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 biker bar

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annabel harris
annabel harris

Female Gemini Rat
število prispevkov : 43
cash : 76
street reputation : 16
tvoja starost : 28
starost lika : 25

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: biker bar   biker bar EmptyTor Apr 02, 2013 6:34 pm

tagged: sebastian smitten

iskanje odgovorov je bilo zavito v ta labirint iz katerega včasih ni videla izhoda. ravno ko se ji je zdelo, da je prišla na pravo pot, že je naletela na slepo ulico, kar se je vleklo iz meseca v mesec, dokler ni bilo vse skupaj že prekleto utrujajoče, a po drugi strani jo je vse tisto le še bolj prepričalo, da ne sme obupati in ne bo popustila dokler ne izve kaj se je zares zgodilo. navsezadnje, kdo pa bo, če ne ona sama? trudila se je, da bi stvar pustila za sabo, prav dobro je vedela, da mora iti samo naprej, a je potrebovala nek zaključek, vse je bilo veliko preveč v zraku. četudi se je še tako trudila, da bi bil vse skupaj le oddaljen spomin in ji je včasih to celo zelo dobro uspevalo, ko se je lahko zamotila s službo, na koncu dneva pa je vedno ostala sama s sabo in svojimi mislimi, ki so ji pred očmi vrtele montažo njunega skupnega življenja. trenutka, ko ga je prvič zagledala, vseh tistih polaroidnih fotografij, ki sta jih napravila, kar jo je opominjalo na luknjo v prsih, zaradi katere je morala najti odgovore. edina sled, ki jo je imela že dlje časa je bilo ime, sebastian king. bil je edina oseba, ki ga je lahko povezala z zaročencem v času njune zaroke, ali pa vsaj edini, katerega ime je poznala. na policiji je imela veliko vez, zato ga ni bilo tako težko odkriti, po nekaj poizvedovanja pa je prav tako izvedela za lokalen bar, kjer je imela največ možnosti da ga sreča. ni več mogla odlašati, zaradi česar se je tisti večer odločila poskusiti svojo srečo. bila je živčna, bolj živčna kot bi si upala priznati, ko je stopala po tistem zatemnjenem prostoru, a celo tisto se ni moralo primerjati z divjim utripanjem srca, ki je nastopilo, ko ga je res zagledala. na srečo je po slikah vedela koga mora sploh iskati, zato se mu je po globokem vzdihu le približala ter ga opozorila na svojo prisotnost z rahlim dotikom njegove rame.

»jaz… ne vem, če se me še sploh spomniš,« je previdno začela, si popravila pramen las in odmaknila stol poleg njegovega. pravzaprav je bila to neumna izbira besed, saj je ni nikoli zares poznal. le upala je lahko, da mu jo je james sploh omenil, v tistem trenutku so ji šli po glavi le najhujši scenariji. tudi ona bi si ga po nepotrebnem skušala priklicati v spomin, saj ga nikoli ni zares videla, bil je le ime, brez obraza, čeprav se ji je po eni strani zdelo, da ga že pozna. james je tu in tam omenil službenega prijatelja, ki je bil z njim v braziliji in že celo takrat se ji je sprva dozdevalo, da bi moralo biti več pri zgodbi, a se kasneje s tem sploh ni obremenjevala, za to je bila vse preveč zaljubljena. »carolina ferreira,« je proti njemu podala svojo dlan in se živčno nasmehnila, vse da bi skrila nervozo, ki jo je prevzemala, pogum pa je tako ali tako kopnel s vsako njeno besedo. »mislim, da se nisva nikoli uradno spoznala, a poznaš... no, poznal si jamesa, ne?« truditi se obdržati lahkoten ton glasu, ko je govorila o svoji mrtvi ljubezni, je bil bol klavrn poskus. pravzaprav se ji je vse skupaj vedno bolj začelo dozdevati kot slaba ideja, ko je takole mencale pred temnolascem, ki je bil videti odločen in po pravici povedano celo nekoliko strašljiv, pa se je sama pri sebi vedno prepričevala, da se ne boji ničesar. v tistem trenutku se je počutila kot majhna deklica, ki je nihče ne bo jemal resno, ta občutek pa je sovražila iz dna srca.

Nazaj na vrh Go down
emma thompson
emma thompson

Female Sagittarius Rooster
število prispevkov : 136
cash : 286
street reputation : 141
tvoja starost : 30
starost lika : 39
group : locals
kraj rojstva : dallas, usa.

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyTor Apr 02, 2013 6:58 pm

biker bar Tumblr_mdcsxdxHsw1rz9gwe

ta večer se je imel namen sprostiti. že cel teden se mu je zdel nekako zmešan; po svoje ravno dovolj zmeden, da ga je nerviral in spravljal ob živce, čeprav je to napetost vsak večer znova lahko bolj kot ne uspešno sprostil v ringu. imel je takšne tedne, ko se je vsak večer pojavil na bojišču, kot so temu pravili, medtem ko se je včasih po več tednov temu življenju izogibal in preprosto užival. poleg tega se je imel pravico tudi od časa do časa sprostiti in temačen, nekoliko odmaknjen bar mu je nudil odlično zatočišče, ker so ga tu vsi poznali zgolj kot seba. bilo je lažje in manj verjetno, da bo kdo v njem prepoznal sebastiana kinga – priimek je v drugih delih mesta vedno zbudil pozornost ali pa pritegnil takšne in drugačne ljudi, zaradi katerih je bil hitro naveličan življenja. tukaj pa… tukaj je bilo drugače. življenje se je zdelo skoraj bolj preprosto in ko je mirno sedel za svojo mizo v kotu in zamišljeno srkal steklenico piva, se je počutil sproščeno. glasba je bila ravno dovolj glasna in obenem dovolj tiha, da mu ni šla na živce. včasih je bil do konca napet in vsaka malenkost ga je lahko spravila iz tira, ampak ta večer se je počasi, ampak zagotovo, spreminjal v miren in sproščen večer. takšen, kot jih je imel najraje.
s senco nasmeška na obrazu zaradi lastnih misli je odložil steklenico na mizo, potem pa je nenadoma začutil nežen, skorajda previden dotik na rami, zaradi katerega je v trenutku postal pozoren na dolgolaso dekle, ki se je usedlo na stol poleg njegovega. pogled je uprl vanjo in jo skušal nekam umestiti, ampak edina možnost, ki se je pojavila, je bila malo verjetna. na njej je bilo nekaj, kar se mu je zazdelo dokaj krhko in zaradi česar je ni takoj odpodil stran, čeprav je na svojem obrazu obdržal resnoben obraz in se spraševal, zakaj je dekle delovalo tako… nervozno? ni znal umestiti njenega razpoloženja, je pa vsekakor bil tiho dovolj dolgo, da je pojasnila, kaj je počela pri njegovi mizi. proti njemu je pomolila roko in potem izrekla ime, ki bi ga bežno lahko povezal z obrazom, ampak ni bil prepričan. zdaj je bil. sicer je nikoli ni uradno spoznal, a jo je videl. segel je v njeno dlan; drobna kot je bila bi se skorajda izgubila v njegovi, medtem ko ji je pokimal in stisnil njeno dlan nekoliko bolj nežno, kot bi jo sicer. james. vsekakor ga je poznal; bil je njegov dober prijatelj, dejansko tudi menedžer, ki ga je potreboval v času, ko je šele začenjal svojo karierno pot. james ga je peljal v brazilijo – predstavil ga je pravim ljudem in mu omogočil dostop do pravih krajev, kjer se je lahko seb naučil vse, kar je znal. in james se je vmes tudi zaljubil – še zdaj je imel pred seboj kolega, ki mu je z navdušenjem pripovedoval o dekletu, v katero se je zaljubil. in zdaj je bila tukaj. »da, poznal sem jamesa,« je dejal in naredil še en požirek piva, preden je s pogledom zavrtal v njene oči. »slišal sem, kaj se je zgodilo. bil je lep pogreb; žal mi je,« je nadaljeval in ohranil tisti resen izraz na obrazu. james je imel vedno to nesrečo, da se je zapletel z napačnimi ljudmi. kolikor je vedel, je bil v dolgovih. kolikor je vedel, so ga ubili zato, da bi ljudem pokazali, da je bilo potrebno denar vračati. »sebastian king,« se je predstavil, čeprav je tako ali tako vedela, kdo je. morala je, če je bila tukaj. »nočem biti nesramen, ampak… zakaj si tukaj, carolina?« se je nagnil proti njej, ne da bi pogleda niti za trenutek umaknil od njenih oči, medtem ko se je rahlo namrščil.

tagged: carolina. :3
Nazaj na vrh Go down
annabel harris
annabel harris

Female Gemini Rat
število prispevkov : 43
cash : 76
street reputation : 16
tvoja starost : 28
starost lika : 25

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptySre Apr 03, 2013 7:24 pm

tagged: sebastian smitten

je bilo prav, da je to počela? bilo jo je strah, a je bila želja po odgovorih veliko večja od tega. ni šlo za to, da vsega skupaj ni prebolela ali da se je še vedno obešala ne preteklost, potrebovala je le čist rez, brez kakšnih razrahljanih koncev. življenje je tako ali tako sestavljeno iz naših odločitev, od le teh je vse odvisno in prav dobro se je zavedala, da bi verjetno celo življenje obžalovala in se spraševala kaj bi bilo, če bi. vprašanje, ki te lahko od vseh še najbolj mori.

