število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
Naslov sporočila: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Sob Avg 31, 2013 3:21 pm
jonathanu je nekako le uspelo najti taksi in namenila mu je bled nasmešek, ko je obstal ob cesti in sledil vozilu s pogledom. čez ramena je imela ogrnjeno njegovo jakno, ki jo je vsaj nekoliko grela – noč je bila preveč hladna za tisto strogo poslovno obleko, ki jo je imela na sebi. pravzaprav bi zdaj morala biti že zdavnaj doma. ali pa v varnem objemu družinske vile, ampak navsezadnje je bil to tudi to dom. tako pa se je njen celoten dan obrnil na glavo, ko so ji prinesli tiste fotografije in poročali o dogajanju. ni ji bilo všeč. za tako močno osebo, kot je bila, jo je to nenavadno hitro potrlo.
z vzdihom je naslonila glavo na hladno steklo ter samo opazovala ulice, ki so drvele mimo. končno je taksist ustavil in ko mu je hotela plačati, je samo zmajal z glavo. jace je poskrbel za vse. res bo morala najti način, da se mu bo opravičila – pa čeprav je tudi sam tega večera prečkal mejo. a to zdaj ni bilo bistveno. spravila se je iz taksija ter zakorakala do svoje vile. vstopila je, zaklenila za seboj in nastavila alarm, potem pa sezula gležnjarje in se odpravila do svoje spalnice. počutila se je dokaj obupno za nekoga, ki naj bi se vedno imel pod nadzorom. zatopljena v svoje misli je odrinila vrata v sobo in nato nenadoma opazila vsiljivca – luč iz hodnika je razkrila temno postavo na postelji in za trenutek ji je srce obstalo, potem pa ga je prepoznala. »marco,« je dejala. njen glas je zazvenel nenavadno prazno; nenavadno tiho, ko ga je ogovorila in se zavedla, da ima na sebi še vedno jonathanovo jakno, v žepu katere so bile fotografije, ki so ji nekoliko strle srce tega večera. obstala je ob vratih, medtem ko sta njeni dlani skoraj zaščitniško potegnile jakno čez sicer razgaljena ramena.
tagged: marco, love. :3
število prispevkov : 812 cash : 1501 street reputation : 288 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 35 group : italian mob kraj rojstva : new york, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Sob Avg 31, 2013 4:23 pm
na telefon jo je poskušal dobiti zadnjih nekaj ur. zaman. na klice se ni javljala in skrbelo ga je – milo rečeno. ni ji bilo podobno, da bi telefon pozabila kjerkoli ali pa preprosto prezrla zvonečo melodijo. torej je moralo biti nekaj hudo narobe ali pa je nalašč prezrla njegove pozive. zadnji tri ure je sedel na robu njene postelje, v temi, in čakal, da bo prišla domov. ni se niti premaknil z mesta. še sreča, da mu je dala ključe, sicer bi moral kampirati na dovozu ali pa na stopničkah pred vhodnimi vrati. s komolci se je naslanjal na kolena, dlani pa je imel sklenjene pred seboj. njegov pogled je bil skoncentriran na odprta vrata spalnice. ni se premaknil niti takrat, ko je avtomobil ustavil pred hišo. tudi ne takrat, ko je zaslišal odpiranje vrat in njene korake po stopnišču navzgor. koraki so bili vedno bližje spalnici in luč na hodniku je osvetlila njeno podobo med podboji vrat. njegov sluh je registriral njegovo ime, katerega je izrekla v nekem nenavadnem tonu. vendar je bil njegov pogled zdaj osredotočen na temno jakno, ki jo je imela ogrnjeno prek ramen. in katero je zdaj potegnila višje gor nase, se še bolj ovila v objem tuje jakne. tuje moške jakne. vsekakor ni bila njegova. ''klical sem te zadnjih šest ur. nobenega odgovora,'' je njegov glas povzel čuden ton, enakovreden njenemu. ''tukaj sedim zadnje tri ure in te čakam,'' je nadaljeval in ni opazoval njenega obraza. strmel je v tisto jakno. ''in ti prideš domov v tuji jakni,'' so zadnje besede zvenele še posebej ostro. ''ne grem se tega, saoirse. ne grem se,'' je pričel odkimavati in vstal s postelje. iz žepa je potegnil ključe do njene hiše in jih zalučal nazaj na posteljo.
yazmin rivero
število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Sob Avg 31, 2013 4:40 pm
dejansko saoirse morda prvič v zelo, zelo dolgem času ni vedela, kaj bi storila. nek del nje same bi ga najraje klofutnil, medtem ko bi se drug del veliko raje zavlekel v kot in se zvil. bilo je zapleteno. preveč zapleteno, hkrati pa je bolelo in to je bila tiste vrste bolečina, ki je saoirse do zdaj ni poznala. morda jo je zato vse skupaj tako zelo vrglo iz tira. ni znala biti ta oseba – prav, znala je biti močna in samostojna, ampak vsekakor se ni znala soočati z bolečino, ki je grozila, da jo bo od znotraj pretrgala.
njene oči so ga spremljale, medtem ko se je namrščila ob njegovih besedah. bilo je tako zelo čudno, da ga je morala opazovati, ko je zalučal ključe na posteljo in razumela je, kaj je počel. dobro je vedela, kaj je sledilo. »ampak jaz ti lahko zagotovim, da se ni nič zgodilo,« je mehko spregovorila, medtem ko se je tako krčevito trudila, da bi skrila tisto bolečino v glasu. zakorakala je naprej v sobo in njena dlan je na posteljo iz notranjega žepa jakne zdaj tako kot njegova prej zalučala cel kup fotografij, posnetih v različnih večerih, ki so prikazovale podobne prizore. marco in teresa. bila sta si tako blizu; iz fotografij je kar vela neka domačnost in sproščenost in to jo je ubijalo, skupaj s kombinacijo pripovedovanja o dogajanju. obrnila mu je hrbet in zakorakala do naslonjača v sobi. jakna je zdrsnila iz njenih ramen in položila jo je čez naslonjalo, medtem ko se je končno pripravila do tega, da se je soočila z njim. »oh, in jakna? ta pripada njenemu možu,« je dejala, čeprav ni mogla nadaljevati, ker se je že zdaj njen glas čudno zatresel. odhajal je. marco je odhajal. a morda je to imelo nekaj smisla – po njeni glavi so zdaj divjali spomini. in vse skupaj… ne, tega ni bila navajena. ne bi smelo tako boleti.
