število prispevkov : 123 cash : 22280 street reputation : 46 tvoja starost : 33 starost lika : 27 group : morello crime family kraj rojstva : ac, nj
Naslov sporočila: carlo's bakery Sob Maj 11, 2013 10:50 am
tag, blake, the mission
the street she was waiting in was pretty empty at this time of night. it’s not like she expected to see anyone, much less someone she knew. but still, it surprised her sometimes, just how deserted streets of philly could get. growing up in vegas, she got used to the constant stream of people, no matter the place or hour. there was always some casino or a strip club left open somewhere. and people just loved wasting their money. alexa blew out the smoke of her cigarette, a nasty habit she was slowly picking up. she was never a smoker, in fact she used to detest people that smoked. it made your teeth yellow, you reeked, threw away money and it was killing you. but lately, she just had so much to deal with, so many secrets to keep it made her nervous. fidgety. and the cigarettes seemed to help with that. vowing it was the last one, but knowing it was a lie, she threw it to the ground, extinguishing it with her foot and crossing her arms. where the hell was he?
it wasn’t like working for the cia had been her dream job. in fact, she still wasn’t really sure how she felt about it. but at least now she knew why she got out of jail early. and I guess now she had a price to pay for that freedom. maybe giving back to the country for a while wouldn’t be so bad. and it felt nice, having a ‘real’ job. being on the good side. oh god, she was working for the good guys now. but at least she had money, and a safety net, knowing she won’t go to jail anytime soon. so that was good. but working with blake pierce definitely did not come in the job description. she mulled it over for a few days before finally agreeing to it. she had nothing against the guy really. in fact, if nothing else he was damn fine to look at. but god damn it, did he have to be brothers with wesley? sometimes, life just sucked ass, and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it.
finally, she spotted a figure in the distance and she huffed impatiently. “finally.” she waited until they were face to face before giving him a small smile. “nice of you to show up.” it was definitely weird, this thing that they had. it wasn’t a friendship per say, and alexa should probably feel a bit mot embarrassed than she did – considering the circumstances they met a couple of months ago. but this was then, and this was now. “ready to do this little pierce?” it was simple – break in, find the stupid office, plant some bugs and get the hell out of there. a piece of cake really. but apparently no matter what side you were one, a rookie was still a rookie. and that’s exactly what they were.
teresa monticelli
število prispevkov : 118 cash : 211 street reputation : 57 tvoja starost : 28 starost lika : 27 group : italian mafia kraj rojstva : naples, italy
Naslov sporočila: Re: carlo's bakery Ned Maj 12, 2013 8:29 pm
tagged; harper!
spalnica je bila vendarle končana. po sobi so še vedno ležale prazne škatle in na njih razni napisi, a stvari, ki so bile še nekaj dni poprej v njih, so našle prostor po omarah in na policah. stanovanje, ki si ga je delil z ljubko mladenko je dobivalo svoj pomen in če je bil še prej v dvomih je sedaj vedel, da bo to resnično njegov dom. moralo je biti. ura je bila morala biti nekaj eno, saj je ura na mestni cerkvi glasno odzvanjala. njegovo telo je bilo utrujeno od nočne izmene, a niti dolgi spanec, ki si ga je privoščil, ga ni spravil k življenju. bil je psihično utrujen od dogajanja okoli njega. selitev je bila vsekakor najnapornejša in zapletlo se je že pri dobavi škatel, ki so prišle skoraj z tedensko zamudo, da si je moral v mestni trgovinici nakupiti goro oblačil, ker bi moral v drugem primeru ostati brez. delo policista pa je bilo tako ali tako tista naporna vsakodnevna različica, le da je bilo delo policista v filadelfiji še bolj nevarno, česar se je zavedal. tu je bilo polno tolp, polno ljudi, ki so se izdajali za nekaj drugega čeprav so bili v glavnem skoraj vsi povezani z mafijo in pizdarijami s katerimi so se morali potem policisti vpadati. po pravici povedano ni pričakoval takega kaosa v takšnem mestu, a bilo je vsekakor zanimivo. nekolikšna popestritev njegovega življenja. sedel je na postelji z majhnim in precej starim telefonom v roki. pričakoval je goro sms-ov in goro klicev svoje male sestrice, a kakršnikoli odziv je bil zatrt. ni mu odgovarjala na telefon in ni mu vračala klicev. morda je bila kaj narobe ? po pravici povedano je bila paranoičen že celo življenje - odkar so jo poslali stran od tistih neumnih rejnikov, pri katerih sta morala živeti. takrat si je obljubil, da bo skrbel zanjo in to po najboljših močeh. a vse kar je ostalo so bile prazne obljube, ki jih nikoli ni izpolnil. seveda sta ostajala v stikih - kolikor je bilo pač mogoče. nenazadnje sta imela vsak svoje življenje in otroške obljube so bile že za njima. ko je slišal, da je v filadelfiji je bilo to zanj nenavadno presenečenje, a hkrati nekolikšno olajšanje, da bo imel ob sebi nekoga, ki ga pozna že celo življenje. tako sta bila domenjena v carlovi pekarnici, ki so jo pred kratkim prenovili in je veljala kot družabni kotiček. hrana je bila poceni in kava več kot samo užitna.