prikimala je njegovim besedam, a mu ni odgovarjala. ja, tudi njej je bilo žal, da so se stvari odvile, kot so se, a tega več ni mogla spremeniti, tudi nekaj izrečenih sožalj ne bo nikoli ničesar spremenilo. samo bolelo bi, če bi o tem preveč govorila. »potrebujem odgovore,« je tokrat nekoliko bolj odločno rekla in ga previdno pogledala izpod trepalnic. res ni imela pravice, da je le te zahtevala od njega, konec koncev ji ni bil dožen ničesar. lahko bi jo odslovil v trenutku in hvaležna je bila, da tega ni storil. pravzaprav je bil drugačen, kot je pričakovala, v pozitivnem smislu, navsezadnje je dobro prenašal dejstvo, da je pred njim praktično stala neznanka, ki ga je prosila uslugo, ob njunem prvem, pravem srečanju. »vem da se ne poznava zares, a si trenutno moja edina možnost,« mu je skušala pojasniti zakaj si je našla ravno njega. resnica je bila, da je vedno bolj ugotavljala, da je bilo ogromno stvari, ki jih o zaročencu ni vedela, kar jo je pripeljalo do vprašanja - ga je sploh kdaj zares poznala? »že dolgo časa se trudim izvedeti kaj se je zares zgodilo, nikogar ne ubijejo kar tako, na dan njegove poroke,« besede mu je podajala zgolj kot gola dejstva, manj čustev, kot je kazala, lažje je vse skupaj bilo. je bila res tako prekleto slepa? so bili odgovori takrat pred njenim nosom, pa jim ni želela verjeti? o njem si takrat ne bi mogla predstavljati ničesar slabega, imela ga je za popolnega in kasneje, ko je slišala govorice, da se je zapletal z napačnimi ljudmi in v napačnih vodah... tega preprosto sploh ni želela niti slišati. je bila to le naivnost? toliko vprašanj je imela, ki so jo preganjale, kot jo je preganjala njegova smrt že vse odkar se je zgodila. o tem ni rada z nikomer razpravljala, ravno zaradi tega je bilo še toliko težje, ko je stvar poskušala razložiti osebi, ki je bila v mnogih pogledih le tujec. mu pokazati svojo bolj ranljivo stran, tisto negotovo in sanjavo dekle, ki jo je tudi james takrat pripeljal iz brazilije. »ne moreš si predstavljati kako zelo me to mori... dejstvo, da ne vem kaj se je zares zgodilo, zakaj je moral umreti,« pripravilo jo je do tega, da se je počutila neumno, do tega, da je zavračale vsakršne tople človeške odnose, ker se je preveč bala, da bo spet napačno presodila ljudi ali pa da se bo usoda ponovno grdo poigrala ter bo ostala brez tiste osebe, česar si ni želela privoščiti. nikoli ni rada igrale žrtve, pravzaprav se je tega celo nekoliko sramovala, raje se je kazala kot močna policistka, poročena s svojim delom in kateri nič ne pride do živega, kar seveda ni res. v večini primerov so te osebe veliko bolj krhke kot si ostali lahko predstavljajo, le da znajo to dobro skriti. »ti si ga poznal v tistem času, očitno boljše kot jaz in če veš karkoli, moram vedeti, preprosto moram.« tako zelo si je želela teh odgovorov, da ni nikoli zares razmišljala kako se bo počutila, če dejansko izve, da ga ves tisti čas sploh ni res poznala, da je bila vse le farsa. bi to sploh prenesla? tega ni vedela, niti o tem ni želela razmišljati, bil je le še en razlog več, da je bil zadnji čas, da izve resnico. vso resnico. »prosim,« zadnja beseda je bila nežno zašepetana in pri tem je, verjetno prvič tisti večer, dvignila svoje velike oči, da so se srečale z njegovimi.

Nazaj na vrh Go down
emma thompson
emma thompson

Female Sagittarius Rooster
število prispevkov : 136
cash : 286
street reputation : 141
tvoja starost : 30
starost lika : 39
group : locals
kraj rojstva : dallas, usa.

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptySre Apr 03, 2013 7:42 pm

biker bar Tumblr_mdcsxdxHsw1rz9gwe

meril jo je s pogledom – skoraj nepremično je zrl vanjo, čeprav mu temnolaska pogleda ni vračala, medtem pa je v mislih povezoval stvari, ki jih je o njej vedel iz tistih delčkov pogovorov, ki jih je imel v spominu. marsikaj o njej je naključno povedal tudi james, ko mu je razlagal o čudovitem dekletu, ki ga je spoznal in ki ga je nameraval rešiti bede, v kateri je bilo prisiljeno živeti, ampak resnici na ljubo se sebastian ni nikoli pretirano posvečal temu. saj je bil vesel za prijatelja in pri njegovi odločitvi ga je popolnoma podpiral, kljub temu pa je imel v tistem času v glavi cel kup drugih stvari, ki so ga premotile. vedel je, da mu je james hotel predstaviti dekle – sebastian bi mu moral celo priskrbeti nekaj stvari in mu posoditi določeno denarno vsoto, da bi jo lahko po poroki presenetil z veliko, novo in krasno hišo, ampak vse skupaj se je končalo drugače, kot bi to kdorkoli pričakoval. in zdaj je bil james pokopan in njegova nesojena žena je sedela pred njim. ob njenih besedah je zgolj lahno privzdignil obrvi. odgovore? vsi so potrebovali odgovore. celo seb je nekaj časa brskal po smrti svojega prijatelja in je zdaj vedel vse, kar se je o tem dalo vedeti, ampak navsezadnje ji ni mogel kar tako povedati vsega skupaj. james v veliko pogledih ni bil oseba, za kakršno ga je imela. in sebastian bi se sovražil, če bi po njegovi smrti kar tako uničil njegovo sliko v očeh osebe, ki jo je james ljubil. pa ne, da dekleta ne bi razumel – lahko se je postavil v njeno kožo in si predstavljal bolečino, ki jo je čutila – tudi izgubo, morda celo strah, ampak še vedno… zdaj je bila tukaj. in tukaj je bilo življenje, ki bi zanjo moralo biti popolnoma drugačno, ampak saj ni mogel pomagati. »ne verjamem, da sem ga poznal bolje kot ti,« je zavrnil njene besede z neko določeno ostrino v glasu. nihče ga ni poznal bolje kot ona; dejansko se je seb jasno spomnil jamesa, kako je izrekel te besede. 'ona me preprosto razume,' se je popolnoma srečno nasmehnil, 'pravim ti, to je to'. podoba prijateljevega obraza v spominu ga je spodbudila k temu, da je dokončno izpraznil svojo steklenico s pivom in jo potem odložil na mizo; morda nekoliko bolj trdo, kot bi bilo dobro, ampak komu je bilo mar?
potem pa ga je ujela nepripravljenega, ko je vanj uprla svoje velike oči in ob tem izrekla besedo, ki je ni pričakoval. vsaj ne na takšen način. zavzdihnil je in počasi odkimal. »poglej, carolina, razumem te. verjemi, res te,« je spregovoril in s pogledom preiskal njene oči in prepoznal vso bolečino in dejansko tudi strah, ki ju je nosila s seboj. »ampak tudi ti moraš razumeti mene. james je bil moj prijatelj. in ti si bila dekle, v katerega se je povsem brezupno zaljubil,« se je morda prvič v tem večeru na njegovem obrazu pojavila senca nasmeška, »in ravno zaradi tega moraš razumeti, da ne morem izpolniti tvoje prošnje. če ne zaradi česa drugega, potem vsekakor zato, ker nočem uničiti tvojega prepričanja o jamesu. bil je človek, kakršnega si poznala. bil je točno tista oseba, kakršen je bil s tabo.« za trenutke je obmolknil in skušal zbrati svoje misli. »prav, imel je tudi temnejšo plat, ampak vse to je nameraval pustiti za sabo. vedno je prisegal, da se bo po poroki spremenil… ljubil te je. in jaz ne bom tisti, ki te bo pripravil do tega, da boš nanj gledala drugače. ne morem biti; james je bil moj prijatelj.«

tagged: carolina. :3
Nazaj na vrh Go down
annabel harris
annabel harris

Female Gemini Rat
število prispevkov : 43
cash : 76
street reputation : 16
tvoja starost : 28
starost lika : 25

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptySob Apr 06, 2013 2:46 pm

tagged: sebastian smitten

»očitno ne razumeš,« ga je tiho zavrnila, a v njenem glasu ni bilo jeze, bilo je zgolj razočaranje, tista vdanost v usodo, ko je naletela na še eno slepo ulico. pa ravno, ko je mislila, da se ji bo le nasmehnila sreča. raje se je sprijaznila z resnico, kot tolažila z lažmi. samo mogla je izvedeti, četudi bi jo bolelo, četudi ni bila prepričana, da bi to prenesla, morala je vsaj poskusiti, da bo lahko vso stvar res pustila za sabo, brez da bi jo še naprej preganjala. »tudi jaz sem ga ljubila. tega ne bo nič spremenilo, ampak samo povej mi kaj se je zgodilo,« je rekla, praktično na robu obupa. res ga je ljubila, le da ni bila več tako prepričana ali je zares ljubila njega ali pa le tisto predstavo o njem, ki jo je imela. imel je temno stran – kaj naj bi to pomenilo? besede so jo kvečjemu le še dodatno zmedle in prestrašile. kaj je počel, kdo je sploh bil človek s katerim se je odločila preživeti svoje življenje in mu je takrat brezpogojno ter slepo zaupala? ni vedela kaj si je sploh želela slišati. v popolnem svetu bi ji zagotovil, da je bil vse, kar je na njem tako oboževala, da med njima res ni bilo nobene skrivnosti in je bila njegova smrt delo kakšnega blazneža, naključje, grda igra usode. no, pravzaprav v popolnem svetu sploh ne bi rabila postavljati teh vprašanj, a to so bile že druge sanje. kako bi izgledalo njeno življenje, če se to ne bi zgodilo? vprašanje, o katerem si ni drznila niti razmišljati, ker bi bilo to neumno, mazohistično početje. skoraj ga je vprašala, če si ne bi tudi on želel vedeti resnice o tem, kaj se bi zgodilo osebi, ki mu je zares pri srcu, a se je še pravi čas ustavila. začela se je zavedati v kako neroden položaj ga je pravzaprav postavljala s tem, ko se je kar neaenkrat, po vsem tem času prikazala in od njega zahtevala odgovore, odgovore, ki bi lahko na njegovega prijatelja posvetili s povsem novo lučjo. poleg tega pa ga ni zares poznala in on ni poznal nje, lahko bi vedela, da je bila precej optimistična, ko je dejansko verjela, da ji bo karkoli povedal.