tagged: marco, love. :3
število prispevkov : 812 cash : 1501 street reputation : 288 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 35 group : italian mob kraj rojstva : new york, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Sob Avg 31, 2013 4:59 pm
ključi so mehko pristali nekje v posteljnini, medtem ko se je namenil mimo nje proti vratom. bil je jasen, kristalno jasen, zanj je bila edina. in povedal ji je že v naprej, da utegne biti ljubosumen zaradi malenkosti. ker jo je prekleto potreboval in ker jo je moral imeti zase. ker je bila tista ena otipljiva stvar, ki si jo je lahko na nek način lastil. ena oseba, kateri je lahko zaupal, da mu ne bo zarila noža v hrbet, ko bo to najmanj pričakoval. in to je bila ljubezen, čeprav tega še ni izrekel naglas, dati nekomu možnost, da te pokonča. verjeti, da te ne bo. zaslišal je njene besede in prhnil preden bi se lahko zaustavil. morda se ni nič zgodilo, vendar je lahko vedela, kako zelo ga bo zmotilo – zagledati kos tujih moških oblačil na njej. prekleto. njeno telo je bilo namenjeno njegovim srajicam, ne... temu. nameraval je oditi mimo nje, ko se je naenkrat premaknila proti postelji in iz žepa jakne pričela nekaj vleči. zasukal se je nazaj in opazoval fotografije, ki so padale na posteljo. fotografije njega in terese. sredi pogovora v poker klubu. ''ne razumem,'' je skomignil z rameni in pogled preusmeril na svetlolasko: ''bi mi zdaj moralo biti jasno, zakaj se nisi oglašala na moje klice?'' ni imel pojma, kaj naj bi fotografije pomenile. teresa je bila natakarica v poker klubu in da, prejšnji večer jo je poskušal prepričati, da ta posel ni zanjo. da si zasluži nekaj boljšega. bila je italijanka in ujela sta se. dokaj. ''zakaj imaš te fotografije?'' je naenkrat zasukal pogovor v drugo smer. ga je dala zasledovati kateremu od njenih zvestih podanikov? mu je zaupala tako malo, da mu je nekoga poslala za vrat, da pazi na vsak njegov korak. ''teresin mož je kreten. sili jo, da dela v poker klubu. verjetno veš katerem. punca si zasluži več. kar ne pojasni tega, zakaj si poslala nekoga za mano, da mi sledi,'' se je namrščil. ''toliko o zaupanju,'' je zmajal z glavo in odmaknil pogled od nje proti slikam.
yazmin rivero
število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Sob Avg 31, 2013 5:14 pm
»ne vem, marco, morda bi ti to moralo razjasniti par zadev,« je odvrnila na njegove besede in se obenem krčevito oklepala jeze, ker je bilo tako lažje. če bi se napolnila z jezo, bi s stvarjo opravila z lahkoto. če bi dovolila žalosti in bolečini in tistemu presnetemu ljubosumju, ki je utripalo v njej, da jo prevzame – to bi jo zlomilo. tega se je bala. »ampak ko mi je zaskrbljen član družine prinesel te fotografije skupaj s kopico zgodb o vajinem prijateljstvu… ne, potem se res nisem hotela oglašati na tvoje klice. to je edina stvar, ki…« je na sredi stavka raje utihnila. edina stvar, ki bi jo uničila. lahko bi prenesla vse, a ne tega. to je bolelo. nova vrsta bolečine zanjo.
»teresin mož je pravzaprav precej prijetna oseba,« je zavrnila njegove besede. »poznam ga že predolgo in katerekoli zgodbice ti je napletla; jace je vsekakor ne sili, da bi delala kjerkoli. dejansko punčara deluje dokaj zadovoljna. jace je podžupan prekletega mesta. in preveč je ambiciozen, da bi svojo ženo silil delati na takšnem mestu,« je jezno dejala. jo je zmotilo, da je tako lahko verjel zgodbici? najbrž. »klub imamo pod konstantnim nadzorom. res misliš, da moram koga poslati za teboj?« ni se šlo za to, to bi lahko vedel. a mafija je bila zapleten ekosistem in trenutno so bili vsi zaskrbljeni za njihovo princesko – in to je bilo nekaj, kar so razumeli kot skrb zanjo. ni mogla pomagati, ker je tako ali tako glede njene lastne varnosti niso poslušali. nenadoma je stala pred njim; sploh se ni zavedla, kdaj ga je skoraj jezno potisnila ob zid in s pogledom zavrtala v njegove oči. »wow, resno? zaupam ti. morda zato vse to tako boli. ne vem, ampak bi rad govoril o zaupanju? ne moreš priti sem in me obtoževati, da ti ne zaupam. ker ti zaupam dovolj, da sem ti rekla nekaj, kar še nikomur nisem rekla. nekaj, kar me je naredilo popolnoma ranljivo in razgaljeno pred teboj.« dobro je vedel, o čem je govorila. »in kaj točno si storil ti, marco? zaupam ti, ampak potrebujem tudi slišati… ne vem, nekaj. karkoli. poleg tega se me praktično nisi niti dotaknil, odkar si prišel nazaj. kar bi teoretično moralo biti povsem v redu, ampak veš kaj? ubija me. zate sem se popolnoma izpostavila in ti mi ne moreš dati niti tistega najbolj osnovnega zagotovila,« sta se njeni pesti tokrat bolj nemočno kot pa karkoli drugega uprli ob njegov prsni koš. povedala je vse. povedala je preveč. ampak morda je zdaj lahko razumel, zakaj so jo fotografije tako zelo vrgle iz tira – bila so kaplja čez rob vsega, česar se je bala.