nestrpno je čakal, da je bila ura kakih pol dveh ko se je odpravil proti mestnemu jedru. na sebi je imel oblečeno svežo belo srajico, čezenj pa policijsko jakno in ob pasu pištolo in pendrek. počutil se je zadovoljivo dobro, kljub temu, da je videz policista v ljudeh zbujal strah. ulice so bile nabite z mestnim vrvežem in da je prišel do pekarnice je potreboval skoraj petnajst minut. odrinil je težka lesena vrata, da je zvonček, ki je bil pritrjen na vrhu glasno zacingljal in oznanil novega kupca.pozdravil je črnolaso natakarico, nato pa si utrl pot proti velikanskem pultu in izložbi v kateri so bile razstavljene dobrote. od majhnih krofov, muffinov do tortic in kolače. ob vsem tem so se mu pošteno sledile sline in se je na koncu s težkim srcem odločil za kavo z mlekom ter borovničev muffin. sedel je za mizo ob vratih in se udobno namestil. kot je bilo v navadi za dame je tudi ta zamujala. minulo je pet in nato deset minut, ko je pri vratih zopet zacingljalo in si je pot mimo gručo najstnikov utrla ljubka rjavolaska. v trenutku je skozi tok misli šinila podoba majhnega dekleta s katerim si je včasih moral deliti spalnico in podobo je zamenjala najstnica s slik, ki mu jih je pošiljala preko pisem. bila je očarljivo ljubka in moral si je priznati, da se je spremenila v pravo damo. "harp?" jo je poklical po njej že znanem vzdevku nato pa se široko nasmehnil in vstal. ni si mogel kaj, da je ne bi objel po tako dolgem času. moralo je miniti že skoraj petnajst let odkar sta se poslavljala pred vrati zanemarjenega bloka. živo se je spominjal trenutka, ko je na vrata trkala socialna delavka in so ji jo iztrgali iz rok, med tem ko sta se objemala s solzami v očeh. tokrat pač ni mogel dovoliti, da bi bilo to njuno zadnje slovo. ne, preveč mu je pomenila, da bi jo lahko zopet izpustil. "videti si..." je začel, a obstal z besedami in jo močno stisnil v svoj medvedji objem. "... čudovito, sem hotel reči," moral je zajeti sapo. z roko je objel njeno dlan in jo zavrtel okoli osi tako da je obleka v katero je bila oblečena poplesavala okoli nje. "long time no see, huh?" je bilo vse kar je lahko izdavil, nato pa jo v trenutku navala zopet potegnil k sebi in pri tem z rokavom obrisal solzo, ki je že spolzela preko lica.