»poglej, žal mi je. žal mi je, da te postavljam v ta položaj, verjetno nisem pomislila, da tudi zate to ne more biti lahko,« je počasi začela in zavzdihnila. »ampak s tem se vseeno ne morem zadovoljiti, res ne. zato ti bom postavila samo še eno vprašanje in potem obljubim, da se s tem sprijaznim, ne bom te več nadlegovala,« mu je resno zagotovila. ja, odločila se je, da bo tvegala in svoje zaupanje dejansko znova postavila v nekega človeka. ni zares vedela zakaj, morda se ji je zdelo, da mu lahko zaupa. velikokrat se je že zgodilo, da je narobe ocenila ljudi, zaradi česar je bila v preteklosti marsikdaj prizadeta, pravzaprav tolikokrat, da se je sama pri sebi že odločila, da je edina oseba, ki ji lahko zaupa ona sama in se nikomur drugemu ne sme zares odpreti, to te napravi ranljivega, kar znajo ljudje izkoristiti. lahko je torej razumeti, da zanjo res ni bilo preprosto, da bo sebastianu verjela na besedo, da ji bo na naslednje vprašanje odgovoril po pravici in bila s tem zadovoljna, a to je bila res pripravljena storiti. »je bil james slab človek, je bil na napačni strani zakona? potrebujem samo da ali ne,« je rekla tiho, s strahom v glasu, ki se ga ni mogla otresti, ker se je prav dobro zavedala, da ji ta ena besedica lahko v trenutku obrne svet na glavo.

Nazaj na vrh Go down
emma thompson
emma thompson

Female Sagittarius Rooster
število prispevkov : 136
cash : 286
street reputation : 141
tvoja starost : 30
starost lika : 39
group : locals
kraj rojstva : dallas, usa.

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyPon Apr 15, 2013 7:01 pm

biker bar Tumblr_mdcsxdxHsw1rz9gwe

najraje bi vse skupaj poslal k vragu, ampak srce mu tega ni dopuščalo in zaradi tega nenadoma samega sebe ni preveč maral. lahko bi preprosto vstal in ji povedal, da se nima o ničemer za pogovarjati z njo in nato zapustil prostor. lahko bi celotno situacijo olajšal samemu sebi, ampak to ne bi olajšalo ničesar zanjo. navsezadnje je videl v njenih očeh obup – tisto čustvo, ki jo je počasi prevzemalo. in nekaj je bilo na tem čudovitem dekletu, zaradi česar ni mogel kar oditi. a po drugi strani ni mogel izdati svojega prijatelja na takšen način. je bila to izdaja? z njim je preživel nekaj časa takrat, ko se je njegovo življenje bližalo koncu – a tega seveda nihče od njiju ni vedel. govoril je o njej, o svojih načrtih za njuno prihodnost in o vsem, kar je hotel žrtvovati za to. in zdaj… zdaj je bil mrtev, njegova zaročenka pa je hotela vedeti, zakaj. bilo je pošteno. tudi sam bi se najbrž podal na zapleteno pot iskanja odgovorov, če bi se njemu pripetilo kaj podobnega, a je bil zaenkrat dovolj srečen, da se ni.
pogled je uprl vanjo, ko je spregovorila. nepremično – dobro je prenašala njegove poglede, večina ljudi se ga je zaradi tega včasih celo ustrašila. ampak ne ona. »eno vprašanje…« je počasi ponovil in potem prikimal, kot da bi se strinjal s tem, čeprav mu niti ni postavila vprašanja. njegovega piva je zmanjkalo in pomignil je natakarju, ki je že v naslednjem trenutku na njuno mizo dostavil steklenico viskija in dva kozarca, ki ju je seb napolnil. naredil je požirek iz svojega ter ga odložil, pogled pa še vedno upiral vanjo. postavila je vprašanje in presenetila ga je preprostost vsega skupaj in dejstvo, kako zelo napačno je sama ocenila situacijo. »rekla si eno vprašanje,« je spregovoril po trenutku tišine, njegov pogled pa je bil zdaj skoraj izzivalen. kdo je bila ona, da je lahko ocenjevala ljudi glede na to, na kateri strani zakona so bili? nagnil se je proti njej, dokler se nista njuna obraza skoraj dotikala. »in zdaj ti ne razumeš,« je mehko zamrmral, ker je bil v vsakem primeru dovolj blizu, da ga je slišala. »ne žali me. ne žali spomina na jamesa,« je nadaljevala, preden je počasi izdihnil in zaprl oči, ki jih je čez nekaj dolgih trenutkov ponovno uprl v njene oči. »biti slab človek se ne nujno enači s tem, na kateri strani zakona si.« v to je brezmejno verjel; to je vedel, poznal je dovolj ljudi. »james je bil dober človek, ki je sprejel nekaj napačnih odločitev in se zapletel z napačnimi ljudi,« je končno povedal tisto, kar je hotela vedeti že od vsega začetka. »ubili so ga, ker je hotel zaradi poroke vse skupaj pustiti za seboj in postati pošten človek v vseh pomenih besede.« zdaj se je umaknil in ji dal nekaj trenutkov, da je dojela njegove besede. james je bil dober človek, vsekakor. nikoli ne bi dvomil v to. pomagal mu je in dolgoval mu je ogromno in morda se je zdaj, ko je njegovi nesojeni ženi odškrnil delček resnice o njem, počutil nekoliko bolje. navsezadnje jo je rešil tistih grdih dvomov – vsaj teoretično. in ko je pogled ponovno uprl vanjo, je iskal kakršenkoli odziv na povedano.

tagged: carolina. :3
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braden clarke
braden clarke

Female Virgo Monkey
število prispevkov : 75
cash : 155
street reputation : 53
tvoja starost : 32
starost lika : 27
kraj rojstva : denver, colorado

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyPet Apr 26, 2013 12:37 pm

tag, louise smitten upam da ni preveč bedn

He's had a busy day with an awful lot to do, so a glass of whiskey and someone easy on the eye next to him seemed like the only thing that could actually make him feel a tad bit better. So he sat down next to a bar where this boobless girl served him a drink or three and he either seemed taken or too drunk to handle, because no one really stopped by, although this is something that normally happens on a regular basis. He noticed a woman though. That same woman that he remembered from a firm he once worked for, those same legs that have walked past him many times before, but she never seemed to care. Guess she was too busy fucking some old men; at least that’s what he thought of her as a nineteen year old kid watching her walk from one office to another, fixing her dress and hair. And it looked like she hasn’t changed a bit, because maybe a week or two ago she crossed his path once more (the story he loved talking about but not to everyone) and although she obviously checked him out he didn’t get a chance to speak with her. It must have been because of that dude that nailed her in the men’s restroom, or maybe ‘cause she had his cock in her mouth, but he definitely heard her moan – and doing so while someone who could easily be your father is fucking you is freaking unbelievable.

He pushed his seat away, grabbed his drink and walked towards her before any other man could (she obviously had so many eyes glued to her breasts it was insane). “Remember me?” he spoke, slightly touching her back with his free hand. It might have been quite optimistic, but he considered himself decent looking and since they (barely even, but still) met long years ago she should at least remember his face. “I saw you here last week ... you know, with that pale dude that knew jack shit about English,” he decided to leave out their first encounter. She probably forgot about that poor little intern that roamed around forbidden areas and spied on other people. Guess that’s what he knew best and why they fired him at last. “You know ... in the toilet. Men’s toilet.” Emphasizing his last phrase he sorta winked at her, but she didn’t seem to mind. Most women would get all feisty and mad, but she seemed careless. She seemed like someone he wouldn’t mind having in his life. “So tell me, how did that old man ... well ... I’m not saying he was ugly or anything like that, but how did he get such a pretty lady?” It was his habit to compliment women, but she ... she was something special. She deserved more. “Let me buy you a drink. Or is he here somewhere?” he looked around in case there was some Russian bodyguards rushing his way to tackle him down, but no such thing happened. So instead he shrugged his shoulders and took another sip of his drink that slowly started to relax his ability to reason.

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louise bishop
louise bishop

Female Leo Rooster
število prispevkov : 43
cash : 105
street reputation : 37
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 25
group : police
kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyPet Apr 26, 2013 7:41 pm

tag; blake smitten3

she decided against sitting down in the bar stool, because that would scream 'available' all over the place and right now she didn't have nor the patience nor the nerves to deal with a bunch of male horndogs. as much as she usually enjoyed the attention and free drinks, something was bothering her tonight. every since she entered the room she felt as if there was a set of eyes on her and it made her shiver. but the more she looked around, the more she was sure there wasn't a familiar face in sight. so she stopped by the counter and patiently waited for her drink. a cosmo for the start. she'll move to martinis later and finish the night sipping something with a lot of sugar. she liked girly drinks and wasn't afraid to admit it – colorful coctails with umberellas were definitely her drink of choice and sometimes she just order something random, wanting to be surprised. it rarely happened lately though. this routine was starting to get old and she needed some distraction to spice it up. a wave of heat crawled up her completely bare back and she almost winced as a hand touched the spot and her skin erupted in shivers. the voice caressed her ears as she turned slightly around and met the eyes of the intruder. shit. fuck. double fuck. ''am i supposed to?'' she returned the question, her brows raising high. of course she remembered him, but there was no way she was letting him know that fact. the true enigma was how he remembered her? or maybe he wasn't used to seeing young women disappearing into toilet stalls with 40 year olds. probably that. ''i'm sorry, did i fuck you? i'm really bad with names, you know. i usually remember... other parts,'' she smiled a little but with an obvious dis-interest.

she was a little bit nervous but she had it under control. for fuck's sake last week in that stall, she only pushed herself over the edge because she imagined his mouth on her pussy otherwise the russian would never get her off. she met his eyes just before going into that stall and she obviously left quite an impression. probably that she was an easy lay. she was, but still, it wasn't exactly flattering. especially with how fucking gorgeous he was. ''oh, you mean that russian i fucked in the toilet?'' she faked a surprise and send a flirty smile to the bar tender that just supplied her with a cosmo coctail. ''i know where i did it. i wasn't drunk or drugged. or high. or crazy,'' she covered all the areas to make him realize that was what she did without regrets. maybe he thought she'll be embarrased. she was far from that, oceans away. her smile faded a little when he sent a wink her way. ''did you just wink at me?'' she asked before she could efficiently stop herself, but then again... it was impossible he had so little game. girls his age were probably crawling around his feet, begging for him to pay them even a glance. and then he winked at her and let the cheesiest shit ever find a way from his mouth. such a downer, really. ''ivan is 43, which is not that old. and trust me, his stamina is quite impressive, probably better than yours,'' she lifted the glass towards her lips and made a sip. he had all the potential in the world but he walked around calling women pretty lady? ''do you ever get laid while sucking up to girls like this? winking? pretty lady? buying a drink? this is just... sorry, this is too much. i feel sorry for you. i have this urge to laugh into your face, but i won't do it because pity outweights it all,'' she erupted and then laid a hand on his shoulder as if she were giving him a compassionate pat. ''don't try so hard. really don't. just tell me what exactly do you want?'' she continued and downed the rest of her glass before turning fully to him. ''A, get to know me. B, fuck me. or C, see if you can get me to visit that bathroom with you too?''