tagged: marco, love. :3
število prispevkov : 812 cash : 1501 street reputation : 288 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 35 group : italian mob kraj rojstva : new york, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Sob Avg 31, 2013 5:47 pm
''ne razjasni ničesar,'' je srdito odvrnil iz prve in ostro odkimal. na postelji je ležal kup fotografij, ki je prikazoval dva prijatelja. v objektiv ni bil ujet niti en sam dotik, niti en sam poljub. ker ni mogel biti. ker tam ni bilo ničesar. ker jo je komajda poznal. ker sta se pol večera pogovarjala o njenem možu in njegovem dekletu, kateremu si ne upa naglas reči, da jo ljubi, ker bi se potem morda lahko vse izblinilo v prah. ali pa bi mu jo kdo vzel, ko so storili z irino. ker je bila njegova edina šibka točka. razlogov je bilo na milijone. in ona je na sliki videla nekaj grdega. ''prekleto, saoirse. morala bi se oglasiti na telefon, prileteti k meni, me nahruliti, zahtevati pojasnilo, narediti nekaj. ne da se skriješ. morala bi se pogovoriti, ti bi mi morala dati prekleto jebeno možnost, da ti pojasnim, namesto da tečeš k drugemu,'' je zmajeval z glavo in ob svojih zadnjih besedah obstal. točno ta strah ji je pojasnil zadnjič ob jezeru. ''čudno, da nisi letela k freemanu. takšno maščevanje bi vsekakor bolelo še malce bolj,'' so bile besede tihe. grenke. ''poznaš ga že predolgo? naj uganem – še eden izmed tvojih bivših ljubimcev? sranje, saoirse. ob tebi izgledam kot devica marija. še kdo? o'reilly te je zadnjič čudno gledal. si spala tudi s policajem?'' je butnilo iz njega. tako kot vedno. samokontrola se je razblinila v nič, vsakič ko je bil poleg nje. niti ni opazil, kdaj se je razdalja med njima zmanjšala. naenkrat je bila ob njem in potisnila ga je nazaj. nepričakovano, da je njegov hrbet treščil ob zid. ni se je niti trudil ustaviti. njegove ustnice so se stisnile skupaj, ko mu je v obraz vrgla njen 'ljubim te'. kar je bil šele začetek. vsaka beseda je bila novo rezilo, zarito vanj. njene pesti so udarjale ob njegov prsni koš in on je tiho slonel na zidu in je ni ustavil. ''slišati hočeš, da te ljubim?'' je z eno dlanjo ujel obe njeni zapestji in odstopil od zidu naprej proti njej, da se je bila primorana pomakniti nazaj, če ni želela, da jo pomendra pod seboj. izpustil je njeno zapestje in v dlan ovil slap njenih svetlih las za tilnikom in jih rahlo potegnil nazaj, da je morala pogledati navzgor proti njemu. ''danes si napravila napako... s tem tvojim zadnjim govorom. morala bi pustiti, da grem po svojem tempu. da ravnam tako kot hočem. tako hitro kot hočem. prav, če hočeš, da se te dotaknem, prav,'' je naenkrat besno prikimal in svoje ustnice nič kaj nežno potisnil na njene. postelja je bila zgolj nekaj korakov za njo. ni minila sekunda, ko je padla na vzmetnico, njegovo telo vrh njenega.
yazmin rivero
število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Sob Avg 31, 2013 6:05 pm
»morala bi storiti marsikaj. ampak še nikoli nisem rabila niti premišljevati o tem, kaj bi morala narediti. hudiča, sploh se mi ni sanjalo, kaj naj naredim. prav, ustrašila sem se. si zdaj zadovoljen? ustrašila sem se tega, kar bi lahko izvedela od tebe,« je jezno pribila, čeprav je bila v vsem skupaj pomešana tudi nemoč, ki jo je spravljala v obup. »morala sem zbrati svoje misli. prekleto, morala sem storiti nekaj, četudi sem potem s tem posledično popolnoma zajebala,« so njene oči skoraj jezno zavrtale v njegove, nato pa se je namrščila. »to ni bilo maščevanje. to ni niti blizu kakršnemkoli maščevanju,« je zamajala z glavo, čeprav ni mogla skriti bolečine v očeh, ko ji je to tako vrgel pred nos. morala je biti takšna nazaj; ni vedela, kaj naj stori drugega. »da, veš kaj? spala sem z obema. hočeš zdaj seznam vseh, s katerimi sem spala?« je trmasto dejala, ker je bila njena preteklost nekaj, česar se ni sramovala. ni se mogla; tega si ni smela dovoliti.
potem pa so bile njegove dlani ovite okrog njenih in v naslednjem hipu je bila prisiljena pogled upreti v njegove oči. to je tudi storila, ampak ni bilo mogoče prezreti jeze v njenih očeh. ni se šlo samo za to, kaj je hotela slišati. bilo je toliko bolj zapleteno in morda sploh ne bi smela načeti te teme, ampak naveličala se je čakanja. »napako?« je ponovila s hripavim glasom in prhnila ob besedah, ki so se zdele tako… smešne. »skušam te razumeti, marco. hotela sem samo neko zagotovilo. neko prekleto obljubo, ker bi bilo tako potem vse lažje.« nikomur ni dovolila tako blizu –ampak njemu je, njemu bi dopustila vse, ampak v zameno je hotela samo vedeti, da je bilo resnično. da je bilo to tisto, kar je potrebovala. potisnil jo je na posteljo, medtem ko so bile njune ustnice ujete v jeznem poljubu, ki ga je prekinila, ko je usločila svoj hrbet pod njegovim telesom. »ne, marco,« je zamrmrala in skušala ujeti svojo sapo, »ne tako; ne zato, ker jaz tako hočem. prav, zajebala sem, okej? vse skupaj je prekleto novo in sovražim misel na to, da bi me lahko prizadel tako zelo zlahka. ampak…« je njen pogled zdrsnil do njegovih ustnic, potem pa ga je nenadoma potegnila nazaj v poljub, medtem ko sta se njeni nogi ovili okrog njegovega telesa, ne da bi se saoirse sploh ozirala na to, da je ob tem njena obleka zdrsnila višje. ni se znala opravičevati – je pa vsekakor znala v poljub vložiti svoja čustva, ki jih je bilo v tem trenutku ogromno.