braden clarke
število prispevkov : 75 cash : 155 street reputation : 53 tvoja starost : 32 starost lika : 27 kraj rojstva : denver, colorado
Naslov sporočila: Re: carlo's bakery Pon Maj 13, 2013 8:30 pm
tag, alexa, the mission
He was used to roaming the streets at night. He was used to smoking shit and stumbling around drunk as a skunk. He was Pierce after all. Being seventeen when he moved out of his parents’ house and started buying his own groceries was tough and he learned it the worst way possible. He picked up some gross habits, some follow him still. Sadly, since he desperately tried to kick them and forget about the drugs he used to sell, to teenagers for fucks’ sake. But as soon as he met the love of his life everything kind of changed. He became a different man and he stopped causing trouble. He stopped with all the nonsense drinking, he quit smoking and with each day he became less dependent. He thought being a double agent was a thing you only see in movies but when he was contacted by CIA these thoughts became quite real. It was like a wake up call. Just as if someone passed him a ladder to climb out of a huge hole he caught himself into. He was in a hurry though. Alexa was probably waiting on him and knowing her, she was probably losing her mind already. It’s not that he was afraid of her in any way, but since their last – quite awful – encounter, he made sure to never mess with her again. It didn’t matter that she was his work buddy, no, hell no, she was still a so called bad girl that obviously didn’t find a way out of her hole just yet. At least that’s what it looked like the last time he saw her, naked, in his brother’s apartment. It wasn’t his god damn business, but every time he saw her, well, he imagined her naked.
“Oh, hello there, sunshine,” he greeted her sarcastically as he came closer to her, catching the grip of her upper arm. How was it possible he got all chirpy and bubbly around her even though he planned on keeping his head calm, doing his job professionally and then leaving nothing but the smell of his new cologne behind. Was it the incredible energy that made everyone so ... out of control? “Little Pierce? How dare you, you haven’t even seen me naked yet,” he babbled out, although he had no interest in getting naked with her. Not after she’s fucked his bro. And not now when he had Otti to take care of. Not ever, god damn it. “Do you mind?” he walked past her crossing the road that led straight towards the bakery they were supposed to break into. It was quite incredible CIA ordered them to do something illegal just so they could plant some bugs. But no one will know. They were both experts at stuff like this, especially Alexa, he, not so much. Yeah, he used to be a drug dealer, he got involved into street fights and he’s done numerous stupid things that got him chased by police, but he’s never really broken into a building. “Do your thing, you brother fucker, I’m sick of standing here.”
isabella morello
število prispevkov : 123 cash : 22280 street reputation : 46 tvoja starost : 33 starost lika : 27 group : morello crime family kraj rojstva : ac, nj
Naslov sporočila: Re: carlo's bakery Tor Maj 14, 2013 4:27 pm
tag, blake, the mission
“well, sorr-ee, if i’m not in the best fucking mood,” she muttered in his general direction. actually, that was a lie – she was in a good mood. it was weird, considering they were on a mission, considering they had things to do. yet, she was surprisingly happy. even if he was acting like a dick. no, scratch that. even if he was acting like a pierce. at his words she burst out laughing and covered her mouth with her hand. “you bastard.” okay, so he saw her naked. maybe not her finest hour, but who cares. “but now that you mention it, it hardly seems fair does it? i mean, you saw me naked.” she grinned like a cheshire cat and batted her eyelashed. she wasn’t flirting with him, not really. but it was just her general attitude towards men. she learned from very early on, just how far a few pleasantries and friendly smiles could get you, don’t even get started on short skirts and cleavage. so over time the line between ‘professional’ and ‘personal’ alexa got smudges, and she was just generally considered a flirt. did it get her to places she sometimes didn’t want to be? sure. it but also, more often than not, got her amazing sex. which wasn’t so bad, considering. “okay, pipe down asshole, i only fucked him once. well,” she murmured, cocking her head to one side, like she was thinking about it. “just the one night.” alexa cleared her throat at the thought of one of the most mind blowing nights of her life – and that was saying something – and squatted down before the lock. it was an easy one – old school really. not even an alarm system – old carlo was slacking off. she clicked her mouth in delight, then pulled out her instruments from her back pocket, something she didn’t leave her house without.