Nazaj na vrh Go down
braden clarke
braden clarke

Female Virgo Monkey
število prispevkov : 75
cash : 155
street reputation : 53
tvoja starost : 32
starost lika : 27
kraj rojstva : denver, colorado

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyPet Apr 26, 2013 10:00 pm

tag, louise smitten

While her words left him disappointed her cleavage certainly didn’t. If it wasn’t too obviously he’d probably stare at it for some more, but instead he lifted her face up to meet with hers. She was pretty much the same, just a couple years older. There was no such thing as a wrinkle or gray hair in her world he guessed when his eyes roamed her body once more and it was a pity so many men have touched it before. It baffled him why a girl of her class apparently bangs old men when she obviously doesn’t have any trouble getting younger men hooked, younger as in him. He certainly was hooked and if he didn’t have that weird blockage in his head, he’d probably already have his hands on her ass or somewhere in between her legs, but rather than that he smiled widely at her when she’s mentioned fucking him. “Oh yeah, no, I can only wish,” he chuckled and thought of it for real. It would certainly be a pleasure if instead of that illiterate Russian there was him who was being pushed next to a wall with pants dropping and her hands all over his thingy. “But no, no you haven’t.” She was either faking it, because there’s no way in hell she couldn’t remember him, after so many times they’ve glanced at each other in that elevator. But on another note, it could have been just him looking at her and not also the other way around.

“I’m not saying you were drunk ... or drugged, god forbid, but you certainly did him well,” he spoke again with a little redness sneaking up on his cheeks. Did he just admit he actually stayed there until they finished? Well done, Blake, well done. He knew nothing about playing dirty and although he felt like making her feel a little bit uncomfortable and caught, he was the one ending up that way. “Nah, something just fell into my eye, pollen I guess,” he started with a grin on his lips and then added, “yes, yes I did, silly.” What worked on other girls didn’t help with this one, but it only worked with 90% of the women population he guessed – being cheesy and all. “Oh, and you know about my stamina how?” He spent a good half of his day in the gym and there’s no way some old creep was better at anything than him, there’s just ... no way. “Well, I don’t know about you, but if I were you I’d be happy if someone wanted to talk to me for a change. Not just bang me like a rabbit, no offence.” Oh yeah, this last phrase will definitely help when she punches him in the face for offending her. The fuck was he doing? “I just told you, I don’t want any of that. Just wanted to buy you a drink or two, not interested in anything else.” Lie. What a big lie. “But if you are ... then I guess I could do you a favour. The way you checked me out that time in the toilet, you probably came just because I was on your mind. Or am I right?” he grinned and shrugged his shoulders with a lame excuse to keep talking to her. He can do so much better. Or at least that’s what he thought.

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louise bishop
louise bishop

Female Leo Rooster
število prispevkov : 43
cash : 105
street reputation : 37
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 25
group : police
kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptySob Apr 27, 2013 5:40 am

tag; blake smitten3

there was something in the very special way he looked at her. she would usually bet her right arm that it was lust, but not this time. a sort of recognition was sparking in there and just like that night in the toilet, she knew she must've seen him before. but were? why? how? he obviously remembered her but was playing a just-got-to-know-you card. once more – why? ''exactly. choke up on that wish,'' she rolled her eyes but glanced away from him. it really bothered her not knowing where exactly to place him. it was as if she had a bunch of shelves in her mind and then she sorted all her acquaintances there. where the fuck to put him? she didn't know his name though, she would remember it despite what she said before. she would definitely remember fucking him, that she was sure about. ''i'm sorry, i just got the impression that you think something must have certainly been wrong with me if i fucked someone like him,'' she shrugged and her breath got caught a little at his last words. but then she looked straight at him and saw the soft blush on her cheeks. oh fuck, he was cute. and yummy. ''did i?'' she raised her brows, mentally trying to put herself into this game. no weakness, that was her moto. so far she was doing quite good, in spite his ability to completely chew her up. ''you listened to us? in that toilet? you stayed and listened? such a naughty boy,'' she whistled and waved to the bartender, ordering another cosmo. to fuck with it all, she wanted to get hammered, since the guy in front of her was pulling his strings painfully hard.

she couldn't help but to smile at the goofy grin on his face, her lips forming a sincere smile and resisting a laugh. ''don't do it... don't play nice with me, you really don't need to,'' she simply stated, while staring at that dashing smile of his. yes, despite the shit he said, the ladies must be all over him. it's a wonder he's still here sitting alone without a pair of boobs trying to eat his face. but now she really had to laugh. ''don't worry. i'm sure your stamina is impressive,'' she shook her head while laughing and once more thanked the bartender for the drink. ''look, you seem like a really nic...'' she started to say but her words stopped somewhere in the middle as she turned to him with a clear look of disbelief on her face. bang her like a rabbit? he had absolutely no idea, he didn't know her at all. ''they don't fuck me, i fuck them. just to clear that out. also... that was offensive. just because you saw me / heard me banging a guy in a toilet stall that doesn't mean i practice this often or have absolutely no exhibitions,'' she managed to drill her finger into his arm. ''have you even thought about that? maybe i really liked him. just because my cleavage barely covers my nipples and if i bend down you can see straight up into my pussy... it doesn't mean you can treat me like a fucking whore,'' yes she felt that punch straight into the gut, but she didn't plan to stand back down. just needed to step up her game. she did a little step forward, inching herself closer to him. she planned to give him a little taste of what he was missing because of his long stupid tongue but ended up holding his chin to look into her eyes. ''i did. i came because of you. i liked what i saw before disappearing into that toilet and i imagined your face on my pussy, your tongue swirling on my clit, your fingers getting me to the edge,'' she slowly nodded as she spoke in a hushed tone, words meant just for his ears. ''i might do it again tonight. or tomorrow. or when i'm alone in my bed, bored and needy. i'll remember your face,'' her eyes drifted down to his lips. okay, so she was playing a game but he was turning her on the point her breathing grew raspy and heavy. ''but it'll just be an unplayed fantasy. because you'll never actually touch me – you're still just a boy.''

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braden clarke
braden clarke

Female Virgo Monkey
število prispevkov : 75
cash : 155
street reputation : 53
tvoja starost : 32
starost lika : 27
kraj rojstva : denver, colorado

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptySob Apr 27, 2013 9:22 am

tag, louise smitten

He was slowly losing it. She spoke to him with such ease, while he felt this nasty urge to pull her towards him, but that’s something he’d never really do. Especially since it looked like she doesn’t even remember his face well enough to realise he worked in her dad’s firm for a short while. “Yeah, no, I’m not that desperate, Louise,” he emphasized her name to freak her out, but he knew her better than she’d expected. Okay, he knew nothing about her, but he remembered her face well and whoever didn’t remember boss’ sexy daughter’s name was definitely a moron. “Well I don’t know. Is there something wrong with you to screw oldies or are they just tastier?” he mumbled out just before he took another sip of his whiskey. Her tongue was like a sharp knife, there wasn’t a sentence she couldn’t find a comeback to and they mostly embarrassed him, so he’d better get drunk to be able to cope with all of that. “I just told you. There was no other option. I liked what I heard; no one else was there so I stayed. And you’re pretty vocal for such a tiny little girl,” he laughed and lifted his glass just a bit to crash it against hers. “Too bad you were with him and not me though.” Unfortunately he never really picked women in toilet stalls or better said, he never picked women that fucked everything with an ability to breathe, at least that’s what he thought she was like.

“I’m not playing any nicer than I normally am. Just to let you know, not every guy is a douche.” Okay, maybe he could be a douche, but really, he was more of a gentleman. If he liked what he saw, he’d try and invite her out to dine with him, he wouldn’t just fuck her pinned against the wall. Of course when things get far enough, he wouldn’t miss out a chance to experiment a little, but in general, he was pretty chill and unobtrusive. “Oh, that wasn’t my intention, you surely don’t resemble one, you’re pretty classy and as I can see, also pretty protective of your shit. Or are you just embarrassed of what you do and you’re now trying to make me feel bad for pointing out that you’re too good to just settle for any guy?” he tried to guess what her deal was. He might have thought he had known her, but she was a mystery to him. What the heck was she doing? How was it possible a girl of her sort didn’t have someone special already, someone who will fight all the horny dudes away and take care of her? But he knew the second she stepped closer to him. She was impossible to resist, her hands were so soft on his chest and he felt something in his pants tighten as she traced his jaw with her palm at last. “Oh, so I was right?” he managed to get out while all he really wanted was to do what he never imagined himself doing. Pushing someone against the first wall and stealing a kiss. Or a hundred of them. His breath got heavier as she whispered naughtily in his ear, and feeling her soft skin just lightly touching his was too much he could possibly handle. He tried to steal a kiss, but she was way too fast and if he felt like she was already half his, it all collapsed with her moving away. “I get it now. You’re a player. You’re gonna get me all horny now and then leave me wondering what it would be like to do you. Well played, Louise, well played.”