tagged: marco, love. :3
število prispevkov : 812 cash : 1501 street reputation : 288 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 35 group : italian mob kraj rojstva : new york, usa
yes, there were about a thousand different things that came to mine. she could've done things differently. she never should've shut him out. this thing between them – it was a relationship. they were supposed to talk shit out and not come to own conclusions and make stupid assumptions. he didn't freak out when she told him that jake freeman kissed her. now she saw some photos of him talking to a female friend and she refused to pick up the goddamn phone. ''you should've trusted me. i told you, i fucking promised you, that i would never hurt you. i'm pretty sure that cheating falls under 'hurt' category,'' he shook his head and then turned his gaze down at her confession. ''i can't believe this shit...'' his voice sounded somewhat strangled. she fucked freeman. pierce. o'reilly. teresa's husband. ''you could at least have enough dignity to not rub it in my face. i don't need a list, god, saoirse. do you want one? well, there was my first girlfriend in high school, then there was irina. remember her? after that a whore or two and well... that's about it,'' his eyes were pining a hole into her. this was starting to become too much. this should never be on the list of their problems. not fidelity. never fidelity. they were supposed to fight about her safety, about his bossiness, about the mob. not fidelity.
what kind of a promise did she need? he gave her his word. and now she was saying that he refused to touch her. fuck this. fuck all of it. in a matter of seconds she became a captive, his body hovering over her as a cage. the kiss was too angsty. too painful. he probably bruised her lips slightly with the force of it, even if she returned it without any hesitation. ‘’I hate it. you wearing his fucking jacket. fuck, saoirse,’’ he groaned as she pulled back. his eyes were closed, head slightly tilted down. and then she was the one kissing him, wrapping her long legs around his hips. he persuasively kissed her right back, his hands sliding down her body, pushing her dress further up. his hand cupped her over the material of silky underwear: ‘’would you please, please, finally get it inside your head, that I don’t want anyone else. I’m not someone who goes into what we have just 50% or even 90%. I’m all in. all in. I don’t know any other way. don’t do this again. don’t.’’ he opened his eyes and glanced down between them. and back up at her: ‘unfasten my belt, saoirse.’’
yazmin rivero
število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
she felt so goddamn angry and hopeless at the same time and she hated him for it. this wasn’t like her – any of this, that wasn’t saoirse. she was calm, always cold blooded and she was capable of being okay all the time. but this time it was different. this time she was so vulnerable and it was all because of him. “well it wasn’t that easy, okay?” she hissed back at him because it was so stupid – his words were making so much sense and she did exactly the opposite. “and yeah, you don’t need to know that. and I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I hate it. and I hated irina,” were her words as she angrily stared at him. irina. she still remembered the time when he thought he belonged to her.
her hair was messed up and she moved her head just enough for them to slip away. “yeah well, I was cold. and he gave me his jacket. and oh, he tried to kiss me, did I mention that? but I pushed him away. I don’t even fucking care what you think about me, but I still trusted you enough not to go get my revenge and sleep with someone because of it. yes, marco, I messed up. now you know just how much,” her words were still filled with anger, but there was something else now. fear; a slightest bit of fright because of everything she did, but she still let him kiss her; let him push her dress higher and higher. she just looked at him with a weird mixture of feelings. “don’t you ever dare even think about walking out on me,” was all she said in return; her kind of promise and also her kind of apology. and then she did what she was told to do; her hands slid lower and impatiently unfastened his belt; pushing his clothes lower and then she wrapped her legs around his hips again as she pulled him closer.
tagged: marco, love. :3
število prispevkov : 812 cash : 1501 street reputation : 288 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 35 group : italian mob kraj rojstva : new york, usa
''i don't need to hear this... i don't care,'' it was an easy lie. he cared. more than he should. more than it was healthy. it fucking killed him to know that someone else was there for here. that she took safe haven with someone else, instead of calling him. hearing him out. straight forward asking him what was his business with teresa. ''how do i know that you won't do it again? that you won't go running away every time you feel insecure?'' he lowered his head down, his forehead leaning on hers, his eyes gazing down at hers. for her it was maybe a simple mess up. a mistake she made because of her insecurity. but her mistake was the very thing that made him feel insecure. there was no guarantee this won't happen again. his lips locked onto hers in another passionate kiss: ''then don't let me walk out.'' his eyes stayed latched on her face as her fingers worked his belt. he managed to get his hand between them, pushing himself up on his right forearm. fingers of his left arm hooked themselves on the skimpy underwear she was wearing. every move still seemed so rushed. like he was still trying to prove he was right. that he was right to push this off and off, to not let himself fuck her that very first day in her office. those panties she was wearing just a few seconds ago were now torn in two. ''will buy new ones,'' he murmured and then leaned down. he kissed her neck, her jaw. her lips. this was absurd, it should've never happened like this – with them still almost fully dressed, her dress pulled to her hips, his jeans barely down his thighs. and yet he couldn't stop. because the feel of her skin underneath him was absolutely mesmerizing. and every single kiss was a new promise – a promise to not walk out again, to not let this happen once more. he stopped his lips in front of hers, they were brushing against them when he spoke: ''i do, though.'' he pulled her hips slightly up, his cock sliding through the wet folds,but not pushing it. it took him a great deal of self-control not to let himself nestle in and fuck her hard right there. ''i do care about you. more than i should,'' was what followed and then he pushed inside, his teeth gently biting down on her lip, a deep groan escaping his mouth. pure heaven, that's what she was.
yazmin rivero
število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Tor Sep 03, 2013 6:30 pm
it hurt just a little – it was more like a sting; a fast and sudden realization and recognition of his words. but she was looking him straight into his eyes and she saw something there. no one else would probably even notice, but saoirse was learning how to read him and she spent way too much time with him. it was impossible to miss. he wasn’t being honest. he lied to her. “marco…” she whispered in reply, even though her voice was quite weak because she felt really bad about everything but she was too proud to admit that anyway, “you don’t.” there was no guarantee. she was too unpredictable, too wild for her own good and she knew it. she wasn’t going to give him a promise she might not be able to keep; she was that fair.