busying herself with the lock she threw a look over her shoulder to blake who was busy surveying the block. “so what have you been up to lately?” she asked casually like they were drinking coffees and not breaking and entering. well, no one really said they needed to be serious. they were in fact, both still crooks weren’t they? the door gave in with a squeak and alexa stood up with a proud smile on her face. “now i know how a guy feels.” giving him a nudge, she chuckled at her own bag joke and got inside then looked back at blake. he was the one that knew the layout of the building after all. “where to, junior?” she winced at her own words, reminding her all too much of a blonde con man she was desperately trying to keep out of her thoughts. they entered through the back door, so the actual bakery was up front, and the offices in the back. still, alexa had no intention of going through all the rooms before they found the office. she felt the familiar itch in her fingers as she looked around, already wondering if there was a safe anywhere. old habits die hard, and alexa was a thief at heart. maybe she preferred being a forger most of the time because she was so good at it, but there was nothing quite as thrilling as stealing something. focus alexa, she admonished herself and then turned towards blake, who was already looking around, figuring out where to go next. “i’m growing roots here babe, let’s move it.”
natália simones
število prispevkov : 102 cash : 845 street reputation : 45 tvoja starost : 29 starost lika : 32 group : wallace family kraj rojstva : rio de janeiro, brazil
Naslov sporočila: Re: carlo's bakery Sob Maj 18, 2013 9:24 am
Če bi ji pri policiji plačali deset dolarjev za vsako priložnost, ko je v tem prekletem mestu kdo streljal nanjo, bi bila sedaj verjetno že milijonarka. Zadnje čase skorajda ni več doživela izmene, kjer ne bi naletela na koga, ki je mislil, da je strašansko zabavno, če svojo zalogo krogel izprazniš v nekoga v uniformi, še posebno, če je bila to policistka, ki ti je ravno nameravala napisati kazen. In najhujše pri vse je bilo, da so se sedaj po mestu z orožjem potikali že komaj petnajstletni mulci. Ob misli na to je zmajala z glavo in z močnim pihom odstranila pramen las, ki ji je padel na obraz, ko je najstnika po hitrem postopku spravila na tla in vklenila. Prekleto, dečko bi jo ubil samo zato, ker mu je nameravala napisati kazen za parkiranje. Še dobro, da praktično nihče ni bil sposoben česa več, kot je bilo zgolj pritiskanje na petelina in jih je z nekaj dobro namerjenimi udarci z lahkoto razorožila. Petnajst minut kasneje je bila že na policijski postaji, kjer je ob poslušanju tisoč in ene kletvice s strani mladoletnika izpolnila formularje, nato pa ga predala v pripor. Vedela je, kaj pomeni živeti na ulici in kako zelo se je treba boriti, da se prerineš samo iz enega dneva do drugega, vendar nikoli in nikdar ni nikogar ustrelila. Vsaj dokler ni začela delati za policijo. Današnja mladina pa očitno s tem ni imela problemov in so bili pripravljeni ubijati za borih triinsedemdeset dolarjev in petindevetdeset centov. Z neregistrirano pištolo, seveda. »Upam, da se boš iz tega česa naučil,« so bile njene zadnje besede, preden je za mulcem zaprla rešetke in nato brez pogleda nazaj odšla. Čeprav je bilo težko je bilo to njeno delo in nameravala ga je opravljati, kot je bilo treba.