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louise bishop
louise bishop

Female Leo Rooster
število prispevkov : 43
cash : 105
street reputation : 37
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 25
group : police
kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptySob Apr 27, 2013 11:09 am

tag; dat jaw smitten3

every single drop of the blood in her veines froze when he spoke her name and a confused expression took place instead of that sultry look she loved to use and abuse. ''you know my name,'' she nodded, thinking that he did his homework. probably asked around the club to find out who she was. it wasn't even that hard, given that 40% of the mail population in the club had the access to her pussy. not very exclusive now was she? ''nothing is wrong with me. it's just easier to pull the strings with them. make them do what i want, give me what i want. please me, feed me, spoil me,'' was a complete sincere answer she gave him. her eyes dropped to her lips as he raised his glass and made a careful sip of whiskey. eh, she couldn't stand that bitter drink that usually ripped her throat into pieces. even though she would more easily survive this conversation with a shit load of hardcore liquor she decided to stay faithful to her pink and blue cocktails. now he was simply using her as a punching bag. one thing was her playing around with people, teasing them a little. something completely different were boys like him using synonyms for a whore around her and trying to understand her sex life. ''no need to stay quiet while enjoy yourself. maybe you're just used to prudes and it fascinated you that girls can actually moan and scream while someone fucks them senseless,'' she replied but the answer was lacking her usual sass. ''yes, what a pitty indeed,'' she rolled her eyes and made a deep breath and then a long sip. he was starting to get on her nerves with his counter attacks.

she simply shook her head and bit down on her lower lip. a nice guy? really? nice guys come to you this openly and tell you they've listened to you and someone else going at it in a toilet stall? they openly stated they wanted to be the said someone else and looked at you as if they were already undressing you? nice guy her ass! she raised her brows up as she wasn't sure if he was fucking with her head or was actually being honest. ''you don't know me,'' was her reply at first, but then she took a deep breath as she leaned towards him and accidentally inhaled the absolutely mindblowing scent he had or was it a perfume? ''yes, kiddo. you were right,'' she nodded, pressing one palm on his chest, tracing his jaw with one finger of the other. she would very much like to lick that line also. ''i was thinking of you. does that turn to you?'' she send a meaningful glance down to the front of his pants that was slowly starting to show a bulge underneath. she stepped even closer and pulled him towards her by the belt of his pants, smiling as he tried to kiss her and leaning slightly back to avoid that kiss. ''how do you know my name?'' she looked into his eyes, playing with the possibility of kissing him. yes, she was the one setting the rules and she should be the one to kiss him first. ''listen very carefully, i shall say this only once,'' she murmured her fingertip separating his bottom lip as she looked at it in perfect fascination. he was very goddamn good looking. it was a fact he probably knew. ''i want you. i very much want you. but this ain't gonna happen. you and me – too different. if you really are a nice guy... then you should just stay away before i fuck you up and ruin you for all your future girlfriends. i know guys like you... you see me as something fun. but why go for me if there's a perfectly nice pretty girl pining for you and will make a very good wife someday. go fetch that girl, don't come after me. if it's just to buy me a drink or bury your dick into me. don't.'' her mouth pressed closer to his lips with every single word: ''you can kiss me now, just for a quick taste and then we're done here.''

Nazaj na vrh Go down
braden clarke
braden clarke

Female Virgo Monkey
število prispevkov : 75
cash : 155
street reputation : 53
tvoja starost : 32
starost lika : 27
kraj rojstva : denver, colorado

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptySob Apr 27, 2013 6:38 pm

tag, louise smitten

“I know a lot more than just your name, miss Bishop,” he lied, but chuckled when her facial expression went from relaxed to confused and pretty tense. The only thing he knew was that she was sexy as hell and that he’d probably kill to have her in his arms, but it was sort of impossible if he wanted to keep his good reputation. He wasn’t this typical guy that screwed every woman that walked by; however, he sometimes felt the urge to do so. And it was quite strong now when he had to try extremely hard to keep his hands somewhere near his waist and think about everything else but this gorgeous face that came as close as an inch to his. “But don’t you think you could find someone better to spoil you like a princess. I mean, at least someone your age.” She could also be interested in older guys, so his ramblings really made no sense, but being that he desperately wanted a shot at it, he tried playing different cards. In no way his politeness helped, his body might have, but still not enough for her to stop the little game she was playing. “Oh no, don’t you worry about me. I get enough of both, but you just seemed different than any other chick I’ve been with,” he smiled in her direction and thought about winking again, but since all this obvious flirting wasn’t her thing he decided not to. Why was she so hard on him? What was so different about her that made him want her so bad? Was it the fact that he knew she’s pleased so many guys before that he wanted to give it a go as well or did she just impress him with her way of speaking and just ... being? Well, she sure was a hottie and if she decided to grab him by his hand and drag him into one of the toilet stalls, he surely wouldn’t complain.

“You have no idea,” he mumbled out and grabbed her by the waist to pull her closer towards his body, making her feel his rock hard crotch, but that was all he intended to do. There was no way he’d pick a girl like that and bang her somewhere nasty, he was no manwhore to do so. “And will you stop calling me a kiddo, little lou, i was probably in school when you still pooped in a diaper.” But none of that stopped her from getting even closer, touching his chest and then playing with his lip and if this went on for a couple more minutes, he’d be completely sold. How does a man say no to such perfect torture anyway? “Yeah, but who said I’m looking for a wife, it’s not like my biological clock is ticking,” he breathed out now less than an inch away from her. He blindly found a flat surface to put his drink down and soon both of his hands were firmly grasping onto her butt cheeks. “But I’m not sure if I even want to kiss those lips. I’d rather take you out on a date,” he whispered and pressed his lips somewhere on her jaw line, moving slowly towards her neck. “And if you really have no idea where to put me, maybe you should ask your daddy.”

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louise bishop
louise bishop

Female Leo Rooster
število prispevkov : 43
cash : 105
street reputation : 37
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 25
group : police
kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyNed Apr 28, 2013 6:05 am

tag; dat jaw smitten3

now she was on the other side of the board game, now she was the one being played. her name, her surname. she didn't like this at all and it showed as she narrowed her eyes on the stranger in front of her, trying to get a clue, a hint from his eyes. but he was giving away absolutely fucking nothing. ''i don't think i like you anymore,'' she shook her head. no point in pretending – it was obvious this made her uncomfortable. ''i'll find someone age-appropriate when it's time, don't worry. i won't end up with the fat rich old guy just because i'm with them now. it's not like they turn me on, so there's really nothing to worry about. i'm actually your average girl – i prefer a six pack to a beer belly,'' her hand slipped down his chest and stopped at the hard edge of his stomach that was ripped with muscles all around. something like this, she preferred someone like him. but no need to go there when it doesn't lead anywhere. ''why? because i turned you down? twice,'' she laughed and perhaps her breath caught a little when he smiled. yes, he was probably a dream come true. a boy, guy, man, a lot of women would be euphoric to be looked upon by. but she had the tendency to screw people and then chew them up and spit them out. it was hard to believe but she was doing him a favor by being a bitch to him. better to be a bitch now than a heart killer later.

her hips collided with his, the front of her flushed to his, her belly feeling exactly how much was she turning him on. she felt bad, she really did. her hips had a mind of its own as she pressed them further and opened her mouth as she released a slow shallow breath. ''i'm 25,'' she said. she was going for that casual sharing of information, tit for that. i'll show you mine if you show me yours. how old was he? somewhere around her age, a little older maybe. but not hitting the 40 mark she usually bonded with. ''kiddo,'' she repeated just to annoy the hell out of him but then flashed him a smile. her brows furrowed at his reply. ''you should be. people who have a chance to find happiness and love in life should go for it. make love, make kids, have a dog,'' she said. gosh she was almost on him now, the way his cock was pressing into her, how his palms were making such gentle perfect circles on her bottom. fuck, he managed to completely turn her on to the point where she needed to get off or she'll become even more of a bitch. ''you want to,'' she objected and shook her head at the mere mention of a date. ''i don't date... not sure if i even know how to,'' her teeth pressing down on her lower lip as his lips pressed a butterfly kiss on her jaw line, going for her neck and she was almost panting right there in the middle of a bar. great self-control, louise, really great, congrats on that! the world 'daddy' clawed its way through the lustful fog and she made an instant step back. ''so i do know you?'' was the first question that popped into her head and she tried to remember his face. ''you... of course. you grew up,'' her lips separated and looked away from him. ''almost ten years and you're still a sad little puppy that watches me fuck everyone but him,'' she laughed and it was a low move. she remembered him from her father's firm, sort of. she mostly remembered her half-judgmental and half-lustful stare he always gave her in the elevator. but she didn't know his name however. she needed to leave right away, but not before giving something. she stepped away and her palms drifted down her covered hips. she lifted the hem of the dress a little and her hands sneaked under. the next thing you know she was pulling her lacy panties down and then shoving them into his front pocket, one bulge to match the other me. ''this is the only way you'll get under my skirt. enjoy it, intern,'' she said with a sort of saddened voice and then grabbed her purse, storming for the door, leaving the judgy eyes behind.

the end.

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braden clarke
braden clarke

Female Virgo Monkey
število prispevkov : 75
cash : 155
street reputation : 53
tvoja starost : 32
starost lika : 27
kraj rojstva : denver, colorado

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyNed Apr 28, 2013 10:06 am

tag, louise smitten and they meet again haha

Ever since Mackenzie had walked out of his life it had become difficult for Blake to get out and do things with his friends, or anyone for that matter. The departure of his love (at least he thought that was it) was causing him to become quite resentful of all things love and he had buried himself in work, only daring to come up to breathe whenever he felt this urge to get drunk – which slowly helped him realise it was all for the best. Who would even want to date a possessive bitch that shared nothing but living expenses with him? So he was glad that most people didn’t even know about the whole ex thing, because it would have probably driven him insane having people pity him. Still, sometimes it was the thought that counted, so he tossed a look to that blonde that sat down right next to him, just as if she knew he needed company. It’s not that he was crazy sad or anything, he was freaking relieved it was over and the only reason he was here for was Louise, this dark haired girl he loved talking to or better said listening to. “You alone?” he stammered out slowly turning around, but he regretted it for the next half hour she’s spent talking about her own shit. The only way he could possibly get his ass out of this was to go to the restroom and not return at all. It sure was a bit insolent, but his head was already over flown with ‘he’s a dickhead’ and ‘i think we should have sex’, and he couldn’t be less impressed when someone drunk threw themselves at him.