“I won’t. I didn’t. I refuse to let go of you.” that much was true and it was probably written all over her eyes at that moment. in the next moment saoirse was struggling with his belt, but she didn’t have problems and she had to smile when he tore her panties. “I don’t really care,” was everything she managed to whisper, because her breathing was becoming unstable and fast now. it wasn’t even anything special; but marco being that close was enough to make her heart pound and it was even worse when he started planting kisses on her face. her whole body was suddenly shivering as he moved and she could feel him at her entrance – but not quite there, not just yet, and she murmured something he most certainly couldn’t make any sense of. and then he did it – he pushed himself forward and she didn’t even realize when she grabbed him and pulled him closer, kissing him before she moaned and her head fell back on the bed and she had to close her eyes for a second, even though she refused to. there was a smile on her face when she looked him in his eyes again. her hand cupped his face. “and I love you. I just don’t always know how to deal with it.”
tagged: marco, love. :3
število prispevkov : 812 cash : 1501 street reputation : 288 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 35 group : italian mob kraj rojstva : new york, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Sre Sep 04, 2013 9:06 am
this was probably the one time she should've lied to him. make something up. say that it won't happen again that she will never doubt him again. but her pure honesty and sincerity were two out of a hundred things he absolutely loved about her. yes, loved. his hand trembled just a little as he made a path down her neck to the part where her heart was pounding fiercely. he leaned down and pressed a soft sensual kiss to the spot. his lips brushing the swell of her breasts and then he chuckled, when an incoherent curse left her mouth. he was teasing her just a tiny bit. maybe because he was so desperately trying to get rid of that anger that still sizzled in the air around them. did she understand he wasn't doing this now just for her benefit? that maybe it was really time to show her just how much he cared about her, how much he needed her – almost to the point where she was an essential substance for him, even more essential than oxygen, water, food, every other human need. he thrusted forward, pushed in with one move and stilled completely. ‘’this feels too good,’’ he murmured. his hand touched the under-side of her knee and pushed it further up as he lowered himself completely in to the base. another groaned escaped him. she made the sweetest sound in the back of her throat, something between a gasp and a moan. he kept his eyes locked on hers. any other time he would take his time. ease her up, kiss every inch of her skin. not now. he kissed her lips and he couldn’t hold on any longer. every next thrust inside her was more rushed, more intense, more fierce. harder, faster and it seemed as if he was trying to redeem herself for every single moment he spent not touching her. the only noises in the empty dark house were the quiet moans she gave away into his mouth, the slapping of flesh against flesh, his occasional grunts that made no sense. ‘’saoirse…’’ his throat closed up and his hand on her thigh was probably already leaving a mark behind. no way he could stop now, or ever again. he had no idea what the fuck she did with her hips and inner muscles but it undid him completely. ‘’always,’’ was the only thing that came out of him as he pushed it on for the last time, not managing to control himself any longer.
yazmin rivero
število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
her lips curved into a smile when she heard his words. he was right, this – them, all of it, somehow felt amazing. she actually had a moment of quick realization that sex was never that good before and it wasn’t just about sex itself – it was about them, about him being with her; finally taking that huge step in their relationship and she let him move her leg. “no, you - - you are too good,” she admitted. she had no problems being honest with him. he did most of the work, but nonetheless – she moved when she knew it’d make it even better for him, she ached her back at the right moments.
it was perfect. it was rushed and they both could still feel the sparks of anger in the air, but that didn’t even matter now. this was about them and she enjoyed every bit of it – and that much was obvious because saoirse was never really the quiet type. if she was enjoying herself, she damn sure showed it too. he was bruising her skin, but she didn’t mind that. he made her feel safe and loved and it was all that mattered. and then she could feel that he was about to come – it was obvious, and his timing was amazing and she needed quite some time to catch her breath again. she didn’t even realize that she was actually saying his name out loud a few seconds earlier – it felt like a daze now. “you are so fucking amazing, marco,” she whispered after a long pause and looked him straight into his eyes, “and I’m sorry.” those words were weird for her – she never actually apologized to people for stuff, but he… he was different. her hand found his and she intertwined their fingers.
tagged: marco, love. :3
število prispevkov : 812 cash : 1501 street reputation : 288 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 35 group : italian mob kraj rojstva : new york, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Pet Sep 06, 2013 6:32 am
his skin shiver with the after-shocks, but his lips formed a small smile as her former screams still echoed inside his head. how fucking good would it be to make her scream his name like that, every single day. she really had no idea what kind of effect she had on him, had she? he rolled from her to the side and immediately pulled her into him, into the crook of his arm. his lips were silent. ‘’I know you are,’’ he murmured back. he should’ve accepted the apology and be done with it. but that single thought still clawed inside his mind – what if will happen again? what if she’ll go all dark side again? he pulled himself up on his elbow and looked down at her, his eyes not lingering on her eyes but going down to her naked hips, where a bruise was already forming in the shape of his fingers. ‘’fuck,’’ he grunted and scooted slightly down, his lips landing on the patch of the bruised skin, placing a soft kiss there. ‘’don’t go running away from me, ever again,’’ he furrowed his brows once he was again beside her, pushing his face into the crook of her neck, inhaling the sweetest fragrance of her neck. ‘’it shouldn’t have happened like this,’’ he whispered then and let her go, moving slightly away and then laid on his back, his eyes drilling a hole into the ceiling. those words were still lingering between them. her ‘I love you’. his silence. he could easily say them in his mind, but out loud? no. not yet. because unlike the sex he won’t screw this up. what just happened should’ve been different, and he won’t say the words just because he had too. he’ll wait for that perfect moment. ‘’you’ll move in with me. and that’s final.’’
