such a person. it's obvious that this is killing you and you don't know exactly how to deal with it. maybe to you it will help?'' he offered while standing up just to lean outside of the shower and grab a big fluffy towel. he sat back down and laid the warm dry blanket around her cold body. ''what?'' the words took him completely by surprise, but he managed to stay down beside her without storming up and out of the room. what did she mean, she's engaged? was engaged? what. ''you're not wearing a ring. why aren't... you're engaged?'' the concept was hard to grasp and he took her hand to check if he saw correctly.
there was no ring. ''holly...'' he started but then stopped and turned towards her, dragging her closer, cupping her face with his palms. ''you don't know who i think you are. so let me be the judge of that? i might not know a lot about you, but you don't need facts to know a person,'' he furrowed his brows, hoping she'll understand what he meant. on some level, he felt her. her sadness, her tragic history, her mourning eyes. ''did he die?'' he very carefully said the words, after all she used a past tense. something big must have happened with that fiancée if she was sobbing in his bathroom because of it. now he knew who she compared him too and he could've placed a bet that him and that fiancée of hers were nothing alike. maybe that's why she even came up here with him – because he didn't look like him at all and she didn't have to think about that other guy while he was fucking her senseless. and that thought hurt. just a little bit. a little sting. but still hurt. ''then tell me, please. tell me what's going on and... if you'll feel better you can shut me out after that,'' he raised her chin up so he could meet her stare halfway. ''why did you let me... why did you have sex with me if you have a fiancée, holly?'' he asked and barely stopped himself before saying 'screw you' or 'fuck you'. this was the moment to keep his temper down even it was flaring in the back, trying to come free, trying to get pissed off at all and nothing because she had someone else.
anastasia volkova
število prispevkov : 55 cash : 112 street reputation : 33 tvoja starost : 32 starost lika : 24 group : russian mafia kraj rojstva : moscow, russia
Naslov sporočila: Re: apartment B1 Tor Maj 07, 2013 5:20 pm
tag; BRODY
She wasn't sure of what she was doing. It felt amazing as his hands travelled across her body, but at the same time she’d think about Valentin and feel guilty of which ever emotion that filled her heart. It made her feel uncomfortable; it made her feel like a freaking cheat, although he was now past. Although he wasn’t hers anymore. She was Holly now, she lived thousands of miles away and last but not least, he didn’t even know she was alive for god’s sake. So why did all this feel so wrong? Why couldn’t she just accept the neediness she’s felt when she was around Brody? Why couldn’t she just be happy again? She noticed he was curious of what was going on and she had no good excuse for her behaviour. She had to tell him the truth, it was the only thing she really felt good about doing. It took him by surprise, of course it did. She gave herself to give and then she went and announced her engagement, how twisted she must be for doing something like that. “Kind of,” she whispered when he stared her down with his lips tightly pressed one against the other and she knew it made him feel ... awkward. Full of unanswered questions, full of emotions ready to burst out. “No ... I mean, I was. I was engaged. In Slovakia. When I was there I was.” She was confused, trying to word it all out correctly, but she just couldn’t. Why did she even start all this? She could just enjoy herself and be all cheerful again, fell the love, feel his body against hers, feel his passion. She wanted it, she wanted him, but then again ... she still loved that dark haired boy she fell in love with years ago. “No, he didn’t die, Brody. I did.” She explained but then realized it all sounded pretty unbelievable. Of course she didn’t die. She meant to say her fiancé thought she had died. “I mean ... I’m not allowed to talk about this, but I’m in WPP, because I ... because I did something terrible and now I’m in danger. And ... and I was sent here and my, well, he stayed there and everyone thinks I’m dead.”
She finally stood up and let him gaze at her bare body. God was she stupid for telling him all this. She wasn’t supposed to. It was all supposed to be a secret, a freaking secret or they’d make her move somewhere else again or worse, she could get herself killed by the fucking Slovakian mafia. She stepped out of the shower and wrapped a clean towel around her chilled body, cold water still dripping off her soaking wet hair. “I, I thought I could finally move on. I wanted to see if I’m ready to feel loved again. I can’t live like this anymore. I can’t be a prisoner of my own past, I just can’t,” she sobbed still looking his way. He was obviously in shock, still sitting down in the shower, dressed but wet and just as cold as her. “Please ... I’m sorry.” God, she just wanted to disappear. She felt like a heartless bitch for doing this to him and she just wanted to leave and hide until she feels better. But there was so much more she wanted to tell him. She wanted to thank him for a beautiful night, she wanted to kiss his lips again and feel his heart beat even faster than hers. “I understand if you want me to leave, but ... this meant something more to me. It really did,” she got all teary eyed now when he refused to look up at her. So she rushed out and gathered her clothes together, put them on all wrong and before he could even intervene she disappeared. It made her heart ache, it sure did. But it was all her fault.