Šele pogled na uro ji je razveseljivo oznanil, da je njenega delovnika pravzaprav že konec. Na obrazu se ji je končno pojavil nasmešek, ki ga je prej vztrajno zadrževala utrujenost. Ta je sedaj skoraj čudežno izginila, saj se je z novim pogledom na uro spomnila, da je pravzaprav precej pozna. »Šment,« je zamrmrala sama pri sebi, ko je v garderobi iz omarice pobrala svoje stvari in se nato kar najhitreje prebila iz stavbe policijske postaje. Do Carlove pekarne je potrebovala približno deset minut in ves ta čas je nekoliko živčno pogledovala na uro. Pravzaprav jo je že samo dejstvo, da bo znova videla Caidena delalo rahlo nervozno, saj je navsezadnje od njunega zadnjega srečanja minilo krepko več kot pet let. Spoznala ga je pri svoji zadnji rejniški družini, kjer sta si delila sobo in se po nekaj začetnih prepirih hitro spoprijateljila. Tisto noč, ko je ob tetinem prihodu samo na hitro pobrala svoje stvari, ji je obljubil, da ji bo pisal – in obljubo začuda tudi držal. Kasneje sta vsaj enkrat na mesec tudi govorila po telefonu in o njem je, čisto tako kot nekoč, še vedno vedela vse. Ko ji je sporočil, da se seli v Filadelfijo je še ves dan poskakovala naokoli od navdušenja, zdaj, ko se je pred pekarno za trenutek ustavila in zajela sapo, preden je vstopila, pa jo je bilo strah, da bo v živo vse drugače. Navsezadnje sta se spremenila, odrasla. Kaj, če bosta zgolj strmela drug v drugega v nerodni tišini? Na obraz si je nadela širok nasmešek, preden je vstopila in se razgledala po notranjosti pekarne. Na prizorišču je bilo precejšnje število čednih temnolascev, ob čemer jo je znova zaskrbelo, vse dokler ni iz kota prostora zaslišala vzklika, ki je lahko bil samo njegov. Ko se je čez kavarno pognala proti njemu je bil širok nasmešek na njenih licih popolnoma iskren, kot tudi vesel vzklik, ko se mu je vrgla okoli vratu in ga stisnila v medvedji objem. »Caiden!« je vzkliknila in se nekoliko odmaknila, samo da se je prepričala, da je to res on in ne zgolj nek naključni neznanec, ki se mu zdi fino objemati neznana dekleta, nato pa ga je znova močno objela. Pustila mu je, da jo je zavrtel okoli osi in se ob tem režala kot kaka petnajstletnica, nato pa se povrhu še zahihitala. »Očarljivec in pol, kaj?« je ob njegovih besedah zmajala z glavo, nato pa si še sama dodobra ogledala. »Tudi ti si jo več kot dobro odnesel s puberteto, kaj? Stavim, da dekleta neprestano padajo na te iskreče očke,« mu je pomežiknila in razmršila lase, čisto tako kot včasih. Vsi dvomi, ki so jo prej težili, so bili sedaj že davno pozabljeni. »Too long, če vpraša mene! Ampak važno, da si sedaj tu in bodo take kavice postale kar rutinske.« Sama sebi je odobravajoče pokimala, nato pa pomignila natakarici in naročila kavo z mlekom. »Hej, so to solze?« je nato opazila njegovo kretnjo in zmajala z glavo, svoje besede pa podkrepila s kretnjo: »Ne, ne, ne, to je vesel dogodek, solze niti slučajno ne grejo zraven! Povej mi raje, kako to, da si se preselil?«
teresa monticelli
število prispevkov : 118 cash : 211 street reputation : 57 tvoja starost : 28 starost lika : 27 group : italian mafia kraj rojstva : naples, italy
Naslov sporočila: Re: carlo's bakery Sob Maj 18, 2013 3:32 pm
tagged; harper!
počutil se je hecno. kot majhen otrok, ki je po zelo dolgem času zopet videl svojo sestro, le da je bilo pri njima to v prenesenem pomenu. nista bila v krvnem sorodstvu pa vseeno jo je imel rad kot lastno sestro. in kadarkoli ga je kdo vprašal po tem ali je edinec je to ponosno zanikal in v zgodbo vpletel srečno družinico v katero je bila vključena tudi harper. vsaj tako je bilo nekoč. danes pa ... danes je bila zgodba nekoliko bolj suhoparna, kratka in zadržana. o sebi nikoli ni mogel govoriti sproščeno. njegova življenjska pot je bila zanj nekaj na kar ni bil ponosen in o čemer ni ni želel govoriti. a sedaj je bila tu. tako ljubka, nedolžna in hkrati privlačna. že sam dotik je v njem razstrelil goro čustev, ki so bila nihajoča. bil je presrečen, da je bila spet ob njem, a kljub temu je v njegovem umu razširil določen strah, da bo na koncu odšel razočaran. morda je bilo nekaj na tem. nenazadnje je bilo celotno življenje veliko razočaranje in ljudje, ki jih je imel resnično rad so ga zapuščali iz dneva v dan. ne bi smelo biti tako. vsaj ne takrat ko je bil otrok in ko je najbolj potreboval ljubečo roko in nežen dotik. ne bi se smel spominjati udarcev in poniževalnih besed s strani starejših. "ah nehaj," se je iskrivo zasmejal in pri tem pa nežno zmajal z glavo. je bil res videti kot kak očarljivec? glede na to, da je bil še vedno devičnik se ni preveč zanašal na to, da je imel veliko žensk. verjetno je tičalo v tem, da še ni spoznal tiste prave osebe, hkrati pa se je veliko raje zapiral v svoj svet in je bil tako varen pred ponovnim potopom lastnih čustev. "in ti? verjetno si malo da ne zaročena? ali pa imaš celo lastne otroke in malo družinico o kateri si sanjala?" minilo je dobro leto odkar sta zadnjič govorila. včasih je bilo to bolj pogosto, potem pa se sta se nekoliko oddaljila - vsak k svoji službi, kar je bila logično bežanje pred problemi in čustvi.