yazmin rivero
število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Pet Sep 06, 2013 9:17 am
he was holding her in his arms now and it was actually pretty much perfect. she felt safe and protected and he had no idea how much that meant to her. she was used to live dangerously and to always have her guard up in attempt to protect herself. she made some horrible decisions and she wasn’t proud of them, but it was her family legacy. she always thought she will end up alone like her father – but marco made her hope for something else. she gazed into his eyes and saw that he wasn’t totally sure of her words; that she messed up this time and that she will have to prove to him that she won’t do anything like that again. she wasn’t going to.
her whole body shivered once more as he kissed the bruise and she had to smile. “don’t worry about it,” she responded to his curse and then looked at him with more serious look. “as a matter of fact, don’t worry about anything, okay? I won’t. god, I was such a fool,” she closed her eyes for a second and cuddled closer to him. “next time I’ll come running to you,” she whispered. it was a quiet promise she knew she’d to her best to keep. he let her go now and moved and she missed his embrace almost immediately, but she just turned to her side and looked at him. “but it did. and that’s okay too,” she murmured as a response to his words and then suddenly realized that they didn’t even use any sort of protection which made her sit up with a bit of a shocked look at her face as she pushed her hair away and bit her lip. shit. “marco, we didn’t…” she started and looked at him while pulling her dress a bit lower again so she looked decent enough. her mind was buzzing with worry all of a sudden. what if that would result in- no, she didn’t even want to think about that. she just nodded in agreement with his next words, not even grasping the concept of it because she was too busy thinking about what she will have to do now. stupid protection, she should’ve remembered. she knew better. and she most definitely didn’t want to burden him with something as bizarre as pregnancy.
tagged: marco, love. :3
število prispevkov : 812 cash : 1501 street reputation : 288 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 35 group : italian mob kraj rojstva : new york, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Pet Sep 06, 2013 11:23 am
‘’you can't tell not to worry. i'll always worry,’’ he sighed and simply shook his head. she was far too under his skin. he didn’t even know when exactly she slipped there, but she did. and now there was no going back, no redeem. she was there and he planned to keep her there. ‘’stop it, okay? it was a mistake,’’ he covered her lips with his with a soft brush. not even a kiss. he didn’t want to think about that jacket, about o’reilly, all the other men of her past. ‘’a bad decision, okay?’’ he said once more and then his fingers drew different figures on her skin. but she started to move around and suddenly she was up, pulling her dress into place. ‘’so you agree?’’ he asked while looking at her, carefully contemplating what exactly was she doing. ‘’you'll move in with m...’’ he continued and then stopped as her face converted into utter panic. ‘’we didn't what?’’ he sat up next to her, not even caring if his shirt was slightly torn, his pants still unzipped. he didn’t plan to leave the bed any time soon. actually his plan was to fully get her out of that dress and get rid of his clothes completely. ‘’saoirse, for god's sake... would you just... what are you doing? take that dress off right now,’’ he would actually laugh if her eyes weren’t absolutely petrified. right now he would give a thousand pennies for her thoughts, because he could almost see the thinking process behind her panic. she was jumping from one thought to another, not sharing any of them with him. ‘’would you please calm down?’’ he laid his arms on her shoulders and stilled her before she got any other crazy ideas – like getting up and leaving the bed. his right hand left her shoulder and went back to the zip of her dress, pulling it down. ‘’babe, what are you freaking out about?’’ he inquired and started to get her out of that very non-essential dress.
yazmin rivero
število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Pet Sep 06, 2013 11:33 am
he was amazing and the funny thing was that he didn’t even realize of notice just how amazing he was. she knew, though. she knew he was perfect and she would always consider him as a person she loved. and also the only person she told that to without any hesitations or second thoughts. but right now she couldn’t properly listen to him. she couldn’t even think straight because of the fear that crept into her mind. she couldn’t have a baby now. but she wouldn’t have the heart to get rid of it. god damn it, she should’ve thought about everything. and she was freaking him out, she could’ve see that much. but she honestly wasn’t able to properly respond to his words – not now.
she was too confused and she just let him take the dress off; she slipped out of it and left it to fall on the floor and then she sat down again, turning away from him so he could undo the bra as well. it was the only piece of clothing on her at this point. “I am calm,” she murmured and then frowned. “no wait, I’m not. it’s just… god I don’t know what is wrong with me. protection, marco,” she finally said it – the reason behind her worry. “and we, I mean, I can’t… it’s dangerous and you probably don’t even want to…” she tried to make sense, she really did. he finally got rid of her bra and she turned back to him. she was biting her lip as she looked him into his eyes. “god, I’m sorry, I’m usually more… calm.” it was true. she just had to breathe. “I’ll fix it. so it’s okay.” she was calmer now – looking at his eyes definitely helped. “and yes. I will move in with you. that sounds amazing and I’d love it very much,” she smiled. it was a tiny smile, but her eyes were already lighting up with excitement. she would love that just as much as she loved him – but she didn’t say it again, mostly because she didn’t want to make him feel pressured into anything.
tagged: marco, love. :3
število prispevkov : 812 cash : 1501 street reputation : 288 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 35 group : italian mob kraj rojstva : new york, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Pet Sep 06, 2013 12:13 pm
he pulled the dress off as she stood up in a daze. his eyes were still set on her face as she frowned and frowned and frowned some more. she was still quiet though, letting him have his way with her. his fingers flew to the back clasp of her bra once she was seated beside him again. he managed to undo it gracefully and not tear it down as he did with the rest of her lacy underwear. he threw the bra over the edge of her bed and let her go for a few moments, reaching back and grabbing his shirt, pulling it over his head in one swift move. ‘’you don’t seem calm. you look like you’re about to throw up, babe,’’ his lips formed a half-smile as he pulled his jeans and briefs down. she wasn’t even paying attention to the undressing. she was just sitting. he kind of had enough of it, that’s why he turned her towards him and pulled her into his lap, her knees on each side of his hips. ‘’pro-protection?’’ he stuttered out the word that seemed to be bothering her. he slowly nodded and then waved away: ‘’that’s silly. you don’t have to worry about that. I’m clean. we get a bill of health in the army every few months. I got mine before I came back to philly and I’m good. I haven’t been with anyone since then. or before then. so… it’s okay.’’ he was smiling and yet it didn’t appear to calm her down at all. ‘’It’s okay. it’s kind of adorable to see you all nervous. ugh. did I just say adorable? I did, didn’t i?’’ he mocked himself and then pulled her further up, his fingers intertwining on her lower back. ‘’so we are officially living together,’’ he chuckled and then realized. yes, just then. that smile vanished. fuck, he was slow when he felt good. off his game. ‘’oh,’’ was what came out. she wasn’t worrying about STD. ‘’a baby,’’ was what followed. and then he started to laugh.