So he mumbled out a few last words, left his drink on the bar – which he felt extremely sorry for, cause by no means he shat money – and marched to the toilet where he leaned on the padded wall. His left hand automatically popped to his pocket where he still kept her panties – right where she’s put them before calling him an intern, which definitely made things clearer now. She remembered him, but it also made her storm out of the club, so it definitely wasn’t a win-win situation. And since then, he’s been here every night, patiently waiting to see her again, and possibly get what he had wanted. A date. A single one. With her. Only her. And just as if this was destined to be their meet up point, he wasn’t really surprised when an older dude came walking in holding her by the hand. Her eyes staring down at her feet she didn’t even take time to look at him, but followed in the stall where another one of her sex acts took place. God, was it creepy that he enjoyed it so much when he heard the zippers unzipping and shoes falling down onto the tiled surface. But there was no moaning this time, nothing. Just heavy breathing that probably belonged to the punk that fucked her mindless. It probably lasted less than a couple minutes, or that’s what it seemed when this guy walked out of the stall leaving the door slightly open. Yes, it was definitely her sitting on the toilet, quietly catching her breath. His little Lou. “So we meet again?” he peeked in, quite sufficed with what he saw. Maybe it was time for her to realise this wasn’t the way she liked it. Right next to the nasty toilet of men’s restroom. “Just let me know if you need those, ‘kay?” he pulled out her panties to throw them at her, but it seemed rather disrespectful when he thought of it once more. Despite her way of talking to him the last time they’ve met, he felt nothing but pure compassion and maybe a tad bit of lust looking at her bare legs covered in goose bumps.

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louise bishop
louise bishop

Female Leo Rooster
število prispevkov : 43
cash : 105
street reputation : 37
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 25
group : police
kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyPon Apr 29, 2013 10:08 am

tag; blake smitten3

when she entered the bar with a man on her arm, she immediately noticed the muscled back of a certain dark haired male. he was looking at a pretty but fake blond on the stool next to him and she was careful to slip into a booth without him noticing her. half an hour passed and she was drinking martinis like it was the end of the world. her eyes wanted to drift away, to check what he's doing and there was no way he could see here from out there. so she played her usual role of a naughty horny mistress and let the guy touch the soft skin of her inside thighs, probably almost coming in his pants. shit, he was older than usual, but this was a strictly business move. he owned a chain of casinos and was undoubtedly full of gold. sometimes she even made herself sick with what she did. to the world, she tried to explain that it was her choice – that she liked being the one in power, spinning men around her little finger, using everyone and bending them as she wished. deep inside she knew that this power was something she needed to prove herself she's worth something. that there are people out there, who will do absolutely anything for her, unlike her father who still sent her money to behave at least reasonably if not perfectly. but it was starting to show how tiring it was. she stood up, as miguel nodded his head toward the restrooms, with shaky legs and made a runway walk to the toilets, noticing how the guy wasn't at his seat anymore, but the blond was, flirting with someone else. she still didn't know his name and maybe that was for the best. restroom doors opened in fron of her and she recognized the pair of legs she was staring at, keeping her eyes down she stepped into the toilet cabin after miguel, closing the door behind.

she didn't participate. she was too aware of that gaze set on the toilet doors. of that guy staring right into her eyes even if he couldn't see her. so she let the spaniard pull her panties down and immediately pin her on his dick. fucking bastard. she let out a faked appreciative breath into his ear but that was all. few minutes passed at most and then it was finally all over. ''i'll come out after you, give me a minute,'' she mumbled and added a wide satisfied smile, then erased it instantly as the doors closed behind him. she slipped down the side of the toilet, her hand pulling up the dispatched panties and she threw them into the recycle bin. the doors opened and she just knew who it was by the intensity of his stare. it made her shiver again, her legs starting to cover with goose bumps. ''you stayed for the show?'' she asked when he spoke but didn't look at him. she probably looked like a mess. her dress was up around her waist and her bra was out in the open, her hair all around her face, lips puffy from kissing. she didn't feel attractive at all. she glanced up and saw the pair of panties she gave him. why the fuck did she do that? ''could you, um..'' she started to ask but then shook her head and stood up from the toilet. placing her dress over her cleavage and down her hips, making herself at least a little bit more presentable. ''please, leave me alone, okay?'' she said, stepping aside of him and towards the mirrors. what she saw in there was just pathetic. ''i'm sorry for last night. just throw them away and... leave, yeah,'' the words weren't coming out easily as she tried to wash her hand, her face, everything. he still didn't move a fucking inch.

Nazaj na vrh Go down
braden clarke
braden clarke

Female Virgo Monkey
število prispevkov : 75
cash : 155
street reputation : 53
tvoja starost : 32
starost lika : 27
kraj rojstva : denver, colorado

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyPon Apr 29, 2013 5:58 pm

tag, louise smitten and they meet again haha

It was quite heartbreaking seeing her like that. With her hair messed up and half naked and if that dude happened to be still here, he’d probably flip out and kick the hell out of him. But then again, it was her choice. Given how feisty and angry she could get, she could definitely push him away or tell him off when and if things got too ugly. “I did, but it was quite disappointing today. I mean, I bet it was easy on the eyes, but vocally ... well, you sure lacked that today, my dear,” he started but realised he might have gone too far. With every look upon her face he got more and more upset and it was quite awkward not being able to help her in a way. Of course, he could grab her by her hand and help her get dressed, but he thought she wouldn’t appreciate it, he could hug her and whisper sweet nothings in her ear, but that would probably piss her off ever worse, so he stayed there and lowered his gaze just to let her know he wasn’t there for the show. Not at all, really. He stayed because he felt some sort of connection with her and he still desperately wanted to take her out, not have wild sex with her; just take her out on a date, as simple as that. “Hell no, I’m not leaving you alone, I don’t care how stubborn you are and how much you hate my guts, I’m not ... I care about you.” He patiently moved away as she tried to find a way past him towards the sink to wash her tired, slightly sweaty, face and and being completely honest, he couldn’t stand looking at her like that. He wanted to pull that tiny cocktail dress off her and wrap her into one of his huge shirts, he wanted everyone to stop looking at her, undressing her with their eyes, nailing her against the wall and taking what’s not theirs. “Let’s just get you all decent first, okay?” he brushed through her hair before she could even consider moving away. His fingers found their way down her back and under her armpits where he gripped around her tiny body and lifted her up to sit on the counter. “You don’t have to be all harsh and shameless around me, I know there’s something sweet and gentle behind those dark eyes of yours, I can just feel it,” laying his hands onto her knees he stared into her eyes until she looked down, knowing he was somewhat right. He had to be.

“You know what; you’re the first woman I’ve ever looked at completely in awe. You’re ... hell of a fighter and I need you to do something for me. Stop this shit, okay? I know you don’t do it for cash and after seeing you like that, I know you don’t do it for fun either.” He didn’t look at her though, it was way too painful seeing her lips all puffed up and her dress everything but classy. It’s not that he felt sorry for her, it’s just that this was the girl he actually liked as a boy in front of him, and she way obviously destroying her life. He couldn’t just come out like that though; he couldn’t just tell her that whenever he sees her he thinks of her as a sixteen year old and wishes he would have gotten a chance with her years ago. “If you really want me to, I will. But I was already thinking about framing them and hanging them above my bed,” he tried his luck at making her laugh, but she was too busy pushing him away. And maybe it was for the best. Leaving and not thinking about all this again. She was never naive and innocent and it seemed quite impossible she'd ever be worth trusting and relating to. “Oh, and I’m Blake. he eventually mumbled out and considered walking away after all.

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louise bishop
louise bishop

Female Leo Rooster
število prispevkov : 43
cash : 105
street reputation : 37
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 25
group : police
kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyTor Apr 30, 2013 5:47 am

tag; blake smitten3

she let out a little snort, clearly not appreciating how he approached the subject of what happened in that stall. she sure lacked the vocals today. it was mostly his fault. ''i'm just tired,'' she then mumbled out, finding some other excuse and then, when she comes home, she'll even try to convince herself that it was the truth – she was just exhausted, otherwise everything was perfectly fine with her lifestyle. ''i don't hate you. you can't hate someone you don't even know. and i know nothing about you when you know fucking everything about me. such an even playground, isn't it?'' she walked out to the counter and then gripped the edges with her hands, finding balance and some sort of safety in gripping something cold and impersonal. ''you don't care about me,'' she shook her hand, her thoughts getting all kinds of confused, because that was... impossible. no one in their sane mind would care about someone like her. no one normal, decent, good. and while he had his moments of being exactly what she wanted, he was still someone way too good for her. after all these years she recognized the good ones when she met them, and then stayed the fuck away from them, before she had a chance to ruin them. ''stop looking at me like that,'' her legs shook a bit, from anger and frustration. ''like i'm fragile. like i'll break. stop it, i'm fine,'' she continued the struggle, so very aware of his eyes on her pathetic outfit. the hand brushing through her hair surprised her, so she flinched a bit and tried to turn around, but he was pulling her up and next thing you know, she was sitting on the counter. the head shaking was an obvious answer, but she said nothing. just sat there, too aware once more of his hands on her knees.

she didn't fight him off as he fumbled around her, but refused to really look at her. okay, she really was a mess then, if he couldn't stand to even take a small glance her way. ''it's not always this bad... i'm really just tired and... well. then there's you. do you really have to stand there in front of the door like some sort of creeper?'' she gently punched his shoulder as he stood in front of her. she needed to turn this conversation around, it was way too close to home and it was getting way too personal. she managed to get out a soft smile at his joke but turned her head down as soon as he looked at her. ''nice to finally know your name, blake,'' the smile didn't disappear, but she still didn't look up. it was safer to stare at her hands than look at the compassion in his eyes. she sensed a slight shift in his stance as if he were considering lingering. her hand shot up and held his before she even realized, she was surprised even herself by this bold move. ''don't go,'' she whispered and finally took a chance of looking at him. ''i thought we were going to get me all decent?'' she suggested and scooted further up the counter. she should've just gone back to miguel. not stay here with blake. her brows furrowed, she still didn't let his hand go. ''touch me, please. don't kiss me and i'm not asking you to have sex with me on this counter in a filthy restroom,'' she started to speak in a soft voice and placed his hand back on the top of her knee. ''start here.''