a očitno ga nikoli ni razočarala. sporočilo, da se seli v filadelfijo jo je presenetilo in se je odzvala kolikor hitro je bilo sploh mogoče. "me veseli, da si se odzvala na moje sporočilo. najprej sem samo hotel sporočiti drug naslov, da bi vedela kam pisati. ampak potem sem izvedel, da si tudi ti v filadelfiji in oh moj bog, harper!" je presenečeno vzkliknil česar so bili ljudje okoli njega že povsem vajeni. kadar je bil neizmerno dobrega počutja, je njegov glas postal piskajoč in navdušen. njegove oči so bile rosne od solz sreče, ki jih je skrivoma poskušal brisati z rokavom. ob njenem draženju je skomignil z rameni in se široko nasmehnil. "mislim, da mi je nekaj padlo v oko," se je poskušal izmakniti posmehovanju in v šali z rokami segel k očesu in ga pomencal kot bi imel nekaj v njem. a takšne in drugačne šale sta že oba dobro poznala, zato je prenehal in se z širokim nasmeškom zagledal vanjo. najprej je počakal, da je sama sedla, potem pa še sam ponovil vajo in sedel na udobni stol v carlovi pekarnici. dišeč vonj kave je napajal celotni prostor in od užitka je za nekaj sekund zaprl oči in globoko vzdihnil. "torej povej. kako si kaj zadnje čase? deluješ srečna, ali pa se mogoče motim?" njegov glas je bil umirjen in srce, ki je malo poprej dobesedno razbijalo v objemu reber se je sedaj počasi pričelo umirjati. bilo je resnično. sedela je pred njim - popolnoma sproščena. prameni las so ji padali na prsa in ob vsakem vzdihu se je prsni koš dvignil kot bi na novo zaživela.
braden clarke
število prispevkov : 75 cash : 155 street reputation : 53 tvoja starost : 32 starost lika : 27 kraj rojstva : denver, colorado
Naslov sporočila: Re: carlo's bakery Ned Maj 19, 2013 11:22 am
tag, alexa, the mission
“Well why not, missy?” he remarked as she stumbled towards the building that obviously wasn’t well protected. He knew they wouldn’t have any troubled breaking in and planting the microphones all around, but he could well have some problems with her. She obviously disliked him, or at least that’s what he thought, but he was more than ready to comply just to make her happy. “Maybe after we’re done here, okay?” he grinned back at her. Of course he didn’t mean it as she probably didn’t either, but thinking about his past and all the things that he’d done, she was the kind of person he wouldn’t mind having around daily. She was chill and she didn’t seem to care about other women, for his brother was nothing but an assface that fucked a different cunt each day. “Oh, that’s good to know. I mean, I’m not surprised, that’s what he does.” He couldn’t possibly count numerous women he’s seen naked every morning he happened to be at his place, so at the end he just stopped going. In all honestly, it was quite nice seeing all those beautiful ladies, but it made him feel sick they actually believed him and trusted him enough to let him treat them this way. “But if that tickles your fancy ... I’m okay with that. He’s a good looking lad.” It was quite embarrassing, all the things that he knew about his bro, but the thing was mutual. They’ve worked as a team for quite some time, probably until Blake decided to settle down finally and find something real for a change, but he still knew his brother better than anyone.