yazmin rivero
število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Pet Sep 06, 2013 12:42 pm
she had to smile this time. she looked like she was about to throw up? okay, maybe she did feel a little sick from all the worries that were buzzing in her head. not that sick, though. “I’m not going to throw up, I promise,” she smiled, even though it was a weak smile that didn’t quite manage to light up her face. next few moments she spent just staring at him, frowning a little and trying to figure out what the hell was he going on and on about. army? what? “you are what now?” clean? what did he even have in mind? she was actually too busy and too concerned about pregnancy that she would be able to grasp what was he thinking.
“this is not adorable, marco, I am being serious!” her voice was not that calm at all. he was laughing and calling her adorable and at the same time she saw million different scenarios and in all of those she was pregnant and killed or tortured or the baby was stolen or killed or whatever, she didn’t even follow. she locked her legs around him and looked at his face with a disapproving look. she wasn’t happy and he was laughing. that was… “unbelievable,” she murmured to herself. “and yeah, I’ll gather my things and have them moved,” she nodded without really thinking about that; her thoughts were still with the goddamn baby. and then he got it – finally – and started laughing and now she was just angry. “marco!” her voice was a little bit husky after previous events, but she didn’t even care. “stop laughing. stop, this isn’t even funny,” she demanded and then hit him with her fist – how the hell could he laugh about that? she didn’t find it funny. in fact, she could almost feel her eyes getting all weird and shiny and she was tearing up all of a sudden and he most definitely wasn’t helping.
tagged: marco, love. :3
število prispevkov : 812 cash : 1501 street reputation : 288 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 35 group : italian mob kraj rojstva : new york, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Pet Sep 06, 2013 1:53 pm
‘’I hope so…’’ he gave her a wicked smile that stayed on its place as he explained: ‘’no STD’s?’’ he didn’t sleep around and didn’t use drugs, so the chances of him getting an STD in the last few months was practically impossible. ‘’you are adorable. you have that little frown on your forehead. and crap, your dimples are smiling at me,’’ he insisted and pressed a finger to the frown, trying to smooth it. as much as he adored seeing her all grilled up, he loved her more… loved. there it was again. he loved her more when she was bursting with happiness. ‘’come on, saoirse, smile a little. you seemed pretty happy ten minutes ago,’’ he pressed a kiss on her bare shoulder and then with a mocking voice repeated after her, just with her name: ‘’saoirse!’’ and then the images of babies occupied his mind. he probably should’ve agreed with her. this wasn’t a good time to have a baby with wesley’s threats breathing down her neck. and this relationship was travelling forward with the speed of light. but the idea itself… wasn’t terrifying at all. ‘’would it be that bad?’’ he murmured against her skin and looked up at her when she actually punched him. punched him! then started to tear up and he stopped smiling and laughing all together. ‘’look… I, um, if that bothers you, then round number two will have to wait until tomorrow. I don’t have any condoms with me. but, fuck, I’ll buy a whole giant box if it’ll make you feel better?’’ he sighed and held her chin with his fingers, making her look at him. ‘’you should stop with the attitude, because it’s turning me on and apparently I have to behave tonight,’’ he chuckled, pushing her hair behind her ears, taking in her gorgeous face. fuck, she was beyond beautiful. and his. that was the most important thing – she was his. ‘’everything will be okay, saoirse,’’ he promised with a nod.
yazmin rivero
število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Pet Sep 06, 2013 2:24 pm
all of this was ridiculous. “wait, is that a question for me? no, I am clean. I am very clean, I can assure you that,” she said and that was amusing somehow – because she was quite sure, she had high standards and she always made sure that whoever she was sleeping with was clean and using protection and all that. she was a strict person when it came to that. “ten minutes ago I was really happy. no, seriously, I was. I actually can’t remember the last time I was that happy. it wasn’t just sex, it was you,” she admitted with a smile on her face. yes, that was the happy part.
but there was also a part that wasn’t too happy. “pregnancy now? it wouldn’t be ideal. I mean, it’s complicated. and I don’t need another weak point at this time,” she said. it was true. marco was her biggest weak point and if she actually started a family with him… who knew what would happen? “no, it’s just… god, it would be hard. I mean, it would be adorable and all, but really difficult to keep me alive. pregnant woman are the easiest targets.” that much she knew. “and there is also my mother… and what happened to her.” he probably didn’t even know. or did he? did he do a complete research on her back then? probably. she signed and smiled when he kept talking. “I think I have a pill somewhere. I should. so you don’t need to behave all that good,” she finally gave up and grinned. he was able to make her smile at that point – that meant that he was able to do anything. she hugged him and pushed herself closer to him. “thank you. I’m sorry I freaked out like that. I just… okay. I’ll be okay. thank you for being here for me, okay? it means the whole world to me.”