Nazaj na vrh Go down
braden clarke
braden clarke

Female Virgo Monkey
število prispevkov : 75
cash : 155
street reputation : 53
tvoja starost : 32
starost lika : 27
kraj rojstva : denver, colorado

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyTor Apr 30, 2013 1:39 pm

tag, louise smitten and they meet again haha

»Yeah, well, it doesn't look too good when you keep pushing me away. I guess you really have no clue about who I am,” he smiled back at her and it actually made sense. Why would someone appreciate random person’s company? It would make him feel quite awkward if he – hypothetically – didn’t know a single thing about Louise and she kept calling him by his name and following him around. Exactly, he felt silly. Oh so silly and clueless. “I do care. Just believe me, okay?” he grasped onto her knees a little firmer now and he actually meant it. He didn’t know what was going on in his head, but he was drawn to her. He almost always happened to be where she was and he couldn’t even leave until he knew she was alright. Was it creepy? Maybe. Would he call it obsessed? Definitely not, just a bit concerned for her safety, that’s all. Thinking about it, he was a special human being, there were little men that actually cared about women and didn’t just think about screwing them all over and then throwing them away like rubbish, and although he would sometimes sleep with a random girl, it normally happened when he was drunk like a skunk or something. It was never mere lust or whatever sexual, it had to be something more. And maybe that’s why he’s twenty eight with no sign of a girlfriend, let alone married life. “Looking at you like what?” he repeated after her and moved his hands away when she shook her whole body in disapproval. Why would he even want to help someone so odd and annoying? Why was he even here when she begged him to leave and assured him she was alright? That this was what she’d wanted. That she willingly fucked every other old bag.

“I don’t care what you say, but ... you deserve more. You can’t just give your body away like freaking candy,” he felt more like a big brother now, interrogating her about what she’d done. And for some twisted reason it didn’t feel all that wrong. He felt like he’d known her for a lifetime and that he had a right to protect her from whatever she was in for, he felt like he needed to, because she certainly didn’t look like someone who could do it on their own. “So you think I have some sort of goggles to see through wood or what? I heard nothing, I saw nothing, I just want to make sure you’re okay. And you obviously aren’t okay or you wouldn’t be sitting here like a piece of shit all used and fucked up. so Just stop lying to yourself, I don’t mind leaving you here on your own, if that’s what you really want, but, I’d rather see you with someone ... trustworthy I suppose.” And with that said he wanted to go. He was done asking her out, playing a gentleman even though he knew nailing her against the wall and forcing her closeness would do a better trick. And when he already thought she’d just let him walk away she gripped onto his hand letting him know he was after all someone who deserved more than a simple kick in the backside. Someone she could eventually trust. “I should probably take you to the hair salon then. This thing on your head looks more like a bird nest than anything else,” he did exactly what she asked for. Lowered his hands back onto her knees and drew little hearts with his fingers. Her skin, oh it was so soft and he’d kiss it in a heartbeat if she was his. “I could bang you like him, you know. I could, but I don’t want to. But I do still want to kiss you.” His hand ran a couple inches higher and with another he gently traced her face that started to look more like her now. Just stunning.

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louise bishop
louise bishop

Female Leo Rooster
število prispevkov : 43
cash : 105
street reputation : 37
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 25
group : police
kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptySre Maj 01, 2013 12:00 pm

tag; blake smitten3

'and who are you' were the words at the tip of her tongue, but she drowned that curiosity immediately. no, she couldn't play the game of getting-to-know-each-other, because the next thing you'll know she'll be having a date with him and he won't be a casual acquaintance, a guy she met a few times. if she said yes to that date, it would be something so out of her field, she would remember him always. that guy she once went on a date with, that guy who tried to help her, that guy who was supposed to save her but then left her when he saw she won't ever change. he'll be that guy and she couldn't handle such a big fat burden on her chest. ''i do... i believe you,'' her voice cracked in the middle as his fingers brushed the sides of her knees, the feeling pleasantly tingling her in her belly. ''you give me butterflies,'' her lips formed a smile and she looked to the side as if she were embarrassed. ''just pretend i didn't actually say that and then blushed like i'm fifteen years old,'' she actually had the nerves to hide her face behind her palms. truth be told, when she was fifteen she didn't do a lot of blushing either. ''i'm not something you have to fix, i'm not broken,'' she stated once more, barely changing the words she said before. this wasn't some sort of a breakdown. she really was tired of all the games, but no way in hell would she be breaking down anytime soon. ''i'll go home early for once and... this week was a mess at work, at... here with you. you're making me feel guilty and i know you're not doing it on purpose, but... that's how you make me feel. weird and guilty,'' was honesty now pouring out of her.

she shook her head in silent defeat, not feeling like standing up to him. he had every right to think whatever the fuck he wanted, but she didn't owe him any explanations. so she won't give them to him. ''you can be so mean when you can't control your emotions, blake,'' she now used the name he gave her as he was lashing it all out on her. calling her fucked up, he really had the nerves. ''i'll be okay. maybe not in three minutes, but i will be. i know how to stand up after i fall. did it a plenty of times, trust me.'' a long time ago she saw herself with someone too, but those plans fell through when aaron discovered she was only playing him. it wasn't like she wanted to play around with men, like cats did with mice. she didn't know any other way. this playground was her whole life and she was the master of it. ''someone like you?'' she offered a possibility. was he the person he described? trustworthy? a man of honor? she carefully placed his hands back onto her knees and prepared herself for whatever she may see in his eyes as she looked up. she was very much aware how his fingers were drawing hearts on her skin and her breathing quickened gradually. ''i don't want you to fuck me like that, blake,'' she finally agreed with him and took a deep breath as his hands drifted higher, before sucking her lower lip between her teeth to control that moan that tried to come out. ''i want you to kiss me too. but i can't let you,'' her gaze dropped to his lips as she imagined how it would feel if she would give him a green light to do anything he wanted. ''a little peck maybe? even friends can handle that, so it's... safe i guess,'' she didn't move an inch but did wrap her leg around his calf to pull him a bit closer. ''blake,'' she closed her eyes as that hand of his caressed her in the utmost beautiful way without even going under the hem of her dress.

Nazaj na vrh Go down
braden clarke
braden clarke

Female Virgo Monkey
število prispevkov : 75
cash : 155
street reputation : 53
tvoja starost : 32
starost lika : 27
kraj rojstva : denver, colorado

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptySre Maj 01, 2013 9:45 pm

tag, louise smitten mal me je povleklo v eno drugo smer. hihi (:

Days ago he was an annoying asshole and now he gave her butterflies? Did she even know what that felt like or has she just mistaken them with some toilet disease she was coming down with. He didn’t know if he’d met a woman that’s spent so much time in the men’s restroom before, but he was no judge to point that out to her again. And again. And no matter how cute she was, she sure wasn’t that on the inside. Her words stung like a bee and then another second she was sweeter than chocolate. “But I remember you from when you were fifteen and I could see no red cheeks whenever you left your dad’s associate’s office. Just that naughty look on your face and sometimes a ripped stocking. So I think you might not be broken, just set the wrong way ... from the very beginning,” he responded to her gentle words that seemed more fake than Michael Jackson’s face. But it was still funny how her way of speaking changed every now and then, one second she’d sound like an adult with a decent job and then the other she’d seem like a teenager in a need of some serious spanking. “I guess I just want to make sure you don’t do anything you might regret later in your life. You know, being twenty five, if that’s how old you are, and still do all sort of crap ... well, that’s just seriously twisted. Why not just find someone decent, someone worth loving, a husband? Or are you just being all rebel for some sort of special reason?” he then proceeded giving her a lesson. If this was some other person sitting in front of him he’d have already left and stopped trying, but it was her, and no matter how hard she tried to stop him, he still cared. He still wanted to help in a way.

“Oh, and what do you mean by me not being able to control my emotions? I don’t have problems with my emotions, but it looks like you do, little girl.” She looked like a wreck and although he was close to picking her up and forcefully taking her home, he still kept his shit together. He knew she was no good for him, but there was this one thing he wasn’t sure off. Did she find him attractive? Would she do him like she does all the other dickheads? Would she like it any better? He was confused, because he surely wouldn’t mind her hands in his pants, but on the other hand he’d want to feel a bit more special than any other man. He wouldn't like being pleased in the toilet stall, not that she couldn’t turn him on, but it just disgusted him. “Seriously, I don’t care who, but that Spanish dude today ... well he certainly isn’t the one,” he came back with, because he felt quite uncomfortable with himself all in the open. It was way too early to say anything about that, she certainly was attractive and if he said he didn’t like her it would be a big fat lie. If he said he didn’t want her it would be a lie also. “And if it was me ... I definitely wouldn’t do you that way,” he pressed his hand onto her neck, gently caressing her soft skin and feeling her hair brush onto the back of his palm. Such a sweet feeling. “First off, we wouldn’t be in the restroom, your hair would still look decent and I probably wouldn’t try to rip your dress apart, I’d either take it off carefully or completely demolish it,” he now slid his thumb against her lower lip once or twice and then spoke again, “and if I were to kiss you, it definitely wouldn’t be just a friendly peck.” He happily moved closer towards her body, his crotch now pressing against hers, but this time he luckily had it under control. “It’s about what you want now, I know I can live without it.” He lied, but she couldn’t know.