“You can talk while picking a lock?” he furrowed his brow looking down at her as she did her thing. She was seriously amazing at this. “Ummm, well, nothing really. Just stuff.” It was incredible how quickly she’s done it, they were inside in less than a minute and they really got lucky with the alarm being broken an all. They obviously didn’t care too much about all the goods they had inside, money was probably locked in a safe, so there was really nothing but cupcakes to steal. “Perhaps we could have a cupcake picnic before we get on it, but I guess not,” he looked her way, because she didn’t seem to be interested in all the yumminess on the shelves. “Their offices are in the back, we should just plant a couple there, and maybe some here by the counter. Not sure really.” They had enough time to deal with it slowly but he wasn’t a fan of rumbling through someone else’s shit so he quickly walked into one of the offices and stopped by the window. The road was empty and everything seemed so peaceful ... they sure were lucky. He stuck one of the microphones under the computer desk and another under the window sill and considering how small they were, no one will really notice them. “Are you done, Alexa?” he heard her walking around the tiny shop that happened to be involved in some terrible drug dealing that got one of the police officers killed and another in jail. “We can’t be too long.”
isabella morello
število prispevkov : 123 cash : 22280 street reputation : 46 tvoja starost : 33 starost lika : 27 group : morello crime family kraj rojstva : ac, nj
Naslov sporočila: Re: carlo's bakery Tor Maj 21, 2013 6:25 pm
tag, blake, the mission
this shouldn't be so much fun. and yet, it was. she tried to bite down the laughter and shook her head. “you pierce boys. two peas in a pod really.” alexa muttered to herself as she squatted down next to the lock and raised her eyebrows. “no need to sound so surprised, they didn’t hire me for my pretty face alone you know.” there was no way of knowing how much blake knew about her past – probably about as much as she did about his – next to nothing. but judging from wes, they were both born on the wrong side of the law, and they both had their assets. which is why they were here. the cia basically saved her ass from the rotting prison she was in, not that she knew. at least not then. but here she was, breaking in to a god damn bakery. “maybe later pretty boy. i want me some bear claw. i don’t know what it is about breaking the law, but it just makes me so damn hungry.” she muttered when he mentioned the cupcakes, as it did sound rather appealing. but they had a job to do first, and alexa had no intention of staying her longer than necessary. she took a quick look around when blake was busy installing the microphones and entered the room when he called and nodded. “yeah i just checked the back, maybe you were right, a mike under the counter wouldn’t be such a bad id-” she stopped herself midsentence and narrowed her eyes towards the doors, like a guard dog. “did you hear that?” her voice nothing but a whisper she tiptoed to the doors and pressed her ear against it. shit, shit, shit. those were definitely voices coming down the hallway. what the fuck, they were supposed to be alone. that’s why they came in the middle of the fricking night. but i guess dealing with all the shady business carlo was involved with, meant having to come to work at some pretty strange hours sometimes.
“someone’s coming.” he mouthed back to him and then carefully made her way back to him, already looking around for a place to hide. that was what she was good at, escaping, thinking fast in situations. she was lucky – alexa was tiny, and could fit basically anywhere, but blake was built… well rather nicely, and she couldn’t just push him under the desk. “in here.” the closet was so tiny she had to basically crawl on top of him so they both fit, pressing up against each other. “well, this is cozy.” she gave him a cat-like smile despite the situation and pursed her lips. “don’t get any ideas, i know how you pierce boys are like.” it was just like her to joke when they were trapped in a closet waiting for a criminal to bust in the room, they were trying to bug. but she shut her mouth the second those doors opened, and the fat small man came in. ah, so that was carlo. muttering to himself he opened the safe and took out some documents, walking around for good five minutes before retreating back. alexa waited a few more moments before looking up at blake with raised eyebrows. “what the hell do you think he’s doing here? i seriously doubt he’s here for a midnight snack.” slowly cracking up the closet door a bit she peeked out and then back at blake. “you bugged the office right? we could take a chance and bug the counter as well, or get the hell out of here, your call.” she added giving him an expecting look, waiting for him to assess the situation.