tagged: marco, love. :3
število prispevkov : 812 cash : 1501 street reputation : 288 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 35 group : italian mob kraj rojstva : new york, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Pet Sep 06, 2013 5:23 pm
‘’I wasn’t doubting you,’’ he smiled when she started to reassure him. truth be told, the mere thought of protection never even crossed his mind. which should be something to worry about. however it was her. it was with her. and the thought of an ‘accident’ with her wasn’t all that wrong. ‘’and you being happy makes me very happy. the sex was just a bonus, I guess,’’ he replied and his hands traveled down her shoulders, the sides of her body and settled on her hips. ‘’still… it should’ve happened differently,’’ he leaned towards her, catching her lips into a kiss. will he ever manage to get enough? this resembled a desert. a dry desert and she was the only liquid for miles around. he needed to have her. ‘’okay,’’ the word came out chopped. so she didn’t want kids. he’ll manage. he’ll have to. of course he was the one in his family who always wanted the whole package – a wife, kids, house, big fat life full of joy and happiness. it was bitter – that they didn’t share the same dreams, but as long as he could have her, it’ll have to be enough. ‘’you are not your mother though,’’ he narrowed his eyes on her. if all of her fears came out of her mother’s death then this will be a big problem. ‘’but, saoirse, you’re the mob’s princess. any time will be a bad time,’’ he continued and then groaned as she started to hug him and managed to wriggle her hips on him closer. what where they talking about? round two? ‘’no, no. really. I’ll be on my best behavior for the rest of the night. I won’t even touch you, really,’’ he started to nod but one of his hands had a mind of its own. it slipped to the nook between her thighs. his thumb flicking over the sensitive clit. ‘’much,’’ he kissed her, pulling her even more impossibly near.
yazmin rivero
število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Pet Sep 06, 2013 5:37 pm
she couldn’t even help herself but smile when he spoke. “well I just want you to be happy. I’ll always manage, but you are important,” she said. even if she tried to explain it probably wouldn’t work very well anyway. but he was the most important person in her whole universe and she wanted him to be happy. no, she needed him to be happy and she was going to do anything to make him happy. she looked at him as he spoke and began to shake her head immediately. “no, honey, it’s not like I don’t want want kids. you know, like no kids at all and everything? I always kinda thought that I’d have two kids in the end. I’m a girl after all and even if I never dreamt about big wedding and all, I want kids. two of them, because it gets awfully lonely if a kid is alone.” she knew that better than anyone. “and with my mum I just meant that… I don’t want you to get hurt because someone would get rid of me. or kid. or anything, you know? it is a dangerous world out there for me.”
she smiled and got rid of the bad thoughts as soon as he spoke again. “good behaviour, hm? it does sound like you,” she had to tease him a little. “I know it could happen differently, but it happened like this and it was still amazing. great, actually. and I don’t mind it. after all, we are unpredictable, right?” she always tended to find something good in everything. and then his hand found its way and she caught a breath with an amazed look on her face. “fuck,” she moaned and then returned him the kiss. “god I don’t even care.” she said that for whatever reason and let him tease her for few moments before suddenly pushing him back with a smile on her face. it was her turn to play with him.
tagged: marco, love. :3
število prispevkov : 812 cash : 1501 street reputation : 288 tvoja starost : 31 starost lika : 35 group : italian mob kraj rojstva : new york, usa
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Sob Sep 07, 2013 9:16 am
‘’three…’’ he murmured so quietly she probably didn’t even hear him. he looked at her, trying to read her thoughts, with a hopeful gleam in his eyes. this will work. this thing between them it will have to work. because he couldn’t possibly imagine having this kind of a special connection to anyone else. surely, he loved irina. he wanted a family with her. but it was a different kind of love. it was almost desperate. because the need to pull her out of their illegal lifestyle came first. yes, he wanted to keep saoirse safe too. but there was more to that. he didn’t want her to stop doing what she was born to do. he wanted to be there with her, for her, by her. ‘’three kids would be perfect,’’ he corrected himself, this time not smiling. ‘’we are doing this relationship thing backwards aren’t we? we shouldn’t be discussing this yet,’’ he shifted his gaze down, his hands stroking the outside of her bare thighs. ‘’but, somehow. you know how it is, how it feels – right,’’ he still wasn’t looking back up, not until she mentioned her mother once more: ‘’nothing will happen to you. I won’t let anything happen to you. keep that in mind.’’ of course he couldn’t make any promises. but no harm will come to her while he was by her side. he moved a little, scooting back up on the bed towards the pillows and pulling her along. ‘’fuck? I can do that,’’ he considered as other fingers joined the play, her moan echoing in the noiseless room. he kissed her back and then he was flying back when she pushed him down. yes, she had that wicked smile that told him he was in trouble, but he gave her no chance to act upon those thoughts. his hands were already on her hips, dragging her slightly up and then she was settled right on him, his cock as deep in as it could possible get. ‘’you’re going to kill me, I swear,’’ he rumbled, but the thought of complaining never crossed his mind.
yazmin rivero
število prispevkov : 639 cash : 1325 street reputation : 404 tvoja starost : 30 starost lika : 29 group : the corporation. kraj rojstva : havana, cuba.
Naslov sporočila: Re: forrest hills avenue no. 10 Ned Sep 08, 2013 5:56 am
she looked at him. “you want three kids? we will have to discuss that again, even though it is kind of nice to imagine three little marcos running around,” she had to smile now and then she corrected herself, “I mean, there would have to be at least one little saoirse, but okay. and yeah, I guess you are right and most men would run screaming if I’d only mention kids… but you, my love, are different. this is different. we are different. so it is okay.” it was true. she couldn’t even imagine her life without him now and that was new for her. it still felt right and safe and everything.
her face was more serious all of a sudden. their fingers intertwined and she just looked at him for a second; absorbing every inch of his face, even though she had memorized his face a long, long time ago. “it’s going to be okay in the end. that much I can reassure you.” well, she couldn’t exactly promise it, but when she decided that something will happen… there was usually no stopping her. the determination on her face said enough about that. after all, he was right: she was a mafia princess and she had the whole world under her feet. but not now. now she was just happy to be with him. she was just about to move as she felt his hands on her hips and she was riding him again while her surprised moan still hanged in the air. “yeah, I might kill you,” she agreed with his words and laughed. then she leaned in forward for another kiss and then slowly started to move. it was going to be a long night.