Nazaj na vrh Go down
louise bishop
louise bishop

Female Leo Rooster
število prispevkov : 43
cash : 105
street reputation : 37
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 25
group : police
kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyČet Maj 02, 2013 3:53 pm

tag; blake smitten3

he gave her another low blow. but she couldn't scream at him that he was lying. because he was telling the truth. at the early age of fifteen there was absolutely nothing innocent about her. or maybe there was. maybe she still naively believed that one day she'll be a big girl fully able to conquer the world. able to stand by her father's side without him being ashamed of his bastard daughter. ''well, what can i say. i'm sorry if i'm not a fucking princess from a fucking fairy tale,'' she angrily spitted out and still refused to believe there was something wrong with her. yes, she made loads of mistakes. yes, she held no appreciation whatsoever for her body. it was just a tool to her, she wasn't afraid to admit that. but she wasn't set the wrong way, he was the one being wrong now. ''please, don't pretend you know my whole life. you've only seen parts of it. you've only seen what i've become. you didn't know me before i realized the way you dicks look at me,'' she was trying so hard right now to be strong. to not look like a ripped stocking. like something that used to be beautiful and pretty and was now shredded to laces. one honest thing she says, a few words she lets to slip out and he fully lashes out on her. fuck those butterflies, they'll have to die. ''the same goes for you. you're older than me and you're still single. you're not thinking about putting a golden ring on some girls finger. what makes you so different then?'' she was now confused because last time he said too her that he had all the time in the world to settle down.

''well, i'm frustrating you because you don't know if i'm really that shallow or if there's something more. therefore you're now saying mean things to me, just to see if i'll break if you hurt me enough. it's a damn cruel experiment though,'' she stuttered the last words out and placed her eyes on her knees, not wanting to look at him a second longer than necessary. did he really think she felt no pain at all? she never said she was an ice queen, never even pretended to be. ''there's no one for me, okay? i'm a misfit,'' she objected. of course she didn't plan do spend her life with some guy she casually fucked in a toilet cabin. she wasn't stupid for god's sake. ''you're doing the hot and cold thing, blake. you can't patronize me one moment and then start being sweet again. would you please just settle on one thing?'' she grasped up and wrapped her palm around his wrist as he held onto her neck. funny how she had a feeling he was undressing her with his eyes even if he didn't even look at the dress. ''demolish it?'' she whispered against his thumb as it rubbed her lower lip and she wrapped her lips around it, pressing a sweet kiss onto the skin. ''fine...'' she heard herself say as his crotch pressed on between her legs, making her once again aware she wasn't wearing any panties. ''i'll kiss you,'' she nodded and grabbed his shirt to pull him even closer, leaning forward to meet him halfway. ''but we're not having sex on this counter,'' she murmured before crashing her lips impatiently against his, losing her breath ever more as they moved in sync, slipping her tongue inside and devouring the spicy taste of a guy that was completely wrong for her.
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braden clarke
braden clarke

Female Virgo Monkey
število prispevkov : 75
cash : 155
street reputation : 53
tvoja starost : 32
starost lika : 27
kraj rojstva : denver, colorado

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyPet Maj 03, 2013 11:37 am

tag, louise smitten

“Oh, no, you’re definitely not a princess. You couldn’t be one even if you tried,” je spat out with a grin on his face. She was way too foul-mouthed and she reminded him more of the Queen of Hearts than anyone else. But he could be wrong. She could be a completely different person behind this wall that she’d built to protect herself from ... well, from people like himself. “But I’ve said enough, I mean, it wasn’t my intention to make you feel uncomfortable, I just know there’s so much more to you than what you’re giving me.”Refusing to budge an inch but keeping his guard up, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and narrowed his gaze at her. No, there was no way he was just going to leave her here like that and she very well knew that. She must have. “Well, I know you a little bit, I’ve seen you many times and you made a fairly big impression when I first, let’s say, met you. In that elevator,” he snorted out recalling that sweet little moment that he cherished for way too long. She was – for a couple years at least – the only girl he really wanted to impress, partially because he knew she’d never be his, but also because she was incredibly good looking. “Yeah, I am, but ...” he unsuccessfully defended. Just because he wasn’t a raging manwhore didn’t mean he was ignorant about physical attraction, not ready to settle down or what so ever. But she was in the right, he was in no place to preach about whatever she does, when she obviously does it for a reason.

“I think you just haven’t looked in the right environment. Toilets are a no, also strip clubs and possibly prisons, but I’m guessing you don’t spend much time there,” he knew nothing about her life beside the fact she was his former boss’ gorgeous daughter. The fact that she in one way wanted him to piss off, but in another she just couldn’t let him go. “No no, no, I’m not trying to insult you, like I said, you deserve better. You can’t live like that. I mean, I suppose you could but is it worth it?” he just wanted to stop talking about her now. He did all he possibly could, he made her think about it, but there was very little chance she’d actually make some effort to change. And why would she? Just because some asshole tells her to? He was – in a way – the same. He started out as a freaking drug dealer, he wasn’t far from where his brother is now, but yet he climbed out and eventually decided to work against what used to feed him. But there was no time to think about his ‘betrayal’ when she wrapped her hands around his waist and sighed softly against the scratchy fabric of his shirt. Beneath his ear he could hear how fast her heart was beating, despite how relaxed she appeared to be. So he squeezed her tighter and sucked onto her lower lip as she kissed him. Really kissed him. His hand automatically slipped under her silky dress, touching the side of her thigh, not really wanting to go any further until she gives him permission to. God, was he a prude.

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louise bishop
louise bishop

Female Leo Rooster
število prispevkov : 43
cash : 105
street reputation : 37
tvoja starost : 31
starost lika : 25
group : police
kraj rojstva : philadelphia, usa

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptySob Maj 04, 2013 6:28 pm

tag; blake smitten3
note; to je pa tak suckfest. obup.

maybe it bothered her how he suddenly just accepted she wasn't something exquisite and beautiful and radiant as the sun. how he simply accepted all the shadows that surrounded her and didn't expect her to try and be better, at least now, at least with him. he was right, though. she'll never be a girl with a tiara and a diamond ring on her finger. there were diamonds in her jewelery box, but they were gifts of gratitude. they measured how much a good fuck was worth. ''i'm not sure there is,'' she shrugged in honesty. right now she felt no need to play him further on. he saw right through her and maybe it will eventually stop bothering her so much. who knows, maybe she can even accept it, embrace it. come to terms, that he sees something better behind the bitch she was. ''make me give you more,'' she suddenly stated and to her it was as if the words came out of nowhere. what was he doing to her? she didn't want to change. but as she thought about it a little more... maybe she really could. change. such a scarry thing. like switching your body with someone else, like peeling your skin off and getting another. like throwing your favorite shoes in the trash bin. ''make me,'' her voice was more sure now, even more when he mentioned that elevator. ''i remember,'' she gave him a nod. ''i remember you from the office. i thought you're cute,'' this time a tiny spark of insecurity was unintentionally showing through the small cracks.

''so... what if i promise you i'll stay away from the toilets for awhile? i'll concentrate more on backseats, elevators and good old-fashioned beds?'' she only considered this for a second or two. of course she wouldn't be making this promise if she wouldn't be able to keep it. maybe she could do this. maybe she could be a decent girl for once. not completely innocent and good, but decent. it's better than the way she'd been living till now, right? her lips loved the softness of his. and she loved how he reacted so passionately, giving it all in, giving everything he had. laying it all in that one single, long, lustful kiss. ''um. we said this place is off limits,'' she breathed out without letting him go, as his hands drifted farther up her legs, her whole body going tense with expectation. she could imagine it – him quickly unzipping his pants, her spreading legs, him pumping in and out without a hint of gentleness. just pure raw sex. ''blake,'' she moaned in a silent plea, trying to shift her hips forward towards his hand. she wanted a prelude and she planned to keep her word and not let him fuck her right there. but she needed some sort of a release before he'll drive her straight over the edge. they didn't need to have sex to enjoy this little encounter. ''i'll go on a date with you. will you go on a date with me?'' she gritted her teeth together as his fingers moved a bit, her hands still cupping his neck, her lips almost on his.

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braden clarke
braden clarke

Female Virgo Monkey
število prispevkov : 75
cash : 155
street reputation : 53
tvoja starost : 32
starost lika : 27
kraj rojstva : denver, colorado

biker bar _
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: biker bar   biker bar EmptyPon Maj 06, 2013 5:30 pm

tag, louise smitten

She thought he was cute for fuck's sake! She apparently remembered him and decided his smart comments weren’t enough of a turn off as she slid her hands around his waist and settled onto his back. He could easily unbuckle his belt and screw her right there pinned onto the counter, feeling like a macho and possibly a dick at the same time. And as much as his body kept telling him to go with the flow, his mind fought back and he was stuck somewhere in the middle. Kissing surely seemed normal and so did his hands gripped around her thighs, and who’d even know if he went a little higher and gave her something to think about until she finally agrees to go out with him. “I said I wouldn’t fuck you, but this here certainly doesn’t qualify for sex,” he whispered against her lips as he slipped his hand further under the hem of her dress, touching her inner thigh, pushing them apart and making space for both of his hands that caressed her with such ease. God was she sexy when she let out a little moan and things got much clearer after that. It’s not that she was tired. No, not at all. She must have been seriously sick of random dudes fucking her and wanted something different for a change. Maybe even something with more of a meaning. With that on his mind he moved his hand up to trace her chin and gently rubbed her nose with his before finally settling down onto her moist lips. Such a perfect kiss he gave her holding onto her neck to stop her from playfully pulling away. He knew all the possible tricks she could pull on him and by no means had he wanted this to become one.

“What is it?” he mumbled out still touching her lips with his, barely even breathing out. He wanted her so badly, but on another note it seemed so freaking wrong. After having been trying to prove his point until she finally admitted to being messed up and confidently bragging about how he’s different and all, doing anything more than just a simple kiss would be hypocritical. But she was so beautiful and so close to him he could smell her hair by just taking a short snatch of breath. He could ... he could touch her soft skin and kiss her perfectly shaped lips, he could feel her hands slowly finding their way lower down his back, and even if it was bound to happen, it would mean so much more than just screwing around. He imagined her bare skin clinging onto his, their bodies merged into one and all that thinking made him instantly harden down there knowing he wouldn’t be able to handle this for much longer. However when she finally agreed to going on a date with him he felt this sort of a contentment filling up his heart and the only thing he was truly able to do was to let out this lame little phrase of gratitude. What the heck did she do to his masculinity? “Will you really?” he stammered out in all the excitement of the world crashing against his body and he wanted to ... well, he really wanted to hug her. “Your place, 9 o’clock, I’ll pick you up,” he helped her get off the counter, fixed this single lock of hair back where it belonged and eagerly kissed her cheek. He finally got what he’d wanted for years. He had a date with Louise Bishop.

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